Seriously. Y'all. I had one of the most fun photo shoots of my career last week...which is a pretty bold statement to make, because all of my shoots are the "funnest".
Miss "O" rocked my socks off, completely NAILED her photo-slash-video shoot, and the photos we got are so freaking incredible. This is going to have a to be a two part (or maybe even three part) blog post. TODAY, you get the beauty in white...tomorrow we'll sass it up a bit. ;)
Before. Still cute as a button.
After. Wowza.
Such a classic beauty, this one! She was so natural and effortless in front of my lens. I cannot WAIT to share Part II with you tomorrow! It's insanely insane in awesomeness. Be prepared.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Kendall of Mayhem Beauty for rocking out Miss "O"s hair and makeup for this shoot, and for UNDERWEAR for the beautiful wardrobe. Va Va Voom.