Rave Reviews about Kara Marie Studios...
Hear what each of these Kara Marie clients had to say about their Austin Photography experience.

“ I don't love being in front of the camera, but knew I wanted to do it - and you made every step of the way so easy. I loved getting the information ahead of time about what to expect, what to wear for the session, details/directions/etc. You did a really lovely job of keeping everything chill and low-pressure - from easing my questions about outfits, to letting me know that you could handle my self-conciousness about my belly without hiding it, to the acutal shoot where your energy was so friendly and relaxed. I loved every step of this process!! This session was a big investment for me - I saved up for a couple years hoping I'd be able to do a session with you, and it feels so incredibly worth it. I can't wait to see my album.
It's given me a deeper appreciation for my body and myself. It's so helfpul to be able to see myself from a different perspective, and to see myself as art and so full of life. Thank you. The pictures turned out so beautifully. I'm literally still in awe that you could capture so many pictures that look purely like me - different moods of myself, different sides of myself - you captured the version of myself I always hoped was there and always wanted to see…..”

“ The experience was phenomenal from start to finish. The hair and MUA knew exactly how to make me look like me, only better. Kara and Joeli were warm, supportive, and very encouraging. The day of my shoot was rainy and cloudy - the best moody lighting ever. As someone who’s at the heaviest she’s ever been, i was a little nervous about how my body and all of it’s lumpy, bumpy, wobbly bits would look in next to nothing. I’m bigger than many of the lovelies that grace KMB’s social media, but I trusted her completely. Ever the consummate professional, Kara knew exactly what she was doing with each pose, slight tilt of the head, and dirty word she’s say to make me laugh. Her supportive and bubbly personality made me wish she could be my hype woman for life. The photo reveal process was lovely, and I was pleasantly shocked to see how beautiful and powerful my body looked. The portraits were perfect and the poses translated beautifully to showcase the favorite parts of me. The photos were sexy and clearly taken through the “female gaze” if you will - they were meant for me to appreciate my strength and curves, Not just to make my husband lose his mind. Thank you thank you thank you to Kara and Joeli for the unforgettable experience!
It’s helped me realize I’m a stone cold fox, even if I’m in sweatpants and unwashed hair…..”

“I knew going in that the experience was going to be amazing but it exceeded all of my expectations! As soon as my shoot was booked, I felt taken care of. I was provided with all the information I needed to get ready for my big day. When that day arrived, I was nervous about messing it all up but you and your team made me feel at ease right away. The shoot flew by and I had a blast. At my photo reveal, I was honestly speechless. You captured how I feel like I want to look. Thank you!
Definitely was a confidence booster. I'm in a weird season of life and feel like it was just what I needed…..”

“The level of detail and personalization from start to finish is incredible. Kara is the most hilarious, talented and professional woman you'll ever meet. Her sessions are full of laughter and so much good energy!…”

“I signed up to do this very "not me" photoshoot on a whim and a dare from a friend...three days later I learned I was pregnant! I was blindsided by this surprise pregnancy and honestly forgot about having committed to the shoot for months. When I realized it would capture what has turned out to be a truly healing, powerful pregnancy at 30 weeks- I was thrilled. I went into the shoot with no expectations and no agenda and was given such a gift! As a 9 year cancer survivor its a continual process of remembering to trust my body's strength and resilience and my pregnancies, for me, have such a healing part of this journey. I'm so grateful for Kara and her team for making this a fun and relaxed experience and perfectly capturing exactly how strong and fierce I feel on the inside.
It was encouraging and reminded of the value of doing "not me" things more often and celebrating where it takes me!”

“Every moment was absolutely perfect. I loved the candle burning in the studio, the HMUA was a pleasure to work with and really listened to what I wanted. Kara gave easy to follow instructions on posing during the shoot and I felt completely at ease with her in charge. The entire experience was unforgettable and I can’t wait to do it again!
I have always had terrible self esteem, but seeing those photos is a huge boost. I can’t believe I look like the person in the pictures. It’s amazing, I’m more at ease in my own skin.”

“I won the lottery! No joke! I saw a post where you said there were over a thousand people on the waitlist but I never gave up hope and that one morning when I just happened to be in front of my computer at the right moment to see your email come through was MY moment! Hahaha! I really did win the lottery.
The experience was beyond - from the moment I arrived until now, a month later. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talent - you are a true artist.
I’m sitting here on my couch in yoga pants and I still feel like the most beautiful woman alive!!! That’s how it affected me.”

“Kara made me feel so empowered and confident during my shoot. She really made me feel at ease and comfortable from start to finish. We talked and laughed and I had a blast! It was the most amazing experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I left the shoot feeling empowered and un-fuckable-with. I still feel that way today. At 37 I’m the strongest I’ve ever been both inside and out. These photos show that.”

“ I didn't really have any expectations so it was all so much fun! Kara and the team helped me feel beautiful, strong, powerful, sexy...all the things! I honestly had no idea how the photos would actually turn out because it's hard to imagine based on the poses, so the reveal was that much more fun! This was an energizing and uplifting experience, thank you!!”

“This was such an incredible experience! It may sound strange and contradictory, but I felt vulnerable, yet empowered; modest, yet sexy; anxious, yet unbelievably comfortable. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and was a great reminder that I am enough.
After getting knocked down several times over the last few years, this experience restored my confidence and reminded me that I’m stronger, smarter, and more resilient than I ever gave myself credit for. I’m secure in myself. I own my flaws and shortcomings really well, but this experience reminded me that I also need to own my strengths and successes. I am enough.”

“I woke up the day of my photo shoot in tears. I had started my period a week early, I didn't feel pretty. What had I signed up for? I'm not a model. I'm an accountant. I've never done this before. I was so nervous. I don't even know why.
From the moment I met Kara, I felt like I was with my girlfriend. She made smile and laugh, remembering why I was there...to freeze this moment in time where at 35 years old, I finally feel like a fucking badass beautiful working woman, wife, mother, and friend.
This experience ticked every box of mine, and some I didn't even know I was missing or needed. Like doesn't it make sense to have insanely gorgeous professional pictures of yourself all the time? Pretty sure that's a hell yeah!
Kara brought everything that I was finally beginning to love about myself to these insanely incredible pictures of me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't wait to experience this again.
My heart has done a lot of searching this year. Not really sure what it, or I, or we are looking for. But this past trip around the sun, it's been wild, but mostly in my head.
I know I've changed. I look different. I love different. I feel different. But I'm still me.
I'm learning how to let my head and my heart live separately together. (Is that even a thing?) It's feels like a lot of unnecessary, necessary work.
But this photo shoot reminded them both of what's at the core...us. We are in this together, my head and my heart.
And this photo shoot, this experience has brought so much happiness to my life. I can't stop smiling and loving me in these pictures.
I want to inspire other woman to feel the same way. I've started a journey to see how I can make changes to my life because after seeing this whole experience, I am definitely doing something different with my life. This experience has give me so much more than I could have ever dreamed of.”

“ I have followed Kara on Instagram for years, and always thought "I'm going to do that one day," but every time her sign-up opened, I chickened out. I wasn't in the shape I wanted to be in, felt too uncomfortable in front of the camera, didn't have the right reason for a boudoir shoot, felt like I could use the money on something else. There was always a reason to tell myself no. And then one day, I finally said yes. And it was one of the best decisions I've made in a long time.
I initially told myself that my session with Kara would be a great wedding gift for my fiancee – something he would never expect to receive from his overly body conscious girlfriend. But as I got closer to shoot day, I realized that it was as much for me as it was for my fiancee. I've never quite been comfortable with my body – and even with a year to prepare, I still wasn't in what I considered to be "boudoir-ready shape" by the time of my shoot – but after years looking at the beautiful images Kara created, I figured that even just one good image would make the shoot worthwhile.
My experience with Kara was so much more than I could have ever imagined.
Kara was a total joy to work with. She completely changed the way I felt about my body, and brought out a confidence that I always lacked. I thought that taking pictures in lingerie (and less!) with a relative stranger would make me freeze up, but Kara's friendly demeanor put me at ease from the moment I walked in, and I felt like we were old friends despite only meeting her that morning.
Even just taking the photos, I left feeling powerful. I finally saw myself as the sexy, confident woman that my fiancee always saw. Seeing the final images just amplified those feelings. I honestly felt like I could conquer anything, which couldn't have come at a better time for me personally. The week after my photo reveal, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My entire world flipped upside down. I went from being embarrassed by my body to gaining an unknown confidence in it to wishing that I spent a little more timing loving it. Kara did something for me that I wasn't able to do for myself, and now, as I'm about to embark on a very difficult life experience, I'm so grateful that I have these beautiful images to look back on – and to serve as a reminder of the hidden self she helped bring out in me: a confident, self-loving bad-ass boss babe.
Working with Kara is a definite investment, but one that I would make a million times over, and I look forward to booking many more experiences with her in the future.”

“ It was amazing to experience getting behind the camera. Kara has been my dream photographer I've always wanted to have a session with and it 10000% was totally worth it. The experience was seamless and effortless and I appreciated every second. I can't stop staring at my photos!! ♡”

“My first shoot with Kara was incredible. My second shoot? I don't think there are actual words to describe it. She brought every feeling of joy, self love and sexy out of me and I'm still so overwhelmed when I look at my photos I can't stop smiling! In other words. I actually can't even.
It always reminds me of how powerful I am whether I'm showing skin or not. Although they are pictures and boudoir pictures are that, I still feel like it shows my internal strength and beauty more than anything else ever could.”

“This makes me cry while typing this... but I've discovered that I can be beautiful no matter what the scale says, or what size jeans I wear. I have a very hard time accepting myself, and this entire process has really been almost therapeutic. This experience has done so much for me in terms of loving my body, which has never been an easy thing for me to do.”

MISS “R” SAID…”Ohhhh. Time with you never disappoints…
I sat down, For a moment acutely aware that I was alone on the sofa, It felt good. Because I did this for me.
My mind was clear. My heart open and my breath calm. Then this image came on the screen. My eyes welled up. My heart felt as if it were going to burst out of my chest. Who is she. I know her. Comfortable in her skin. A woman okay with the cracks, the imperfections, the mess and the unknown. One who in the last 5years has done a lot of fucking inner work. Raged, cried, laughed, surrendered. Opened up her heart knowing it would be broken. And doing it over and over again. A women who has learned that love it limitless and the more she can pour into her world, the world, the more will return. A woman who still has insecurities, fears, doubts, hesitations. A woman who stands up and walks into them. A woman who has fallen back in love with love after such a long break. Back in love with every moment, every breath, every human.
To anyone else, just a woman tossing her hair around, having a good laugh.
Every image tells a story. I keep coming back to you because you capture it. My story. Its not about what others see its about how they make me feel. Thank you for honing your craft so that others can see themselves. The real them.
Thank You.”
"Do the thing you can not do." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"It was absolutely wonderful! Kara made me feel so beautiful and I had so much fun! Everything, from when I first walked in to when I left, was absolutely perfect."
"I could not have asked for a better experience. I feel wonderful about myself! I had never looked at a picture of myself and genuinely thought I looked good. Now, I can’t stop looking! These pictures not only make me feel beautiful, but I feel like I can do anything, be anything, and I have never felt this empowered before!"

MISS “A” SAID…”Kara- you are so fun to work with and this was an experience every woman should have. Thank you!”

Miss S said…” Originally, I booked my session to coincide with my third child's first birthday. Between pregnancy and motherhood, my body hadn't felt like my own in almost six years, and I was ready to get my groove back. A few months after I booked my session, I found out that I have the BRCA2 mutation and would need a preventative double mastectomy to reduce my breast cancer risk. I thought (for about two seconds) about canceling but quickly realized how much I wanted photos before the surgery to celebrate and memorialize my unaltered body.
Leading up to the session, I did not feel amazing. I felt heavy and tired and stressed. I never seriously considered trying to cancel or postpone, but I did read Kara's blog about helping her client overcome a similar "case of the blahs" about 200 times leading up to my shoot. I tried to remember: this is not about getting perfect pictures of a perfect body; it's about getting beautiful pictures of MY body.
Kara was a consummate professional and guided me through every single second of the shoot. I never felt awkward or like I needed to "look sexy." I felt comfortable and present and proud.
I felt too good during the session to look bad in the photos. I love my photos. Really truly LOVE them. It was a beautiful gift that I gave myself and one that I'll treasure forever.

Miss D said…”Absolutely amazing experience - I absolutely was blown away by my boudoir experience and pics so I knew I was in such amazing hands. But being pregnant comes with an entirely different set of emotions and thoughts and feelings about your body.
My viewing session was after I actually had my baby girl and to see myself in the images while I was no longer pregnant gave me such a different perspective on my pregnant female body. You feel uncomfortable and your body hurts most days but to look back through these images, shows me the beauty that you know is there but don't often feel. Doing this session was one of the very few days throughout my pregnancy where I not only felt beautiful and sexy but was able to celebrate all my body was doing to create this incredible human.

I did this shoot to memorialize my youth. I want to be able to thumb through my beautiful photo book when I'm 80 and say, "Look how hot I was!" This was my gift to myself in a year full of change and bumps and bruises, and I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. As I said in my email right after we did our shoot, I want to sincerely thank you for how incredible the whole experience was. I knew I wanted to shoot with you the moment I saw your gorgeous photos - they aren't trashy or crass or soft porn-y. Every single one looks like a fine art print. The photos are timeless and classic and classy, which is exactly what I wanted. They're sexy but not sexual.
During the shoot itself you made me feel so confident and beautiful, which is something I really, deeply needed in my life. Candidly, I had been considering plastic surgery in the form of fillers to correct some "flaws" in my face (probably born out of spending too much time on social media comparing myself to Instagram models), but the incredible experience of shooting with you made me take a step back and reconsider. Your eye for light, shadow, and shape is absolutely unparalleled - my skin is glowing and flawless in every photo. Every shadow accentuates the things I love about my body while gently disguising the things I don't.
I felt so appreciated and whole and like I was "enough" in your studio, a feeling I almost never have anymore. The work you're doing is truly transformative, and I couldn't be more grateful to you and your team.
My boudoir experience boosted my morale 1000%. I couldn't stop smiling during my photo reveal. I kept thinking, "Wow, that's me! And that one! And that one too!" I couldn't believe it. I hate the way I look in photos the majority of the time; during my reveal, I had the novel experience of having too many favorites. It's a wonderful feeling that I'll carry with me (and use as motivation to book another session soon)!"

"I stumbled across Kara via Instagram and boy am I glad I did. I have ALWAYS wanted to do a boudoir shoot...FOR MYSELF. With a wedding coming up in October, I found it to be the perfect excuse to pull the trigger and gift these images to my husband to be but also (more so) to myself. Kara and her team made the process seamless from start to finish. I purchased the “Works” package so that I could get the full experience. I had a blast sipping mimosas and getting all dolled up by her talented hair and makeup team. Then it was time to get naked!! Kara made everything feel so comfortable and FUN! I came for the full experience and she did not disappoint. She carefully walked me through each pose demonstrating them first and then adjusting my posture/hair/etc as we went (meanwhile Justin Timberlake radio was playing so that didn’t hurt either lol). I couldn’t believe how fast my shoot went. The worst part about the whole experience was waiting the dreaded three weeks to then view all of our hard work. I decided to drive from Houston to Austin once again to view the images in house as opposed to via computer as I really wanted the full experience. Kara presented me with SO many images and it felt a bit overwhelming at first because I loved and wanted them all but she helped me narrow it down to my absolute favorites which was really helpful. I ended up purchasing more than I originally had “budgeted for” (what’s a budget when it’s bad ass pics of yourself being bad ass) but the payment plan she offered made it a no brainer. I was able to purchase an additional 10 images and wall art for our bathroom. The images Kara took of me completely embodied my vision and every wish I had for this shoot was gracefully executed. I had many friends tell me that I should keep looking around for a lower price and not to spend that much money, but I knew the work Kara put forth was worth the investment (and I was right, obviously). I have no regrets and am so grateful I took the plunge and booked when I did so that I can present my almost husband with a beautiful gift. If anyone is on the fence, it would be my advice to JUST DO IT!!"
"Thank you thank you thank you. This shoot meant more to me than you will ever know. Went from bad ass 1.0 to bad ass 2.0. " ️

"Loved loved loved it! Can’t stop looking at my pictures."
"The months leading up to my appointment time were long and allowed me the time to think about how I wanted to prepare for my photos, and after a lot of consideration I decided to forgo any radical exercise or diet program. I wanted to the photographs to reflect me as I am every day. Then it was finally the day of the photo shoot and of course I was reconsidering my previous decision to not to any major dieting or exercising to be fit fabulous for my photographs. From the moment I walked in the door Kara and her team made me feel welcome and special. I couldn't have asked for a more caring and dedicated team to trust my pictures to. I got the works and after my hair and make-up were done we got right to business with Kara taking the time to show me every pose and making light of all the awkward poses required to get just the right look. Kara was patient and constantly reassured me that my photographs were coming out beautifully and she couldn't wait to be able to share them with me, but of course I kept thinking, I should have done more, my pictures are going to be terrible, I even left asking "has anyone ever hated all of their photos?" A week later, I got my first sneak with one of my photos. I couldn't believe it was me! I didn't look terrible at all; Kara made me look like a girl straight out of magazine. Then I went for the photo reveal and again Kara and her team made me feel so special! I felt like a queen for a day with my own private photo shoot viewing. And of course I LOVED my photographs and I was so amazed that Kara was able to highlight all of my best features that make me "ME." In every photo I saw me with of course a little glamour. With all of the effort and time spent prepping me, getting to know me, taking my photos, and prepping the photos for viewing you can easily tell why Kara is so wonderful at what she does."
"The decision to not undergo any radical diet or exercise program before my photos was the best ever. All of my doubt and worry about how the photos would come out instantly faded the minute I saw my photos. The amazing part now is that I can look at the pictures and know that it is me, as I am every day. Not a starved overworked version of myself, but a version that enjoys all the things life has to offer. The pictures showcased the beauty and grace that is there every day. Kara's ability to view the best in her clients is what made that happen. I will be forever grateful. Thank you so much!"

" I wasn’t sure what to expect going in but I was so excited! You and Kendall immediately put me at ease and the experience was incredible! Your energy and humor and total engagement made the shoot so fun and easy..absolutely an experience I will always treasure."
"I feel confident and proud! It was a perfect experience for me :))"

"This was a very uplifting fun filled experience that I would redo in a heartbeat and plan on doing so in the future. Kara and her team are very talented and know how to make you very comfortable and laughing during the whole process. Magicians of photography.
It allowed me to see myself how my husband sees me. He always tells me I'm a unicorn and Kara was able to capture it. Thank you for this amazing experience."

"From the moment you arrive, it is a well oiled machine. There is nothing that isn't thought of and taken care of in advance. It is one of the smoothest, stress free, positive experiences you will ever have. Kara is just this pint size nugget of girl power and positivity, as well as the rest of her team. You will wish at the end of the shoot that you could just take them with you to be your permanent life coaches.
After 3 kids and the daily grind of life, I was in desperate need of a new appreciation of this fluffy mom bod. Not only that, but I was in the throws of a thyroid issue and all the fun things that come along with it, weight gain, hair loss, temperamental skin issues, and self esteem issues. After seeing my pictures, I feel like I'm seeing myself for the first time the way my husband says he sees me. I can. not. wait. to give him my book!"

"Looking at these pictures makes me feel like a badass! This was round two boudoir for me with Kara and totally different than my first! Last year I was shy and unsure about even doing a boudoir and this year i came back with a vision and ready to take it all off! It is so empowering to feel beautiful in your own skin and Kara is wonderful at capturing that. Doing this boudoir shoot let me see how far I've come in just a year. I've grown and I've changed and to get that in print is something I'll have forever."

"Kara has been one of my favorite photographers for a few years now. I've had friends that have done shoots with her and I've admired her work from afar thinking one day I'd like to do that. 'One day' finally came and I took the plunge. I was a little nervous going into it but the moment I walked in the door I felt so comfortable. Kara has a way of making you feel confident in your own skin.
There wasn't one moment during my shoot where I thought 'I wonder if my thighs look big? Can you see my cellulite/stretch marks? Do I look fat? Are my boobs big enough? Do I look skinny?' I felt beautiful posing in my nothingness."

"First of all I can't thank you enough for this experience. You were amazing throughout the entire process, from emails to the actual shoot, plus your positivity is contagious!
As all the reviews say, you do make the entire experience so comfortable and easy, everything about the process exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds.
You truly are an artist and you captured exactly what I had imagined in my wildest dreams. Thank you for being so amazing at what you do, I can't wait to do another shoot with you!"

"I originally booked this session as a gift to my husband for our one year wedding anniversary, as it turned out, and I've learned it often does… this was such a gift to ME! I loved my experience all the way from booking my session to hair and make up to the shoot to the reveal...
Every single moment was empowering and authentic. Every moment was ME, I just didn't know THAT me was in there!"

"As soon as I stepped foot into the studio Kara was so warm and welcoming. I immediately felt like we were best friends *hair flip*. She treated me as a woman and not as a girl. I was not embarrassed to be expressing myself while dressed in lingerie. I felt strong and powerful. Kara has the personality of grace and confidence that pours onto anyone in her presence. The photoshoot was absolutely magical. It flew by so quickly, I was sad to leave. But I knew when I stepped foot out of that studio, I was changed forever."
Miss "B" Said...
"Very personable and professional!! I had a great time chatting before hand, while my makeup was being done and then the rest of the shoot was SUPER relaxing. Kara guided me through ever step and it seriously was so much fun! A huge thank you for doing the video chat reveal, because we were on the other side of the world by then.
Input on outfits before hand was super helpful too. Communication before, during and after was amazing too. Oh, and food recommendations afterward was great as well. Best burger I've ever hard. Awesome."


Miss "A" Said...
“This was one of the greatest experiences ever. I felt so comfortable and at ease... Did I mention I was half naked? I cried when I saw the pics..."

"Kara was amazing in her ability to highlight my natural good points. She made me feel at ease from the very beginning with her warmth and humor.
It was a very empowering experience for me that I'm so glad I did."

Miss "B" Said...
"Kara, words can not express how I feel about my boudoir shoot! It was seriously one of the most awesome experiences I have ever had. The entire time I felt totally pampered. From professional hair and make up to your help with choosing what I should wear, I just felt like the whole experience was all about me, feeling great about me! I would do this again in a heart beat. I wish that all woman, from shy to super outgoing, would treat themselves and experience a boudoir shoot with you. It is a very empowering experience! I felt great, my pictures were amazing, and my husband was thrilled with the end result too. :) Thank you so much!!"

"It was AH~MAZING!!!! I felt completely comfortable from start to finish - it was like I was hanging out with a friend even though it was our first time meeting.
I couldn't have asked for a better experience & I'm beyond happy that it was with with Kara Marie Boudoir!
I’m already thinking about when I want to do it again!”

"I decided that this was a session that I needed because for the past couple of years, my husband and I have struggled with fertility. Through many rounds of medications, surgeries and so many other tests, I just didn't feel much like myself anymore. I also grew to hate my body. At the beginning of this year, I started running to feel better and stronger. The early morning was the perfect quiet time to hit the pavement and work through my feelings, or not, and just push my body to things I had previously told myself I couldn't do. My perspective began to change and I slowly started to love a body that I still didn't fully recognize. This photo shoot pushed me over the edge and I finally saw my body as strong and able again.
My overall morale has improved greatly since the beginning of this year. Not only am I happy in my skin and with myself, I now can accept when my husband says the same thing to me. Before, I struggled so much with guilt that we couldn't have a baby and he has always told me that my body was beautiful but I just couldn't believe it. I know that Gods timing is perfect, but I have to believe the shoot was part of His plan. The same week my beautiful book of photos was delivered, we found out that we are pregnant!"

" I wanted a boudoir shoot before my wedding, but I just didn't get around to it. What I came to realized is that the fates had something better in store for me because not long after I got married, I found Kara Marie Boudoir and began stalking her blog and social media, dreaming of the day I would get to have my own shoot, not just a boudoir, but A KMB shoot. I would see outfits and imagine what they would look like in Kara's photos - not super creeper like, just seeing her talent and knowing she would make everything AH-mazing. As my husband and I started to talk about having kids, I knew I wanted to get the opportunity to have a "pre-mom" body experience and so I ask (begged, pleaded) and we went all in with the full package - hair/makeup/shoot/book. It was really the best way to go - I felt like a million bucks after Kendall got done with my hair and make up and Kara was so wonderful to work with as we laughed and posed and had a ball. I felt like a Victoria Secret model! I KNEW the shoot went well and couldn't wait for the reveal. When reveal day came I had over 100 photos to have to choose from - and I was worried about even getting the 10 to fill the book! Choosing which ones to get was the hardest part because they were all so good. I'm pretty self conscious and critical of myself (what girl isn't) but I didn't even see the flaws - and that was the most amazing part of the whole experience, I saw myself for how my husband sees me, and damn if I'm not a serious hottie!
Everyone is always critical of this or that on their body. Everyone always thinks, I need to be a certain weight/shape/size/personality/whatever to do something like a boudior shoot and let me just say - no, you don't, you just need to be YOU and make the call! The whole experience makes you feel like a million bucks, which makes the cost a pretty good ROI if you need to justify it. Getting your make up and hair done, getting to listen to music, and letting your inner goddess/diva out is an exhilarating experience. Almost addicting, which is why I understand people going back for multiple shoots. It isn't about being vain either, it is truly letting you being a little selfish and saying, "Why yes, I am a bad ass, sexy woman. What are you going to do about it!?"

"I have always considered myself 'cute', but I never would have described myself as sexy. It felt great to feel sexy! The whole experience from arrival, to hair and makeup to the actual shoot, it was a great day. Having my sister with me was the icing on the cake!
I felt very confident after the photo shoot. It was so much fun and definitely an experience I wish I could do again."

"As a photographer myself I'm familiar with the in's & out's of a photo shoot but don't often get the chance to be on the other side of the camera. I went into this experience totally open minded and fully invested in the process. I turned off my "photographer brain" and just sat back and let Kara do her thing. This totally paid off because it was such a treat! During the photo shoot I felt beautiful, sexy and confident. That's not to say that I wasn't nervous! I had several moments leading up to the shoot where I thought "OMG I'm not ready yet, I need a few more weeks to get these abs in check!" haha Luckily I powered through and I'm so glad I didn't put it off. The makeup artist was talented - she did exactly what I requested! Natural but sexy.
Kara you are truly an artist and that's one thing I had at the forefront of my mind when I chose you! Going into the photo shoot it wasn't just about me or creating a gift for my husband... I wanted to create art with you! It may sound corny but it really was a major factor as to why I chose you. As you directed me into poses I was thinking about how this would look awesome blown up in our bedroom. Having the end result in mind helped me commit to the moment. :)
At the reveal meeting I never once thought about those problem areas of my body. Speaking of the Reveal Meeting... I am so glad that I decided to bring my husband with me to help pick the photos! It was great getting to see his reaction and notice which photos he gravitated towards. (We still laugh that he was obsessed with my hair so much! If I would have known that going into it I would have stressed less about my body! haha)
Now that the shoot is over I feel a stronger appreciation for my body. It may still be a work in progress but it's never too soon to celebrate where I am at. Yes I still have some cellulite BUT it doesn't take over my thoughts when I look in the mirror. I have showed so many of my girlfriends the photos - I am just so proud of the photos we ended up with! #Confidence
It's been a few months since the photo shoot and my husband still mentions the photos at least once a week. I love that he LOVES the photos so much."

"It's exciting to be able to do something like that and know that Kara knows what she's doing and will make me look amazing.
Everything was perf!"

"AMAZING! I felt super comfortable and not rushed at all. I was able to voice what I liked and what I wanted fixed for my makeup. The poses, angles, lights... all phenomenal! I looked super tanned and toned ;) You're a true artist, Kara! Thank you!!!!!"

"The whole experience was great from the initial email up to this review. I appreciated the quick response to emails and the notes on what to expect and how to prepare (I musta read over them at least 10x). Since I'm a long-time Instagram follower (aka stalker) of Kara Marie Boudoir, I know that Kara is a very busy woman, but during my time at the studio I never felt like her attention was else where. I felt very much like the center of attention and my time there was focused on my experience and making sure I was comfortable and having a good time. I left wishing the time was longer and looking forward to doing it again.
My morale after an experience like this, and especially after viewing the pictures, is at an all time high. I'm learning more and more as I get older that the more often we are able to do things for ourselves, the better we feel from the inside out. It's difficult to put into words the feelings of self-confidence, self-worth, and inner strength that result from doing this. It's a remarkable feeling and I wish I could convince all of the women in my life to do this for themselves.
Thanks again so much for the whole experience. You are a true artist and you work stays with a woman forever. I would have traveled pretty much anywhere for it. I didn't want to pose by any window, it had to be THAT window; I didn't want to lay down and arch my back on any floor, it had to be THAT floor; I didn't want to plop my naked ass down on any floor, it had to be THAT floor in front of THOSE bricks. Anything else would have been settling, and quite frankly I've done enough settling in my day."

"This was an amazing experience!! I'm so glad I did this!! I highly recommend this to every woman to do for themselves!!!"

"Kara, you have a gift! Thanks for making my boudoir shoot such a fun experience. Many moons ago, I attempted a boudoir shoot with another photographer and the results just weren't the same. Plus I was a nervous wreck the entire time and it was written ALL over my face in my photos. Shooting with you was like hanging out with a girlfriend, it was so laid back. The images you produced are amazing! The hardest part of it all was selecting which images made the cut for my photo album, there were just so many good ones to choose from. I love that you captured me in both sexy and silly moments, because that's ME! I'm so glad I took the time this go-around to research a boudoir photographer. You and your team are the absolute BEST!
Whenever I look back at my photos, I smile! The images are tasteful and beautiful. I look forward to another shoot in the future.

"GIRL you are a genius!!!! I truly don't know where to start. From the first email exchange to the photo reveal it has been the most amazing experience and has forever changed me. As an angel mommy to 2 boys I have not felt like a woman I have felt like a complete failure in every way as a woman. I have never seen myself as sexy ever and have had some horrible relationships that have torn me down in so many ways. For the last 12 years I have been Mom and have put myself on that back burner. With my youngest 5 years old this was my way to help heal myself and start being ME in a way I've never been. As a soon to be 33 year old and mom of 7 I decided I had to just jump in and go for it.
I have never felt so comfortable around someone else in my entire life not even my husband. The process was so easy the day of. My nerves that were all over the place when I arrived were easing away by the time my hair and make up were done. I left the shoot on cloud nine feeling a confidence I had never felt before. To me at that moment the experience was worth it no matter what the pictures turned out looking like.
The photo reveal left me speech less and just in pure awe that I was looking at myself in these stunning photos. I called my husband on the way home with this amazing empowering feeling like I hope my daughters always feel about themselves! I told him how shocked I was and how I think he will be pleasantly surprised at the photos. He laughed a little and said nope I won't be surprised I have eyes and see that in you all the time. I know they are going to be amazing and beautiful.
My self doubting ways are going away and I am finally confident in who I am and focusing on the positives. I am happier, spunkier and for the first time feel like I am good enough. My album arrived today I am again left in awe of this amazing experience!
I am already looking forward to doing this again it is truly addicting!!!! You are a true professional who feels like someone you have always known. Without you it would not have been the same experience. Thank you for lifting my spirits and finally showing me what my husband sees."

MISS "R"...
"IAs I sit at home in the most mom-ish pajamas possible, and house shoes too, I can't help but smile thinking about how glamorous you and your team made me feel for a day! I am SO glad that I was able to step out of my comfort zone and embrace this experience, and beyond thankful that I was able to have you lead the way. I am pretty sure I have repeated, "I can't believe that is me" at least a thousand times today. You are truly gifted with what you do, but photography skills aside, you helped show me that there is still something more to me than just plain mom, and for that I can't thank you enough!"

“…I had the best time during the session and left feeling more confident about my body. I'm grateful that there was direction because I would have felt lost otherwise. The images blew me away, both artistically and personally.
Kara, you are AMAZING!
It was empowering to take the time to do something like this. As women (especially mothers), we too often focus on those around us and don't always take time for ourselves. This was an extra special treat in my year, but I know I (and my husband) will cherish these for decades to come...”

“I was extremely nervous about the shoot and the reveal! Kara made me feel at ease instantly.
I am proud of myself for going through with it...I have been wanting to do this for years…”

“Working with Kara Marie has been an extraordinary experience from the very beginning. Her exceptional care of the details, her expertise and her professionalism was absolutely phenomenal and refreshing. It took me eight years to recover and regain my health from two autoimunes, while opening three fitness studios in ATX and raising two beautiful children under every circumstance imaginable. I turned 50 in January 2020 and this was my GIFT TO MYSELF that I hope will inspires more women in their 50's to take back their life, regain their health and be the absolute BADASS they were meant to be now and always. Thank you Kara for being such a phenomenal woman who captures other phenomenal woman so beautifully...I AM TRULY GRATEFUL TO HAVE HAD THIS OPPORTUNITY WITH YOU...and I am already planning my next one…. XOXO

“I had the best time during the session and left feeling more confident about my body. I'm grateful that there was direction because I would have felt lost otherwise. The images blew me away, both artistically and personally.
Kara, you are AMAZING!
It was empowering to take the time to do something like this. As women (especially mothers), we too often focus on those around us and don't always take time for ourselves. This was an extra special treat in my year, but I know I (and my husband) will cherish these for decades to come….”

“I have wanted to do this for my fiance forever and was so excited to have the opportunity. But the moment I booked my shoot, I was suddenly TERRIFIED. I walked in super nervous and self-conscious, wishing I'd leaned out more or figured out my facial expressions or spent more time finding better outfits or GOT MY NAILS DONE for crying out loud. The fact of the matter is, I'm super busy and didn't have the time I wanted to get myself psyched up for my shoot. Luckily, Kara and Jolie immediately snapped me out of that. From the moment I walked in, I felt at ease and totally taken care of, like I was hanging out with good friends who happened to be brilliant photographers. I appreciated the exact science of being posed and the relaxed nature and silliness of the session - it's intimidating as a non-model to not know exactly where to put your hands or how to tilt your head or hold your face, but the guidance is truly brilliant and simple to follow.
When I do this again, it will be solely for me, and I will completely revel in the experience. I can't wait.
It reassured me that I look the same (which is normal and strong and good!) at any weight and made me REALLY excited to share this special thing I made myself vulnerable for with my future husband. It's definitely boosted my confidence and made me less afraid to put myself out there. I also steer away from thinking of myself as beautiful, because somewhere along the line I got it in my head that you can't be

“Kara you are a master at your craft! You and your team made me feel right at home. I would hang out everyday if I could.
I definitely look at myself differently. I may not be perfect in some eyes but I'm pretty damn happy with what I've got :)”

“My 30th birthday is this year and I was trying to find something to celebrate, commemorate and capture how life is in this moment. How I feel, my attitude, how I look in this moment leading up to 30. I booked this appointment after hearing about Kara Marie from a friend and looking back, I am so happy I did. I was welcomed to the studio by Kara Marie and team and felt instantly comfortable. There is a great vibe in the studio - incredible sunshine, an uplifting spirit and a place of instant empowerment and freedom. The team was professional and went to work on hair and makeup (which turned out AMAZING) and then it was time to shoot. This was the first time I'd taken photos like this and of course, my biggest fear was my fake smile (which happens about after 30 seconds on smiling) as well as any serious faces (which for me, was a vulnerable spot). Kara Marie captured everything and guided me to feel free and confident. She is a total professional and I felt I was in such capable hands. At the photo reveal, I was welcomed by the team and was tremendously impressed with what was in front of me. Any insecurities I had before were completely blown away and I got to see a side of me that was full of confidence, femininity, and accomplishment, but most importantly, it captured how I felt in this moment, in life, in this skin as I neared a milestone birthday. Now sitting with my album book, I'll be able to remember this special year, a year of tremendous growth in a mindset and attitude; acknowledgement of vulnerabilities as well as being able to own it and be one's true self.
This experience has made me to more deeply acknowledge my feelings, vulnerabilities and take ownership of how I want to live my life. Not wanting to sound cliche but this year has had its highs and lows (new job, two moves, a little bit of heartache, and a lot of unknowns), and in the end, I am so proud of how far I've come. This album made me feel those things and to feel more authentically without fear.”

“Kara has the magic skill to make anyone feel at ease and her superior knowledge and experience in photographing people adds to the experience.
I did this as a celebration and acceptance of my 45 year old mommy body and I couldn't be happier. Too often we get down by over-criticizing ourselves, especially bodies. Working in the fitness industry it's even worse. So looking at the pics and seeing myself through the (literal) lense of someone else, gave me a new a fresh perspective.”

“My photo shoot with Kara was honestly one of the most liberating experiences of my life. I was quite nervous because I'm not exactly comfortable in front of the camera fully clothed, much less with all the bits hanging out. The morning of the shoot I was like...what have I gotten myself into?? I haven’t worked out nearly enough, my body isn’t really camera ready, the list goes on. I clearly must have had a temporary lapse in my sanity to sign up and go through with this. I think the only thing that got me to the studio is that my nerves were quieted a bit knowing that Kara is a master at her craft and I've NEVER seen a less than perfect photo on her Instagram. Even so, I was still a bit jittery and sweaty palmed whilst getting my hair and makeup done.
All of those nerves completely melted away as soon as Kara was behind her camera in front of me. It was like hanging with a friend...a friend who knows all your best angles and can position you in just a way to capture them all. The shoot FLEW by! I thought I would be counting the minutes until it was over, but was actually sad and couldn’t believe when our time was up. I left on cloud nine, but have to say I was still a little nervous I wouldn't like any of my photos since I'm my own worst critic.
Flash forward to the photo reveal. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. When the slide show started playing I couldn’t believe my eyes...couldn’t believe it was me in all the beautiful photos. To say I was blown away is an understatement. As I sat there in silence, my thoughts shifted from “I hope I find a few I like to holy hell, how am I going to choose?” Thankfully Kara has a process to help even the most indecisive people narrow down and leave knowing you’re walking away with an exquisite collection of photos. I cannot wait to receive my album and hope I get the privilege of working with Kara again in the future!! I wish every woman could have the privilege of being in front of her camera. She’s more than just a photographer...she’s a self love, positive body image, badass inducing woman whisperer.
I’ve always somewhat struggled with body image to some degree over the years. As I’ve aged, those insecurities have grown. After turning 40 and starting to feel the effects of gravity, hormones and a lazy metabolism my body image hit an all time low. My body was changing and not in a way I found desirable. I had always wanted to do a boudoir shoot and thought now, even though I was slightly disgusted with my body, was the perfect time. I thought maybe the process could help me learn to love my body, feel beautiful and sexy again and be comfortable in my own skin.
I went in hoping for this, but not expecting much since I’m extremely hard on myself and usually hate myself in photos. I thought it might be painful to look at the photos and see myself not as I once was, but as I am now. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I cannot stop looking at my photos, still can’t believe they’re ME and can’t wait to schedule my next shoot!!
I walked away from my photo reveal in awe of the photos and in awe of my body and even though I know I’ll struggle to fully love it every single minute of every single day I am so thankful for this experience and to have these photos to set me straight and remind me of just how badass my body is (curves and all) when I might need reminding. Before the shoot Kara asked for my favorite body part and I couldn’t come up with an answer. Now I would have a hard time picking just one.”

“They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it was incredible to see myself through Kara's lens. I’m not one for the spotlight and when I think about it there are a lot of cultural and social reasons for it, but she saw me the way I would like to be seen and showed that beautiful, sexy, and powerful woman, so that I have a reminder whenever I need it of who I really am.
I feel so proud of myself and far more confident. :)”

“To say this was one of the most empowering experiences I have had is an understatement! I had such an amazing time! It truly was so much fun and liberating! The pictures are more than I expected! Thank you, Kara, for making me feel beautiful and confident!
This past year has been a year full of growth for me and I could not have picked a better way to finally start celebrating me and the person I am becoming. This experience has definitely lifted my spirits and has started my year of being the best version of myself off to an amazing start!!
I wish I would have done this sooner!!”

“I saw some sneak peeks, and I cried in the MSP airport. These photos are 100% representative of me and I cannot wait to share them.”

”So much fun, incredibly empowering and uplifting! I was so nervous going into it, but 5 minutes in I felt so comfortable and had a blast! The whole experience was wonderful and Kara made me feel so confident and beautiful. I would 100% recommend this to anyone thinking of shooting with Kara!”

“Absolutely loved the shoot! Kara, thanks so much for making me feel comfortable and helping me pose for each picture. It was truly an incredible experience!
Definitely made me feel a lot more confident and I am so excited to have these pictures to cherish for forever!”

"Wonderful to see myself as my partner does. Discovered aspects of my body I didn't know I loved. Can't wait to do it all again."
"Let me just say that Kara are her team are simply AMAZING!! Ladies if you're on the fence about booking a boudoir experience, think no more and just GO FOR IT!!. It was such a fantastic, fun experience and yes... I am SO doing it again!"
"Overall it gave me such an awesome CONFIDENCE boost!!! We women/mothers/work-aholics, yes that's me, lol do so much that doing something like this for myself was such a MUCH needed breath of sexy fresh air."
"We can brainstorm a bigger, better photo shoot on my next booking, we can call it my NEXT LEVEL ish. haha"
"Looking forward to the next one....already, 2019...we're coming for blood ;-)"

"I had such a great experience from start to finish. I appreciated the prep guide and all the information provided prior to the shoot- it really helped me feel prepared and know what to expect. Even though I know you have many clients, you made me feel important and were genuine when making conversation with me. Your organization and method you have for everything- from the pacing of the photo shoot to helping me decide on photos on reveal day made me feel at ease, and made the whole process pretty effortless on my behalf."
"My experience has boosted my morale in a way I never expected. Before even seeing any of my photos- just the act of going in, doing the photoshoot, being given the platform to feel empowered and important had me on cloud 9 for days. I felt accomplished and really good about myself. (And this is coming from a person who is an anxious, self-doubter most days). After seeing my photos, I immediately thought of all the times I've seen those "Instagram models," and thought to myself I wish I looked like that... Well, I looked better than those "models!" All it takes is a little self care, confidence, and a BADASS photographer like Kara. ;)"

"Kara was amazing! Being a photographer myself it's hard to trust another person to shoot with the same aesthetic as yourself. I trusted Kara — completely!! She has a great eye and attention to detail that far surpasses the general norm. She also has a calming, comforting air about her that helps one relax during the shoot. That's my kind of gal! I would do another shoot with her in a heartbeat."
"It's fun to see yourself glam'd up and firey! The way she shot the photos is actually how I feel on the inside - ready to kickass EVERY day. It was quite surreal to see what I feel in my head, portrayed in an image. To stand back and look at yourself from an outsider point of view — Very empowering!"

“Hmmm...I'm not really sure how to begin! This is going to be all over the place because when I think about the experience, which happened almost a year ago, I still get excited. The first time I found out about Kara Marie Boudiour I became instantly hooked. I booked my session ASAP without even thinking. Then came the,"holy shit what did I do?!" thoughts. I thought there was no way in hell I could pull off the looks of what I had seen via Instagram. I have NEVER seen myself as sexy and I felt like I made a mistake and most of all I was worried I just wasted money. Skip to the day of the shoot, I drove in from Houston and literally was a nervous wreck the entire drive. I was greeted by Kara's assistant and instantly I knew I was about to have fun. But would I GET NAKED?! As soon as I met Kara I liked her. She was calm, cool, collected and totally professional. She seemed to notice I was losing my mind with nerves bc she helped me go through the wardrobe and I answered all questions with "I really don't know, whatever you think!" On the inside, I thought I might hurl. I then began getting hair and makeup done with Kendall. She made me feel at ease and I felt like I could be friends with her, I LOVED my hair and makeup! I started feeling more excited and then it was time for the shoot. Kara started with the things that had more material like a pro, and then came the nakedness (I ended up leaving a tiny g-string on)! However, by the time it was time to actually get naked I didn't even mind! THAT IS HOW GOOD SHE IS. There I was just rolling around like it was nothing and she orchestrated the entire thing! The shoot went by WAY TOO FAST bc it was that fun. I walked out of there feeling like I needed to go to a club with some hot girlfriends to celebrate my badassness and schedule another session right away while I celebrated but unfortunately it was like 11 a.m. so I just text my girls and told them they all needed to follow her immediately as well as book a session. I waited on pins and needles for the picture reveal and the day before, I couldn't make the drive bc one of my kids were sick. I was SO SAD not to be able to go through them with her so we did it online together. The first picture I saw I nearly fell out of my chair. I couldn't believe it was ME. She wasn't pushy AT ALL with buying more photos since I was on a budget and she helped me pick one out to print, I'm still in love with it. My husband finally got to see the book and he was wide-eyed and said, "See, I told you you're sexy as hell!" I've been waiting patiently to schedule another session ever since. I can't WAIT! And this next time, I know without a doubt I'll rock it even more...minus the g-string too. ;) I'll never use another boudoir photographer besides Kara and if I have anything to do with it, neither will my friends!”
![MISS "S" SAID..."Loved it! Was fun and I felt completely comfortable. [Since the shoot, I am] basically feeling like a badass err day."](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52d87c2ee4b08a516dd52193/1523635632837-26Y0VSML2KH2P9SXTFX5/boudoir.jpg)
"Loved it! Was fun and I felt completely comfortable. [Since the shoot, I am] basically feeling like a badass err day."

"That was ridiculously fun! I felt completely comfortable the whole time, and actually left feeling more confident than when I came in! And I *may* have tried to recreate at least one photo at home because I was so anxious to see it"
I have curves that I never knew existed! I'm petite, so I've always been the 'cute' one, but the shoot really made me feel like a super model.
My husband's comment- 'choosing just one of these [photos] is like choosing a favorite bag of a million dollars!'"
"One of my friends asked me what I was going to do with the album - absurdly like really what was I going to do with a book of semi nude photographs, but hide it in a drawer. Well,, I'm going to look at them everyday and say *expletive* yeah that's me. When I'm 90 I'm going to carry the album around 24/7! You are so right that they are more than sexy photos for the hubs. They are me - how I don't always see me. Bonus - they are kick ass artsy cool! And by that I mean YOU kick ass as a photographer!"

"Kara, you showed me in a way I rarely, or maybe never, see myself. When I came to my shoot, I was feeling really bedraggled, tired, and stressed about life. But this shoot made me feel so wonderfully good about myself!
I walked out with one heck of a sexy attitude and a ‘bring it on world— I can take whatever you throw at me and not just handle it, but have FUN with it’ mentality!
I feel more beautiful and vivacious than ever. And the pics are too die for!"

"So we sat down, she woke up her computer and BOOM, there I was. My heart started racing, I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to have every single image printed. I wanted wall paper made out of these images. I did it. This was me. As Kara scrolled through, I lost my words. I couldn't speak. I was speechless.
These pictures showed me that I was more than just a wife and mother. They showed me that I am a woman with so much more to offer. What started out as a gift for my husband, ended up changing my life. Confidence is the number one word out of my mouth when anyone asks about my images. Confidence. "

I truly have to say this is an experience like no other. I had no clue I had it in me to even book a boudoir photo shoot, much less actually follow thru and then realize I had THAT kind of sex appeal.
From the very beginning Kara made me comfortable working with her. During the shoot I had never felt more excitement, butterflies and just a sense of huge confidence! Kara definitely knows how to make you put the "ass" in sass... Or maybe that's just because I told her my man was a booty guy and she knew exactly what to do to get all the right angles.
The first time I went and viewed my proofs.. I literally had tears in my eyes... The day I actually picked up my book and canvas I squealed and jumped! Why had I never seen myself like this? It wasn't just the gorgeous makeup, the awesome hair or the barely there lingerie... It was the complete package and how I truly came out of my shell. I felt beautiful... Even with the imperfections I think I possess.. I saw past that and I saw a sexy woman!

I had an amazing time during my shoot. I felt so comfortable the whole time and left feeling very excited to share the photos with my husband. You did an amazing job demonstrating the positions and directing me to get into them, and the photos came out INCREDIBLE. I can't wait to do this again someday!
It made me feel sexy and excited to share the photos with my husband and the experience with everyone I know!
Miss "V" Said...
"When I first found Kara’s work, I was enthralled by the energy and romance that pervaded her photos. I scrolled through endless galleries of engagements, families, weddings, and then, one day, I discovered her BOUDOIR galleries.
Flash forward to the moment I walked into my shoot with Kara: it was like reuniting with a long lost friend. She was so energetic and bubbly that my enthusiasm was immediately boosted to another level. The shoot was a blur, and after a few snaps, I could feel myself start to relax and really get into what I was doing. I wanted the powerful, sexy, feminine woman that I felt like on the inside, to be shown on the outside and in my photos. When I saw my images, I was speechless. This couldn’t be ME. No way. And yet, there I was, sultry, self-assured, and shining. I’m obsessed with my pictures, and I can’t thank Kara enough for helping me capture my inner feelings on film."
Miss "J" Said...
"Kara and her team welcomed me with open arms. I felt so relax, except for the awkward positions she had me in! Ha! ;) But really, I recommend all women do this! Just shut up and DO IT. We all need some "me" time now and then.
I wasn't in the best shape physically that I would've liked to have been, but then after seeing my photos... HELL TO THE YEAH!! :) I looked awesome (hair flip). Yay! I cannot wait to show the hubster!!
Kara, thank you so much for doing what you do and making me feel so comfortable. Kendall, her make-up artist, was also great and felt like an old friend! You are all so talented and lucky to be able to do this, make women feel beautiful! The whole process was easy breezy. I will definitely book with Kara again! (Fist pump) :)
"I'm sure that you hear all the time how transforming your photoshoots are... but seriously. It's so much MORE than just feeling sexy. It's the confidence of GET IT GIRL, of not backing out, of HOLY SHIT I DID THAT.
So THANK YOU, Kara. thank you TREMENDOUSLY. You have totally changed my life.
I canNOT wait to do it all over again, soon!"

It was perfect. Pure and simple. Kara made things so easy and natural for me. It was everything I hoped it would be and more.
It helped boost my confidence at the end of my pregnancy just when I needed it most. I can't thank her enough.

"This experience meant so much to me! At just 30 years old, I had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and really wanted to capture my body in its natural state so I could always remember it. Driving over to the studio the morning of the shoot was a little bittersweet because I knew it was the last time I would have the opportunity to capture my body as it was then. That afternoon I was scheduled to chop off all my hair and the following day I would be starting chemo with a mastectomy to follow.
But as soon as I arrived any sadness I felt immediately disappeared because Kara and her team made me feel so welcome and excited.
The studio space was beautiful and seeing all Kara's previous work posted on the walls made me really glad I was getting to do this with her. While I was getting my hair and make-up done and feeling super glamorous, Kara selected her favorites from the outfits I brought which took so much pressure off me and ensured everything would photograph really well. Once we started shooting, Kara demonstrated every pose like a rockstar and guided me to do it right too. I am not someone who knows how to make sexy faces, but Kara pulled them out of me somehow! By the end of our shoot, I couldn't believe it had already been an hour and I wanted to keep going because I was having so much fun! I left feeling like a model and was certain that she had created some beautiful images.
Over the next two weeks, I counted down the days until the photo reveal! I was so excited and it gave me something to look forward to in the midst of feeling crummy from chemo. Once the day finally arrived, I was in stunned silence throughout the entire slideshow. I couldn't believe how beautiful the images were. Every pose she had put me in was incredibly flattering and hid any areas I felt self-conscious about.
I am so thrilled to have had this experience before undergoing all these huge body changes and I know I will cherish these pictures for a lifetime. And I also can’t wait to do it all over again in a year to celebrate my journey and get comfortable with my new body!”

Miss "M" Said...
"I've never been a model, and I definitely don't have the whole smiling-with-my-eyes thing down. I told Kara I was getting nervous, but when she shared her vision for our shoot, it was WAY more my style than the sultry sex-kitten vibe I had always associated with boudoir photography and I felt much more comfortable. During the shoot, Kara directed me the whole time (which was a huge relief for me), and I ended up having so much fun! As in, "my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing for 2 hours" fun. You can really tell that this is what Kara loves doing, and she wants you to enjoy it too!"

Miss "S" Said...
"The entire experience was absolutely fricking amazing!!! I researched so many photographers in the Austin area but the minute I saw your work I fell in love. Of course like most women I was nervous about doing the photo shoot but you provided so much information I literally had no questions when it came time for the appointment.
In the beginning this started as a gift for my husband but as the process went it on I noticed it became more of something I was eventually doing for myself. You have such crazy talent and helped me see myself in a completely different way that is hard to put into words.
After having 3 children and getting older I had lost that confidence I used to have about my body but you brought it all back and then some! Every woman should take the opportunity to do a boudoir shoot with you! Thank you so much for keeping it classy!"

I loved it. I went in with an open mind, and loved every second of it. I am a perfectionist, so my body is never exactly how I want it. However, the pictures turned out amazing. I am obsessed with them. You do such an incredible job at making your clients comfortable. I had no inhibitions and felt like a knock out the whole time.
I don't lack confidence, but it definitely has let me see that even with the imperfections my eyes see, I am still damn hot!! I never would have imagined I could be so obsessed with pictures of myself.

Miss "B" Said...
"Before I booked with Kara, I'd seen her website and multiple posts on facebook and would always go green with envy. I wanted that. I wanted the confidence to do a shoot like that. I didn't want to do it for anyone else but me. So I sucked it up and booked it. I could have waited until I firmed up some here or there but I didn't wait. I can now look at those pictures and believe in my own beauty. Yes. I needed that. I'm still a woman with all those lovely hormones and insecurities (that my husband for all his love will never understand). So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I don't think I can ever thank you enough. All I can say is: Book now. You won't regret it."

Miss "K" Said...
"I didn't need an occasion other than I was celebrating me. It's hard to look into the mirror and remember that you are a gorgeous, deserving and spectacular woman when someone isn't there to tell you. These photos made me feel just that! I never thought as a woman going on 30 with two children I could feel so beautiful let alone sexy. Let me tell you, when I saw the photos my jaw dropped! "Is that really ME?! Whoa! Sexy mama! " Kara was very understanding of how I felt about my body, what poses to put me in, even in the uncomfortable poses she managed to make me laugh, and of coursed they all turned out gorgeous. The photoshoot was so smooth, and easy. I am so very grateful I have these photos. These are MY memories, reminders, and empowering proof-no fear. With these photos I am not just a mother; I am a strong, sexy, daring, boundless woman. Thank you Kara!"

Where do I start...came nervous...left confident ,feeling sexy and found my "bad-ass-ness"

I appreciate how comfortable you made me feel during the shoot. The excessive communication before the shoot was a HUGE plus of this experience. And the images are stunning. Thank you!
My biggest takeaway is that the experience has made me realize that you don't have to be a famous model to get pictures like you see in magazines.
Thank you for showing me how beautiful I am! Everything was great!

The experience was so much fun! I felt completely prepared between all of the communication and advice that was given from the time I booked the appointment and all the way through the reveal session. You are truly gifted at what you do and you made me feel so relaxed and excited at the same time.

"Kara as I said before you have a gift and it is so inspiring to see you use it to lift women up in a positive way. You make people forget about their body image and embrace beauty. Thank you for being my silver lining in a time when I needed a boost the most! As I am writing this I get tears in my eyes because I don't think you and your team realize what you did for me. My pictures are stunning, so happy with the results.
This has helped me regain some self-confidence and self-respect. I know it sounds silly but as women we don't see ourselves in the most positive light. Especially coming out of a situation where I was doubting the person I was. As I stated previously I hadn't even seen my pictures and I didn't care, it was so easy and fun and just what I needed."
"I was excited, and ready for this when I walked in. But this experience surpassed my expectation, and dreams!
I am a photographer, so I knew what I wanted, but could never find the right Photogtapher to capture what was in my head. As soon as I saw your work, I knew that I had to work with you!
I'm in love with my new body, which I worked so hard for!"
"Having the opportunity to embrace my body in a sexy, tasteful and creative way was such an amazing and eye opening experience.
Not only did I push myself to do something I have always thought about and wanted to do but I absolutely love the images.
I wondered what I was going to look like after a shoot like this and I could not be happier with the end result.
I think anytime you do something new or test your yourself in some way, it affects you.
The boudoir experience helped me see myself in a different light and having photos of myself and my body that I am proud of is invigorating. It shows and reminds me of how my fiancee sees me daily.
I wouldn't change a thing about the experience."

"It was a wonderful experience and I am truly grateful I was able to have it. It really helped to change my mindset and improve the positivity in my life. It was important to me to be able to change the perspective on wearing an insulin pump. The "Show Me Your Pump" campaign that began in 2014 was a great starting point to help users feel more comfortable with exposing their pumps and to decrease the stigma and any feelings of embarrassment some people may have. However, I feel it is important to not only be unashamed of having one but to show that one does not define you. Your character is more than a medical device and it shouldn't be the only thing someone focuses on. People should see YOU regardless of whether you have a pump or use a wheelchair or have a prosthetic. The type of photos I requested were envisioned and produced by Kara in exactly this way. Those images are so powerful that the last thing anyone would think was that the pump was a flaw. Rather the images throttle it into the forefront as an accessory to sensuality. I would encourage any insulin pump wearer that feels any reservation about revealing their pump to view these images in order to gain a more positive perspective.
It's definitely made me more aware and appreciative of the features I have and allowed me to embrace them. I'm focusing more on those positive things and letting go of the self-criticism. I'm now able to focus and enjoy the beauty of others in a positive way without it causing me to feel bad about myself.
I had not felt attractive or feminine, let alone beautiful, in a long time. This has been an awesome experience that has helped to open my eyes to see myself in a new perspective. I am beginning to embrace myself just as I am and appreciate my physique/features as well. (And to stop being so critical and harsh on myself!)
My photo session and the sneak peek photos that I received have made me look and feel confident, sexy, beautiful, powerful, feminine, voluptuous and soulful. I am a force to be reckoned with!"

"I have to admit, I really was not looking forward to this shoot. My best friend pretty much talked me into it and I was really self conscious leading up to it. As soon as you started shooting photos, distracting me, telling me positive things about myself, and showed me a few photos as you shot, my whole outlook changed. It also changed when I received my photos. I literally cannot stop staring at them, and I still cannot believe they are of me. I cannot wait to do another shoot!!!
I feel like a completely different person. I did the shoot for my fiance, but it ended up being 100% for me. I have so much more confidence after seeing the photos, I really don't know what I was so afraid of."

"It’s a very welcoming environment. I was extremely impressed with decor and cleanliness of studio, and then we go into small details like small welcome sign. Both makeup artist and Kara have great personalities and are more than willing to help when asked. I really enjoyed that Kara took the time to look at my outfits and put together a look I had not necessarily thought of. I mean she’s the pro after all, though. As far as actual time in front of camera, Kara makes sure to make you feel like a sexy/beautiful woman. I appreciate how detailed she was of poses and gave great direction. I drove in for the reveal, and I’m extremely glad I did. I was excited to see my images and again, the environment she set up was a relaxing and fun one. Anyone not jumping on this opportunity is missing out. There’s Kara Marie Boudoir and then there’s errbody else (no offense other photographers ;) )
It has made me love and appreciate my body that much more, and that’s a pretty big statement coming from a little narcissist like myself. Didn’t think that was quite possible, but I think after a while you begin to critique your body and see it differently than for what is really there, but these pics made me realize “hey, yes, you have small tits, but they still look pretty badass and they’re actually bigger than what you thought! Alright, I dig it!” Again, I’m quite the narcissist, but even Instagram models get the best of me and make me think about ass and boob implants, but I have decided against it, and will continue to photograph my body for years to come to purposely see how my body has changed throughout the years and admire and appreciate all of it.
You came to my rescue with my past boudoir experiences. You are my hero!"

"I knew I wanted to work with Kara when I saw her work on Instagram. From the moment I reached out to Kara, to the time I showed up for the shoot I felt welcomed and at ease! I had originally booked a session to celebrate a recent weight loss and as a one year anniversary gift for my husband. A few months after I booked the shoot I found out that I would be expecting my first child! It was such a special experience to know that the photos were from when I was a few weeks pregnant, and that they will forever epitomize that exciting time for me! I CANNOT STOP looking at them! I haven't felt this sexy....ever. I am so glad that I did this and I definitely want to schedule another shoot after the baby!
The whole experience seems meticulously planned out, and I can tell that Kara has put a lot of thought and care into every detail, and it definitely shows!
I knew that at this point in my life I was starting to get more comfortable with my body, but this experience has taken my confidence over the edge! I feel feminine and sexy, and beautiful and that is all I have every wanted!

"I was fortunate enough to get the chance to shoot with Kara commercially before booking her for my private boudoir experience, and she didn't change her demeanor at all! She was the picture of professionalism both time, coaching me on best angles all while making me feel so comfortable, I felt like I had known her for years! While we shot, she asked about my life and why I chose to do this shoot, while also opening up about herself. Her studio is gorgeous, even though it was a super gloomy day when we shot. During our photo reveal she just sat back and let me look at my shots at my leisure and helped me to choose the best ones, while cheering when I chose each one. It was an amazing experience and she is an amazing individual.
I struggle with body confidence, battling eating disorders and depression, so to have someone so genuinely and effortlessly kind about my body was... well it just felt great! I had such a spring in my step after my shoot and my reveal! My shoot started out as a gift to me, but ended up being one for me and my man, because he is also one of my life's great cheerleaders."

"Such a confidence booster! I was super nervous at the beginning and so relaxed by the end. It reminded me I can still be sexy! Thanks for a great experience and making me feel beautiful!!"

"I really can't thank you enough, I've never felt more beautiful in my life! You have a true gift of making a person feel completely comfortable in one of the most vulnerable situations.
Talk about a total confidence boost! Not only will I be a repeat client, I'll be sending all my loves your way!"

Miss “T” SAID…
“… There is nothing more powerful than a woman who cannot be defined; who say you can't be both sunshine and cyanide? These images show both the soft and hard sides of me. I would never in a million years see myself the way Kara's lens captured me and that is why I wanted to do this photo shoot for myself. I started a journey nearly 4 years ago to reinvent myself for myself. This shoot with Kara was to solidify the success of that journey and a reminder to keep going. We all have different chapters of our lives where we are built up and torn down, only to come back stronger for it. I am proud of who I have become, I had a hell of time becoming her but she is here to stay. These photos are a testament that anything, for me, is possible.
To sum it up: .Some women are "once in a lifetime" type of females, there is no upgrade after her...that is how you made me feel, the whole time and with the outcome. All the hearts to you and your team…”

“I came into this experience with only one goal: to be seen. Really, truly, seen. I used to think I didn't take good pictures. I would never seem to look like myself in pictures, no matter how much effort I put into it. I was always overthinking it. Finally, through this process, I realized that my effort was my enemy. The only way to truly be seen was to allow myself to just...be...without thinking...just being in the moment. And that's what Kara did for me. She made me feel comfortable to let go of my controlling ways and to just be in the moment...and I finally see the woman staring back at me is myself. And she's beautiful...and she was there all along.
“Fate whispered to her, "You cannot withstand the storm.""
And she whispered back, "I am the storm."

“Amazing is the only word I can use to describe this whole experience. I did this for me, myself and I. I never thought I would want to do something like this, but when I stumbled upon Kara's Instagram, I became obsessed.
Her aesthetic matched mine perfectly. I had the confidence to book this shoot and knew I would look gorgeous, but simultaneously, I also knew I needed something like this to solidify my confidence and make it tangible. I am at a time in my life when I am just starting to love my body and myself for who and what I am and not what I wish I could be.
Through Kara's lens, I could see that I already am what I wished I was!!! During the shoot, Kara and her team made me feel relaxed and like I was the most fun and best model they had ever had. Once we got going I didn't feel silly or uncomfortable, I felt like her muse. The next day I got my sneak peak and while I loved the image, I could believe it was me. My friends loved it, and one described it as me looking my absolute best and then stumbling into perfect lighting. Today, at my reveal, I was almost in tears.
I was shocked that the photos I was looking at were actually me. And not because I couldn't believe they were, but because finally someone had documented what deep down I wanted to love about myself, but for some reason refused to accept as true. I'm so thankful to Kara and to myself for doing this. Seeing is believing!

“I have spent my life up until now living with, as my friend put it, the curse of being the competent one. I am always the one worrying, thinking ahead, and doing everything possible to make sure that nothing goes wrong. My experience with you turned my exhausting existence on its head. OMG...worry-wort no more. You took care of everything. I felt completely cared for and supported from start to finish. Every time I had a question...it was answered on your website or in you emails. You even provided information that I didn't even know I needed! Any fretting I had about what to wear, what shape I was in or about the shoot in general was completely put to bed by your constant emphasis on the fact that you had me. Knowing you had me together with knowing that your work is AMAZING led me to just let go and be...dare I say...carefree. I knew that you would work your magic with whatever I brought and with whatever shape I was in. Instead of packing every "just in case" and "back up just in case" item of clothing and being bogged down by loads of luggage, I threw some things that I loved into a carry-on and got on the plane!
Being in the studio that I had seen in so many photos of was surreal. You call is minimalist, I call it just plain cool and an obvious extension of how hip and cool you are. Just being in your space and being around you made me feel cool, too! I can't believe I just wrote that...it sounds so dorky but I'm leaving it in! During the shoot I knew that you had me. I put my total trust in you and surrendered to your artistic expertise. You made it feel so easy, but I know that there was intention and purpose in everything that you did. I loved being fussed over, I loved being doted on, I loved being posed by the master, and I loved knowing that you were in the process of capturing some kick-ass photos of me.
I am over the moon happy and have been smiling ear to ear. I knew I would love the photos but I am totally obsessed. Each and every one of them is spectacular!!! I finally started to breathe again after the reveal but held my breath again for the next few viewings. I won't even tell you how many times I have viewed them. I swear I want to make t-shirts out of them to wear every day! You captured the cool, gorgeous, confident part of me that I had an inkling existed, but had no idea to what extent. Until yesterday, I had been living as an old, tired, depleted, and out of shape mother of four children. After my reveal...I am totally transformed. You have sparked, the cool, confident, beautiful part of me, and I am owning that big time now. Nothing I have ever done has been as powerful as this.”

"It was AMAZING! Kara and her staff went above and beyond and I would most defiantly do it again."
"It makes me feel even more comfortable in the skin that I’m in."
"Loved it, keep doing what you're gifted to do!"

“Even in the safety of my own home being naked alone is uncomfortable.. but with Kara the second my shoot began I was the most comfortable I’ve ever been and that’s not an exaggeration. I’m not sure how she makes you feel so at peace but you know it when you walk in. Even if I hadn’t gotten the most beautiful pictures (which let’s face it just by her insta you can see her raw talent..) the experience and feeling of being that comfortable and at peace with my body was worth it all.
To see physical proof of how I look and not the distorted image in my mind was a huge boost in morale and confidence!”

MISS “ F ” SAID…..
“ This shoot was so incredible that it felt like an out-of-body experience! Kara is like that best friend you always wanted who is an absolute ray of sunshine throughout the entire process. I felt so comfortable chatting and posing during the shoot that I almost forgot I was half naked! The hair and make up was absolutely gorgeous and I felt so confident the entire time.
This was my second shoot. My first shoot was for my ex-fiance so this one was 100% for me. I had no idea how badly I needed it. After 5 years of never being enough for my ex, my morale was pretty shot. I moved to New York, focused on myself and my healing, and this shoot was the culmination of all of my hard work. I've never been happier and now it's documented in these beautiful photos!! I finally see myself the way other people see me and I can't explain in words what that has done for my self worth and confidence. I will be forever grateful for Kara Marie for giving me this gift….”

“Where do I start?! I'm still I'm shock and can't believe those are pictures of ME! I would recommend you a million times over. I was so nervous and had no reason to be. Though you were all very professional, you made me feel so comfortable it was as if y'all were my friends - which is amazing considering you're essentially strangers that just saw me naked. By the end of the shoot I felt like, "let's go grab a drink!" I'm so glad I went straight for the Fantasy package because I wanted every single shot you took! I think the toughest part of the whole experience was picking which ones went into the album! But hey, if picking the photos is the toughest part because they all look so damn good... I'd say it's a good problem to have! I can't thank you enough!!!
The photos alone are like...WHOA. My fiancee could barely get through the first 10 before he was ready to get in bed LOL For the first time, I saw myself as my finacee sees me. It's so empowering to experience that level of acceptance for all that is ME. A true leap in the realm of self-love and a huge kick in the gonads to that little voice of doubt and insecurity in the back of my mind. The experience as a whole has provided me a surge in confidence. I'm walking around with some extra pep in my step and some major swagger! “

“Kara, THANK YOU. For everything. For giving me clarity in both how I see my business and how I see myself. You're amazing, and I'm grateful to know you.
I came into this session frazzled from a crazy busy season (like, got my outfits the day before I came to Austin), hadn't worked out in months, 15 pounds above my normal weight and trying to embrace the extra weight and new wrinkles that came with my mid-30s. Kara helped me see a version of myself I'd cast aside, but those images are me! Not a version of myself I struggled to recognize -- just me, with a little extra posing.”

“ The whole experience was amazing. From the moment I walked in, I felt taken care of, respected, put at ease, and in great hands. I love all the details and thought put into the whole experience including the crystal branded usb drive! I definitely feel empowered. I feel like my attitude changed from doing it. And it gave me confidence to want to do it again!”

"Having a boudoir experience with Kara Marie was my dream. I had been following her for over 2 years before the stars aligned. I wanted to do this to celebrate myself.
I traveled all of the way from North Carolina to Austin during a snow storm. It was worth it. She is absolutely on point in everything that she does. Seriously does this woman sleep? I am obsessed with my images. I am ready to do it again.
I have always been a loud person. It is within that loud personality that I hid my insecurities. That is until now. I feel liberated. Words could never begin to explain how looking at an image of yourself and falling in love with that image of yourself changes the core of you. I thought I had confidence before, NOPE. Now am this new woman who exudes confidence in all facets of her life. This shoot changed me. I am happy with myself. I am content with my scars. I feel powerful.
Kara you're awesome! Thank you so much -- I wanted to write so much more and likely will!

"I knew it would be an amazing experience, but it actually far exceeded that. The easiness of feeling completely free in your bare skin- it is life changing! And then, when the images do come in and you get to see all your badassness - well, not many things in life can make you feel like that."
"The good old term “self love “ has gotten materialized. Subtle and not so subtle changes in all levels of self awareness, which was not the goal, however turned out to be a major bonus. The best money ever spent (way above shoes and bags and other feminine treats 😁)!"
"It all came together in a best possible way."

“"I have literally never felt more PROUD to be a woman than the day of my photoshoot and the day of my reveal. Kendall worked her hair and makeup magic and I felt beautiful, but still me. As women, we all have parts of our body that we hate, and parts that we don’t hate AS much. Kara was amazing at guiding poses that helped me feel like I was showing my best self. Honestly, it will as hard to give a sexy, sultry look when you’re having that much fun, smiling and laughing! The day of my photo reveal was unbelievable. Kara managed to capture images that were just as much sexy and seductive as they were empowering and strong. I couldn’t believe that was me, yet at the same time, THAT is me! No filters, no Facetune....”
“After we finished photos, I wish I could have gone to happy hour with Kara and Kendall afterwards. It’s hard to believe I haven’t know y’all forever! You both made me feel incredibly comfortable and like I was with friends.”

"A dream come true! It was the most incredible experience of my life!!! I had so much fun and it was so empowering! The first thing I thought after the end of session was: "I want to do that again!! Why can't I do that again tomorrow?" I talked about it for hours to my boyfriend and mum and I dreamt of it during the following nights!
At the beginning, I was nervous (it was the first time in front of the camera) but after some minutes I felt like I've known Kara since a long time! She is really a wonderful person, she's amazing and everything was so easy and I felt comfortable every single moment! And the photos?! Woooow!!! I love them!!! I feel stronger!! And super happy!!!"
"This is the best gift I gave to myself! With all my heart: thank you!!!"

Miss “D” said…..” It probably helped that I had a friend recommend the shoot, so I came in with a confidence that it would be a wonderful experience. In preparation, I followed Kara's Instagram posts, which helped add to my comfort level - and made me feel like I sort of already knew her. Once I arrived, I was of course still a little nervous, but I found that I was soon focusing on holding the poses correctly - and not worrying anymore about how I looked.
Kara's camera magic definitely had me looking at the photos and saying, "Wait, that can't be me.". She's absolutely a very talented artist.”

"I'm not sure if I've ever been more nervous about something, but (almost) from the moment Kara met me in the parking lot I started to feel at ease, by the end of the shoot I felt 1000% comfortable. From telling me exactly how to move to get the right pose to sounds to make with my mouth to make it look au naturale, and down to making hilariously dirty comments to catch a genuine laugh or smile. This experience was truly one of the most fun and liberating things I've ever done!"
"In the MOST positive way. I feel that I have so much more body confidence, because hell just LOOK at the photos?! Thats really me, I am sexy and sensual and so on those days when I'm rocking the mom bun and sweaty workout clothes as I cruise through Costco there's this little inner part of me that knows whats really going on under it all. I love that feeling :)"

“After following Kara Marie for a few years and waiting for what felt like forever; I can finally say I did it!! I still pinch myself when looking at my photos because I just can't believe what I'm looking at. It is one thing to gawk and admire other women in her work, it is a little unreal when you do that with your own photos. I don't think I have ever felt so confident. From the start there was such an ease with getting the information needed for the experience, through email or the material to read through on the website. Of course crazy nerves set in the week of but that was immediately calmed when I showed up to the studio. I couldn't believe when 2-3 hours went by so quickly and how well I adjusted to being in front of the camera, a new experience for me.
When looking in the mirror, I often am drawn to the flaws I'm not happy with; but after seeing the way Kara captured some of those areas, I can now be reminded that they are beautiful. I can be pretty self critical and wanted to do this to see myself in a new light, and boy did I ever. I look at my photos and finally see the beauty that probably always was there but didn't allow myself to see.”

"After following Kara on Instagram for a while, I really started to think that a boudoir experience could be positive for any female. After experiencing my boudoir session with Kara I was able to see what really set her apart from other photographers offering this service. From the initial contact to the shoot itself, to the reveal, to walking me through ordering, she was not only professional and clearly talented but legitimately excited for me to experience the empowerment that comes from a boudoir session. Kara herself comes off as the kind of girl everybody wants as a best friend. I’m already dreaming about the next time I can work with her! Not only has this changed the way that I see myself, but also how I look at other women. I wish everyone could feel as fabulous in their own skin in their everyday life as Kara made me feel."

"It feels damn good to do something for yourself! I turned 31 on Monday and thought 'Hey, you are't getting any younger!' Every day I thank my lucky stars for all the greatness I have in my life. I loved how comfortable and beautiful everyone made me feel throughout the whole process!
If you’re a girl out there contemplating a boudoir shoot....DOOOO IT!!! Kara is AMAZING!
"I love not only feeling sexy and confident but also LOOKING fuckin sexy!"

Miss "J" Said...
"So empowering. It was so nice to feel beautiful and sexy and most importantly have fun. What a self esteem boost.
The timing of everything was some sort of divine plan! It couldn't have happened more perfectly to help empower me and remind me how much I value my health and beauty. Kara, if you are reading this......I have no words to thank you for making me feel fierce and powerful and special. You are truly talented at what you do. All women deserve to feel the way I got to feel after seeing my pictures for the first time. Love you lady!"

“ THANK YOU, Kara and team! I have never felt more glamorous and empowered. I felt so comfortable from the moment I opened the door. Loved that you had snacks and very appreciative for the glasses of wine haha. I had so much fun.
The experience has made me feel so much more confident and proud of who I am. I would encourage every woman I know to shoot with you. The experience reenforced my love for myself and I feel like a healthier woman because of it.”

"All women have insecurities. I walked in with tons of nerves and all of my insecurities front and center in my mind. When I met Kara all of them went out of the window. She is truly gifted in making you feel like the bold, brave, confident, beautiful woman you are and want to be."
"I can only begin to explain it by saying that I saw myself how I see the people that I love the most in my life. Not flawless but I learned a lot about unconditional self love. Who would have thought? All that from Boudoir pics that I put off for a year. Thanks Kara!"
“When I left your studio after my photo reveal I cried like a baby in my car. As crazy as that sounds, I couldn’t believe that it was me in the photos.
You have changed the way I look at myself and have forever made an impact on me. Thank you! I l LOVE reading your other clients’ stories! You truly have made a difference in so many women.
I will be back in the future!”

The experience was surreal. I didn't know how to prepare for it other than the typical "let me lose weight and tone up before I strip down in front of a camera!" The week of my shoot was funky - I was in an emotional headspace and feeling pretty down. Needless to say, on the day of my shoot, I did not feel like being sexy. Luckily, Kara made me feel 100% comfortable right off the bat. She explained what to expect during the shoot and how to make a sexy pouty face. And just like that .. the shoot was over and I could eat fried chicken again.
The day of the photo reveal could not come soon enough. I was feeling happy and normal again and SO ready to see the pictures. This was far more exciting than the shoot itself. I couldn't believe how much I loved the pictures. Most people don't LOVE pictures of themselves, but damn ... I L.O.V.E. these pictures. I cannot wait to have the prints in my hands and the art on my walls. If you want to feel great about yourself in a way you haven't felt before, you must have a shoot with Kara.
I'm a bit shocked to see myself in a such a pretty, sexy, and natural way. I usually try to take "selfies" so I have control over the picture and can decide if I like the outcome. I wasn't sure if I would like pictures of myself taken by someone else. Honestly, I was most terrified of seeing professional pictures and still picking myself apart in each image. This is where 'trust the professional' really comes into play. Kara knows what she's doing and DAMN it felt good seeing myself like that. I feel excited and happy with the pictures, I want to show everyone! And I want to tell everyone that you will look like that in your own photoshoot, too. You will look hot, sexy, beautiful, and like yourself. And by the way, I am not staring at them picking myself apart.
I wanted to add that I did this shoot for myself - these pictures are not for a significant other or fiance. These are for me to show myself how beautiful I am and to preserve when I'm 80 and no longer have my younger body. I highly recommend everyone do this, even if there is no special recipient in mind - YOU can be the special recipient of these beautiful images.

"Despite being extremely camera-shy, my photo shoot ended up more like a spa treatment. Kara and her team are so down-to-earth and hospitable, and they made it felt like that whole hour was all about me and me only.
When I saw the results at my photo reveal, I teared up looking at the woman in the photos; after all the adversity I have been through in my 20's, I assumed that woman was dead.
The experience resurrected that woman. Or perhaps brought her back to the surface."

"Every one of us means it when we say Kara is the best! A true wonder woman! I still cannot believe how fantastic my experience was and I'm livin' the high! She is hands down and quintessentially an absolute professional!
Her love for her job shines through every pore of her being and her keen eye for detail and what works for you is brilliant! Kara can peer into your soul and has the power to capture and turn you into a true work of art! AMAZING! This is the best investment in yourself that you could ever make! Kara takes care of you and puts you right at ease. You really do instantly feel as comfortable with her as you do your best friend! Do not fret or worry about your body as those are just mind games to be conquered. Kara definitely can let you shine through! ~Trust her and she’ll deliver you a dream… and blow your mind! You become magazine, model, photojournalist quality!!!"

"This was my first boudoir shoot and, if I'm completely honest, the first time I wore real lingerie in all my 30 years. Needless to say I was nervous and had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea how to be sexy. But Kara made me feel comfortable and she made me feel beautiful! My experience was amazing from the minute I walked in to the very last interaction. Kara is incredibly talented. She knows exactly what to say, how to pose you and what lighting will bring out the goddess in you. I highly recommend Kara and her studio!
Amazingly my boudoir experience changed the way I see my body. I feel more confident and I feel sexy! I’m ready to walk around in my lingerie if it weren’t for pesky indecent exposure charges, hahaha ;)”

"I did the shoot because you only live once and I want my once to be Ah-mazing! I think every women deserves to feel beautiful no matter what shape, size or age they are!
During the session, I felt like I was shooting with my girlfriend so fun and relaxed! You are a ROCKSTAR Kara - This is definitely your calling.
After the shoot, I felt so empowered and cannot wait to start planning my next one.
Seeing my photos, I felt sexy, Confident and Fucking Fabulous . The images were stunning!!!”

Miss "L" Said...
"I've followed Kara's work for a few years and just love her vision. Every image tells a little story and I knew I had to work with her someday. As soon as I gained the courage to sign up for a boudoir photo session, it was a fantastic experience through the entire process!
Kara captured my look and mood in every photo. She gives great direction and her compliments help you relax. I would definitely do it again and recommend her to EVERY girl I know. No matter your body type or age, she'll make you feel like a beautiful woman. Thanks, Kara - keep rockin' it!!!"

Miss "B" Said...
"Kara is an amazing woman who really helped me feel great about myself again. I firmly believe that it’s not just the boudoir experience itself, but having a wonderful photographer that really gives it the impact. I felt so comfortable and spent the majority of my shoot laughing! It was also helpful that Kara has a great eye AND modeling experience so she will show you exactly how to pose- there is no need to think you shouldn’t shoot because you’re not sure what to do or how to do it.
I am so happy that I did this for myself and I would strongly recommend any woman who needs a pick me up or just a fun way to pamper herself to consider a boudoir shoot with Kara! I am a three time customer for a reason!"

Miss "C" Said...
"Kara? Well let’s just say that she has a way of making you feel like you have been friends forever, as she lays behind her tulle-covered lens bringing out your inner goddess. She was fantastic and I am so privileged to have had the opportunity to work with her team. Kara, I am very grateful for your gift, thank you!!!"

Taking theses pictures for my 35th birthday was the best possible present I could have given myself!
I had been feeling very self-conscious and simply not good about myself for a while, this experience changed my whole opinion!!!
Every time I've stalked the website or Instagram I was 100% sure you only posted pictures women who looked like models...when I got my pictures back I couldn't believe it!!! I looked like those women...like a model! My whole outlook had changed! Actually it had changed the moment you started taking my picture! Thank you for making me feel so amazing!!!
I've walked with my head higher since I stepped out of the studio after the shoot...I've NEVER felt better!!!
Miss "W" Said...
"AMAZING! I am so happy that I pulled the trigger and booked a shoot! I had been thinking about it for quite some time but always found some excuse to put it off. Not only did you make the whole experience painless from start to finish but you also made me feel so comfortable in my own skin! Looking back at my photos now I can't believe the girl you brought to life behind those camera lens! I feel confident, sexy and ready to take on the world - although that is not to say you didn't make me work for some of those poses! I am in LOVE with my photos and can't stop looking at them! I can't wait to share with my husband, I am sure he will be so proud of me for finally stepping outside my comfort zone and seeing a little bit of what he sees in me everyday. Thank you so much Kara! <3 "

Miss "H" Said...
Kara has this way of putting all our insecurities out of our heads.. literally out of the room, and you instantly become life long friends. Upon arriving you feels as though she is your greatest support and confidante. What our men can't do no matter how much they love us(not because they don't try but, because we refuse to believe them), Kara can do in a matter of 10 minutes. The self esteem she provides is undoubtedly priceless. From the moment the shoot begins you feel like a super model, and regardless of your insecurities.... and all of us have them, Kara makes them disappear and leaves you feeling beautiful, classy, and most importantly like a goddess. I have worked with Kara over the past three years several times. This last time I had a boudoir shoot, the 2nd one in 3 years, only this time I felt differently about myself. I am 40 years old, 30 lbs. heavier then last time and with 5 kids, the oldest being 20....a lot more haggard. I would hide from having my picture taken, the person I saw in photographs just didn't fit the image I had in my head. Kara wouldn't hear of it, between her and her make up artist, (Kara only works with the best) I not only looked like the hottie I saw in the media but I felt like it too. What I walked away from with this shoot was more then just some pretty images... I got my groove back. She's on the 30 lbs. heavier side of 40, and she's me. Thank you Kara...."


Miss "C" Said...
"Every day I fight and have a struggle with myself on how I look. I hear comments day in and day out on how I am too skinny, that I need to eat a hamburger (or insert any other food people find funny at the moment), how I must be anorexic or bulimic. I even receive comments asking how my husband could marry someone who looks like a prepubescent boy. I am turning 30 years old this year and have never been able to weigh more than 100 pounds and I cry every time I go to buy clothes because I cannot fill out a simple tank top, let alone a bra to make me feel like a woman. Thank you Kara for showing me that I could be and that I AM beautiful! Thank you for showing me that there is a side to me that I never thought was possible! Thank you for showing me the woman my husband has told me he has seen for all these years, yet I was unable to. Thank you from the bottom on my heart!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the awesome club that is the phenomenal women you shoot every day and show them how wonderful, spectacular and special they are! THANK YOU will never come close enough to the gratitude I have for you! THANK YOU!"

"It was lovely. I was very nervous and you made me feel a lot more comfortable. I had a great time for my first experience :) Thank you so much! You are amazing."

"For months, I had 'stalked' Kara's website, blog and Facebook before I got the nerve to contact her. I was experiencing all kinds of emotions before the day of the shoot...excitement, nervousness and self-doubt. Once I arrived, Kara and her team put my nerves at ease right away. OMG...what an amazing experience!!! I left feeling on top of the world!
As the reveal approached, I found myself feeling excitement, nervousness and self doubt once again. All those emotions went away when the first image appeared on the monitor! I was blown away...never in my wildest dreams have I ever imagined that I could look like that! You talk about a self confidence booster. Every woman should experience this for themselves and no doubt in my mind that Kara is the one you should choose. Take it from me and take your big girl panties off ;) and do it. You will not regret it!!!"

"I'm so happy that I treated myself to this experience! I spent months worrying about choosing the right outfit, planning, and wondering if I made the right decision to be semi-naked in front of a camera; all of my stress was for nothing! I felt informed every step of the way and the entire process leading up to the shoot (booking, communication, what to expect) was so easy. The shoot itself was even easier! I felt welcomed and comfortable from the moment I got to the studio. Between talking, posing, and outfit changes, I didn't even have a chance to worry if I looked 'pretty enough' or 'thin enough.' I was able to submerge myself in a judgment-free zone and really take in how I felt in my body in those moments. I left feeling proud that I did something that I had wanted, but been afraid to do, for so long!
The girl that used to say 'don't look at my butt,' is now saying 'move over, Kylie Jenner!'"

"Feeling beautiful as ever. It was smooth and lovely and exhilarating!"

"From beginning to end, Kara was absolutely top notch! Seriously, when it comes to boudoir photographers, Kara is the premier way to go. From getting scheduled, figuring out what style of shoot I wanted it to be, the studio and photo shoot, and picking out photos for my album, everything was perfect.
Oh my goodness, I'm floating on cloud nine. Sure, doing my hair and makeup will make me feel pretty, but this shoot made me feel like a total BOMBSHELL. This was originally booked as a gift to my husband, but this is turning out to be more for me. I've always been one of the boys and I still get surprised when someone tells me I'm beautiful. However, after looking at my images, I felt absolutely gorgeous! And can we talk about those curves?! They clearly need to be embraced more and I now know they also look good without anything on them ;-)
There isn't anything that I would change! I'm so glad I went out of my comfort zone for the nude shots. LOVE them!"

"This was an amazing experience! It helped me be a little more open and realize how amazing I really am. I am so happy I did this for myself and my husband.
This helped me see and know I do have an amazing body and should have no shame. Lol!!! So when my husband ask me to show a little more...I should! ;)
Kara you were fun to work with and you do an amazing job. Definitely will recommend you to all my friends. I think is a great experience for all women."

"When I turned 40, I promised myself that everyday would be better than the last. The power of intention led me to have the most amazing year of my life. As I round the corner towards 41, I wanted to do something extra special for myself. Enter Kara Marie Boudoir. I really enjoyed looking at images to give Kara an idea of the style that I like. Kara nailed my vision and I'm thrilled with the results. Every step of the journey was easy and enjoyable. Kara's website has a ton of great info and she was quick to diminish any anxiousness that I had about being naked or doing a weird pose (and they felt SUPER weird).
I'm a glass half-full kind of gal so luckily, I don't struggle in the self esteem department. I did not expect to fall madly in love with so many photos though! I feel great and am proud of the hard work I've put into my body. I'm excited to look back on these when I'm older.
What a fun present to myself. I'm so happy, thank you a thousand times over. Hopefully I get to see you next year, too!"

"The whole experience was excellent, from the emails that I received during the entire process, to the actual shoot itself, to the photo reveal. It has helped me feel more confident and secure of myself.
Kara is so knowledgeable, nice and professional, she made the shoot so easy, showing me every detail of what I needed to do. The hair and make up pro was awesome as well. I love the way I looked!"

"This experience was a B.L.A.S.T. I knew this was going to be fun but I didn't expect to love it as much as I did (clearly...I purchased round 2 within minutes!) A true professional and perfectionist in every way. Every piece was planned out from the prep to the shoot to the reveal; I cant tell you how impressive the details were. Cannot thank you enough for making this whole process so unbelievable and personalized!"

"Kara gave me ideas of how she envisioned shooting me and it was if she read my mind. Her sense of style is innate and when I joked “Make me look cool!” I knew She’d deliver. Haha
I was amazed at Kara’s swift and flawless posing instruction. Even as a photographer myself, it was impressive how fluid and easy she made it for me as a subject. My resulting images fully reflect grace and effortless beauty in a way I want to envision myself as a woman.
As a fellow photographer, i have the opportunity to be photographed more frequently than the average woman. My friends, like Kara are some of the best boudoir photographers in our industry, and I’m very particular about who I feel can photograph me the way I want To see myself. It’s not because I’m a model or a hot young thang — it’s the complete opposite of that. The fact is, as a photographer I’m often ashamed to say I hate being in front of the camera. I don’t like the attention on me, the focus, my own lack of awareness of what I might look like ....and so much more.
This was not my first Boudoir shoot, but it was a completely eye opening, confidence boosting experience.
I’m a 43 year old Mom of 3 kids, (about to turn 44 soon) a wife, and a business owner. With each passing year comes an ambivalent feeling of being both proud of my years ... but also fearful. It feels vain and shallow to admit, but I do fear my youth and my beauty slipping away. That’s a very hard thing. I embrace my inner beauty always, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not terrified to lose my youth. It’s just one of those things so many of us struggle with as women. I see boudoir photography as one of the ways we can celebrate and get an objective view of these fears and squash them whole.
One day out of the clear blue, my darling friend Kara sent me a beautiful note that simply said “you are stunning and likeable and I just Wanted to tell you that”. I received it on a particular day when I couldn’t feel less stunning or less likeable. I cried actually, and thanked her. When she told me she’d be available to photograph me during our trip to Miami, I jumped at the chance. Kara is one of the small few I knew could capture me in a way I could not only be proud of — but that could change that fear inside m and make me see myself the way others do. I was 1000% confident Kara had that magic and I was not wrong.
These images are SO me. She knew my style, my nature, and my assets. I saw These images and couldn’t believe I might *Actually* look this way? It is eye opening.
I’m not doctored, or morphed, or over styled, or “too extra”. It’s just ME. A beautiful version of me I’m typically too busy/too fearful/too blind /too unwilling to see. But she saw it, and I’m eternally grateful.
I do A shoot each year for my birthday and share them. I’m proud that this is what I can show 44 looks like on ME. Love you, Kara."

"Not only is Kara an amazing photographer but she is an amazing person and so is her team. She made me feel sexy, confident and comfortable.
I’ve been on a really long and hard journey of self care and self discovery for a long time, but a lot of it this past year. This came at the perfect time and was the last piece of my puzzle. It opened me up to be proud of my true self in all aspects of my life and gave me space to be okay with the good and bad stuff life has to offer. It helped me find the last bits of self I needed to really be me again. Or maybe for the first time."
"It was so fun and so empowering. I loved it and it was nowhere near as intimidating as I thought it would be.
I'm hanging a picture of my body on my bedroom wall! Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be doing that!"

"Kara was amazing and put all my nerves to rest. She was so professional and did such a fantastic job making sure I looked my best in every shot. Her attention to detail and lights/angle was much appreciated and the final product shows her true talent!
The experience has made me more confident in myself and my overall appearance"