Welp. I've officially survived another year around the sun. When strangers try to guess my age, it's closer to 24/25 (thanks for the baby face, Mom!), yet people who actually know me can't believe I'm *only* 33.
I've got the metabolism of a 60 year old, the mind of a 15 year old boy, and the soul of an 80 year old (GET OFF MY LAWN, SERIOUSLY.), and the birth date on my driver's license fits me about as well as the photo on it (WHYYY with the fluorescent lights in the DMV?!)
My piss poor attempt at recreating one of my favorite portraits. You know it's bad when the outtake ends up being the only keeper.
In between my last birthday and this one, I've done the following adult AF things...
*Started wearing far less makeup, and caring far more about the skin under it.
*Built and moved into a lovely home....in the 'burbs for the sake of the kids. (So not a suburban type)
*Gotten 8+ hours of sleep 95% of my nights, most often in bed before 9pm.
*Narrowed my social circle, but made more effort in my relationships.
*Bought a "grandma" car for comfort and reliability (but whatevs, it's comfortable as shit, it's tricked out, and if it's good enough for Matthew McConaughey, you better believe it's good enough for me.).
*Pretty much given up on bras. They're dumb and I hate them.
*Put far more priority on experiences over stuff.
*Developed an intolerance for alcohol...which saddens me more than you'll ever know.
*Really grown to appreciate and crave absolute silence.
All goes to show you, age really is just a number. I'm really happy with what I've accomplished in my 33 years on earth, while simultaneously wondering how on earth I've gotten this far into adulthood. I don't quite fit in with most other 30-somethings, most definitely don't fit in with 20-somethings, and am for the first time in my entire adult life---- genuinely comfortable with who I am. So there's that. ;)
Thank you as always for all of the support and for allowing me to share a bit of my personal life with those who allow me into theirs. Those clients and followers who have sent gifts and greetings::: I genuinely appreciate it more than I can put into words. Y'all make me feel so special and fulfilled!
CHEERS! (Raising my water glass to you!)