In this line of work, I meet women. Lots and LOTS of women. They are all SO different in walks of life and personalities. Miss "T" here really stood out to me, personality-wise. She was vibrant, confident, more animated than pretty much anyone I've ever met, and amazingly confident.
Pair those things with a wardrobe to match her personality and some "healthy" champagne that she brought (YESSSS! It does exist! Bless.), as well as her bestie, Miss "P" (whose blog post is coming soon!), and you have one super fun photo shoot!
Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty
"It was a beautiful space, I loved the variety of my picture choices and I had a fantastic experience." -Miss "T"
“The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.”

Thank you thank you, Miss T for rocking it out with me! I wish I had an ounce of your energy and badassness!