When Miss "B" first showed up, she said "I want you to take my before photo!!!". It's not often that someone REQUESTS to have a photo taken before the transformation begins...so obviously, I obliged. Meet Miss "B":
My absolute FAVORITE thing about Miss "B" here, is her awesome laugh. Seriously, y'all....her laugh is out of this world. I found myself throughout the length of her session trying to elicit all of her over-the-top-awesome laughter. Knowing that her husband would probably appreciate the "sexy face" photos, too, I went ahead and shut my mouth for part of the time, as well. But I'm still partial to her sheer joy.

I love when I get to hear feedback from my clients on their sessions. Miss "B", whose identity will obviously be revealed if you visit her blog, shared her boudoir experience with her readers. Here's a little snippet of what she had to say:
"I did it. And I’m not going to lie – I was absolutely terrified leading up to the shoot! And I felt like such a hypocrite, because I always encourage my brides to do it and now here I was, scared like a little chicken. But I know Kara and I’ve seen her work many times so I knew that whatever happened was going to be incredible.
Here’s how it all went down:
Kara asked me to create a private Pinterest board for boudoir and share it with her. I was able to pin the pictures that I liked and she pinned some additional pictures that she thought I might be interested in as well. This way she could get an idea of what style of boudoir photos I liked. In my case, I generously allowed my husband to add pins as well. Of course, it wasn’t a surprise to him and we aren’t newlyweds, so it was a little different for us than it might be for a new bride.
I didn’t realize until later that this step was so important in that it was actually helping me to become very excited about the shoot, and at the same time, really comfortable with what was about to come. You see, Kara wasn’t asking me to pick pictures that I wanted to replicate – she was asking me to pin the pictures that spoke to me so she could get an easy visual of the “types” of photos that I was drawn to. Was it the detail shots that I liked? Am I more modest? More adventurous?
She emailed me a list of Do’s and Dont’s that I could use as a guide to prepare for the shoot. Things like what I should wear, what I should do before hand, to drink or not to drink – and how much. (This was an easy one for me, because I’m not really a drinker. But I can see how some ladies might like a little liquid courage with a shot!)
I followed all of Kara’s advice – exactly. And I think it made all the world of difference during the shoot.
I arrived at the shoot and the hair and make up artist, Erica with Erica Gray Beauty, started on my make up while Kara went through the things I had brought and chose the outfits she thought were best for me. You might do differently, but she’s the professional, so I just laid everything out and let her decide!
Up to this point I was really working under the assumption that this was to help out my friend in her business but once the hair and make up started I quickly realized that Kara was making every bit of this event about me. And it was really pretty cool! I started to relax and enjoy the whole experience. I’m a (30 something) mom of two kids that I homeschool – and I spend my working hours creating amazing days for other people. So let’s face it, there aren’t a lot of things that happen in my life that’s all about me! As corny as it sounds, Kara and Erica taking so much effort with every little detail of me made me feel like I was someone very special. It was an oddly emotional experience to see myself transform into this amazing looking individual.
Once finished with hair and make up, we started with the photos. And I was a little nervous at first. But within a few minutes we were laughing and having a great time. And it was easy – and so much fun! It was over sooo fast!"
To read the rest of her boudoir report, visit her blog!
Thank to SO much to Miss "B" for being such a trooper and not only sharing her photos with the world, but also her experience!
Hair and makeup by Erica Gray Beauty.
For more information on booking an Austin TX boudoir or beauty experience with Click Chick Boudoir, visit the website. For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com
Kara Marie