You really don't have to show any skin at all to get in front of my lens, you know! If I had a nickel for every woman who said "I would LOVE you to photograph me, but I would never be able to strip down!"....I'd least $100 richer. And I would have probably spent that on shoes, too.
While I PROMISE a boudoir shoot is nowhere NEAR as scary as you think it will be (especially with me!), BEAUTY photography is the more modest side of my business. It's just as hopping as the boudoir side.
This is Miss "B"! She opted for a business casual look in a classic white shirt. It's Facebook-friendly and will be the best business "headshot" of all of her colleagues.

Her laugh was so infectious....and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that she laughed the WHOLE hour (Miss M--back me up, here!) which obviously makes for some amazing personality shots!