"Miss K" | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

I figured since today is July 4th and everyone is in fireworks mode, it would be a good day to share a little bedroom BOOM with you! Here's a little preview from one of my recent boudoir sessions!!

Isn't she stunning!?

Her look was completed by my favorite girls: Lauren from Hint of Shimmer, and Nina from Urban Betty

Everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July holiday!

For more information on Austin TX boudoir photography, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Miss "E" Boudoir | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

I had a bit of a love affair with Miss "E"'s KILLER EYES on Friday afternoon.  When I met her for her boudoir session I instantly knew what feature I'd be playing up the most in her session. I mean, wowza.  Check.These.Out.




Am I right or am I RIGHT!?

She TOTALLY rocked her session. Juuust killed it. AND, get this....her personality rocks too!

For more information on Austin Boudoir and Glamour photography, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Why it's good to try new things... | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

When Ms. "L" contacted me for her boudoir session, she sent me some examples of what she had in mind. Though stunning, her examples were NOTHING like my style of photography. The vintage artistic nudes she showed me were incredibly soft, grainy, muted in color, and ethereal. Beautiful. But not your typical "Click Chick Image". Rather than completely turn it down or photograph it MY way like oh-so-many people have beat into my head over the years (artists don't stray from their style--which I can understand to a degree)....I decided to give it a go and try something new. And I'm so glad that I did.

I left the grain, I didn't sharpen, I did a little more editing than usual...and I must say, I enjoyed this style far more than I thought I would. Not to mention, Miss "L" photographed BEAUTIFULLY!  Her expression in each and every image was perfection.

Who knows? Perhaps you'll be seeing a little more of this side from me...

For more information on Austin TX glamour and boudoir photography, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Boudoir in a BAR! | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

You  may have heard me teasing you about this session….and it’s one that has been PAINFUL to hold on to for a month! But today….I am finally able to release these images as Miss S. is gifting them to her Mr. Handsome right about NOW at his surprise birthday party….at the bar that the images were shot at! I am not typically fond of using flash/artificial light for boudoir photos.  HOWEVER the concept, set up by the client, of shooting in her and her man’s favorite bar intrigued me. I did not know ahead of time what bar we were using, and wouldn’t know until I showed up really. No time to scope the territory and determine my strategy. I would just fly by the seat of my pants during this shoot. We used the bar stools, the booths, the BAR, the outside of the bar….Alas–one of my favorite sessions ever.

Ok, I’ll shut up. Here’s some images ;)

Speechless? I was too! Miss S. did a FANTASTIC job, planned her wardrobe so perfectly, and the bar that we utilized (which I’m still unsure if they prefer me to broadcast their name or not….so until I have permission, I’m keeping it under wraps and not displaying any photos that include their name!), everything was just perfect!

People in glass houses... | Erica's Boudoir Session | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

Yesterday I had the most fabulous location for a series of glamour and boudoir shoots....a glass house. Another fabulous local photographer has a stunning lake house in Lago Vista that I was lucky enough to rent for the day yesterday. It was the PERFECT natural light setting for all of my shoots! Erica brought her A-game for sure for this session! Check.her.OUT!

What a beauty, right?!  I should mention that Erica is a an experienced model and actress, so she's no stranger to the camera!  There's an insane amount of glam images from her session---but we'll keep the rest private! Amazing!

A huge thank you to Lauren from Hint of Shimmer for the fantastic job she did on Erica's makeup!

For more information on glamour and boudoir photography in Austin TX, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Ms. "F" | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

I was SO elated when Ms. "F" granted me permission to share some of her photos from her recent boudoir session! She.is.SO.lovely!  She had a super fun and flirty approach to her styling for these images and I LOVED it! Especially our first set which was dedicated to Valentine's Day!


Isn't she just awesome?

Check out some of my other favorites from her session!

Eeek! How fabulous!  Ms. "F"'s bedside book came in this week and it was absolutely INCREDIBLE! What a killer gift for her boyfriend!

I should also mention that the awesome hair that Ms. "F" is rockin' is made possible by a blo-out at BLO {see my post from earlier this week for more details on the Austin Blow Dry Bar!}.

For more information on boudoir photography in Austin TX, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

CLASSIC boudoir | Austin TX Boudoir Photography

Sometimes the definition of boudoir gets lost in translation--people don't always fully understand what it's all about, and it's easy to misunderstand with all of the garbage that's being pumped out and CALLED boudoir but really isn't.  I try to do my best to educate by showcasing boudoir sessions in the light they're meant to be...CLASSY. SEXY. EMPOWERING.

The whole time I was shooting Ms. "S" last week, I just kept thinking "THIS girl gets it! THIS girl understands what boudoir is all about!".  Hanging up in the hotel suite when I entered was a big white fur coat, a glass of champagne, and an assortment of beautiful shoes (including the blue suede pumps that I paired with leopard print panties and the fur coat ensemble), and the Etta James Pandora station was our background music for the evening. Incredible.

We shot a LOT of images that night---but my favorite sets were done in black and white. They were a little hazy, a little grainy, a little mysterious.....and.I.LOVVEEEDDD.them. And her. Just everything was awesome.

I really truly enjoyed my time shooting with Ms "S" and am meeting the most amazing women here in Austin!  Over the last year, boudoir has made a GIANT leap on my favorite-things-to-shoot list and is now neck and neck with weddings...and it's ALL because of the amazing women I'm meeting, their stories (which are usually much deeper than just wanting a sexy picture for their man!), and am hearing their reactions to their photos and how much it's meant to them.

So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to all my amazing clients---boudoir and otherwise!  You are all AMAZING, BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING, AND SEXY to me!!!  And a BIG "BRAVO" to Ms. "S" here who made for a super stunning subject and a fabulous girls night!  INCREDIBLE!

For more information on Austin TX boudoir, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Soft and Sexy Black and White | Austin TX Boudoir

When I first started shooting, my main style marker was COLOR. Color, color, color...LOTS of brightness. Over the years I've really evolved. In my color images, it's always super vibrant...but I HAVE grown to love black and white images...especially for boudoir!  Here are a few recents!


For more information on boudoir photography in Austin TX, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com


Ms "W" Boudoir Session | Austin TX Boudoir

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!  <--- That, there, is the sound that I made when I realized that Valentine's Day is FINALLY over. No, I'm not one of those anti-Valentine's Day people...BUT I've been sitting on a whole slew of awesome boudoir images that were unable to be shared until they were officially delivered to whom the photos were meant for!  This morning I was so happy to open my inbox to several emails from boudoir clients saying "HE LOVED LOVED LOVED them!". One of them was Ms. "W"...

How beautiful is she? I loved her set of images! Awesome sauce!

For more information on boudoir, visit the Click Chick Images website! For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com



Valentine's Day! | Austin TX Boudoir

I posted a little teaser last week from this UNCANNY mom of 3's session---Miss "T" is SPECTACULAR!!!

What a bombshell!

Ms. "T" actually caved and gave her hubs his bedside book before Valentine's Day (most of my clients can't wait!)...and I know for a fact that he LOVED his gift!

For more information on a boudoir photography experience in Austin TX, contact Chick@ClickChickImages.com