She kicked cancer's ass | Cocktails + Curiosity Event Recap

Last week, I had the honor of being a part of the Cocktails + Curiosity event hosted by the Piazza Center for Plastic Surgery and benefitting the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas. Held for the third year in a row, this swanky-pants cocktail party at the Terrace Club in Dripping Springs really blew me away. 

Last month, I had the pleasure of working with Lora...a breast cancer ass-kicker-survivor who was introduced to me by the Piazza Center. We wanted to create wall-art that really captured her journey through photos.  If you missed the first blog on this, check it out HERE.

When creating the art for the event, it quickly became clear that one single image just wasn't going to cut it.

How could one image represent the roller coaster of emotion that someone experiences when fighting cancer?  I ultimately decided on the three images you see below.

The first, representing a newfound wisdom and confidence. The second, clearly representing the sadness and remembrance of all that occurred, and the final representing her joy and spitfire attitude that I'm guessing she's had all her life, but was fueled when she kicked cancer's ass.  


And a few more from her shoot:

We were too wrapped up in the event to take "real" photos, but here's a few iPhone snapshots! (BAD, photographers, BAD!!!)

Lora in front of her display

Thank you SO much to the Piazza Center for including me in this event, to the Breast Cancer Resource Center of TX for all you do to help those affected by breast cancer, and mostly to Lora for trusting me with this photo experience and for being another inspiring badass to enter my life through my work.  

It's not about the photos...though, that's a perk! | Austin Boudoir Studio

Miss "K" had a plethora of one-liners that made me smile. First, when she arrived at her shoot and told me she had her nails painted for the first time in forever and actually felt like a GIRL. Then when she showed up for her photo reveal and said "I brought 3 different credit cards!". Then again when I read through her review.

You may notice that I almost always include a little bit of a story from my clients in their blog posts. Do you know WHY I do that!?!?! Because you all need to know that EVERY WOMAN that I photograph faces the nerves, the insecurities, the "devil on their shoulder" about whether or not they could POSSIBLY look sexy.  And also, I desperately want each and every woman that is considering this process with ME to realize that this is so much more than the photos. THIS is an EXPERIENCE. 

If she were never to even see a photo from the shoot, she had already experienced a self-esteem boost, she already experienced being pampered, she experienced being encouraged, she experienced being the star of the show. 

"I never take time for myself... As a full time working mother of two kids, manager of a women's cycling team, competitive athlete, wife, I am constantly sacrificing and putting others' needs first. When I stumbled across Kara's Instagram one night, I was instantly intrigued. The images were breathtaking. These women not only looked gorgeous, but FIERCE. "

Miss K's hair and makeup by Lorena of Lola Beauty, Austin TX. 

Miss K's hair and makeup by Lorena of Lola Beauty, Austin TX. 

"After a few months of thinking, "Man I wish I could do that!" I decided why the hell not!?! I booked the appointment, put my deposit down and then totally freaked out. I'm pretty athletic, more comfortable make up free with a tank top and ball cap. I really wondered how it would be, totally exposing myself to someone else, and how it would feel to have the critical camera eye pointed at my bare ass. I almost postponed my appointment because I have *gasp* SHORT HAIR and wondered if I'd be able to look sexy, instead of my usual 'sporty'. "

"I prepped for the shoot by getting my first mani/pedi in (LITERALLY) years and packing my Xanax! I shouldn't have worried one bit. Seriously, the moment Kara came down and greeted me warmly with a hug I was instantly put at ease. "

"While getting my hair and makeup done, the atmosphere was relaxed and completely comfortable. My make up and hair was unbelievable. I looked in the mirror and felt transformed, but still ME. Just a badass version of me. Kara was the penultimate professional and is incredibly talented at putting nervous half naked women completely at ease. At the end of the shoot I felt so incredibly empowered."

I didn’t even need to look at a picture, I FELT amazing.
— Miss K

"The photo reveal completely blew my mind. I just sat there, kind of in shock. "This was me???" Kara is incredibly talented and was able to make me look like the women I had admired on her Instagram. I looked FIERCE. Kara never pressured, only guided me in my selections. This was by far, one of the best experiences of my life. From the very first time I reached out to Kara until the photo reveal, every single step in the process has been positive. It's not just having pretty pictures taken of yourself. It's something I feel every single woman should do for herself at least once in their life. And like I've told my friends, don't get a Groupon photo shoot. You are worth the very best. I can't wait to do this again."

I can’t remember the last time I really felt beautiful. Even without seeing a single image, I walked out of that photo shoot feeling incredibly empowered. And when I saw the photos, my mouth dropped. I had no idea I could be sexy. No clue. And there it was, in living color, me looking like a vixen. And it wasn’t contrived, or filtered. My tan lines (sorry!!!) and scars were still there. This was ME. And I looked amazing.

It was so awesome to HEAR the very thing that I preach constantly from a client herself....that it wasn't about the photos. Before she even saw one, it was worth it to her. But, of course, the photos are the icing. The sweetest, most indulgent (yet obviously fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free, gluten-free and dairy-free) icing you could ever fathom ;) So it's totally fair to do it for BOTH the experience AND the photos. 

Are you finally ready for your own boudoir experience? I promise to put you at ease. Even in your underwear. It's what I do. Let's chat, dahhling!

A Breast Cancer Survivor's Journey | Austin Boudoir Studio

The past year at my studio has been flooded with women recently diagnosed with breast cancer as well as those who are officially breast cancer survivors.  Working with these women has been such an inspiring journey. 

One of these women, Lora, was referred to me by my partners at the Dr. Piazza Center for Plastic Surgery + Advanced Skincare. She's had a long journey, lots of surgeries, and has built an unbelievable supply of strength that inspires those around her.  It was an absolute honor to meet and photograph her. 

I will be revealing an art series from her photo session at an event this coming Thursday, April 21st that I would like to invite you ALL to. It's the Piazza Center's annual "Cocktails + Curiosity" event benefitting the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas -an organization that educates, supports, and empowers those affected by breast cancer to navigate through diagnosis, treatment, recovery, and beyond. Held at the gorgeous Terrace Club in Dripping Springs, the event will seriously blow you away with TONS of information about all of the procedures and skincare options that the Piazza Center has to offer, amazing hors d' oeuvres and cocktails, swag bags and samples, and some of the greatest people you'll ever meet.  You can read more about the event and RSVP >>HERE<< 


From Lora:


"In November, 2014. I heard the words 'Lora, you have cancer'.  Those words started a life transition that continues to this day.  When you hear those words, you want to get the ball rolling right away toward the road to recovery, but the process just takes time, and can severely test your patience and amp up your fears and frustration."

"I  had such a feeling of being in limbo until my first consult with Dr Piazza's office.  The feeling of relief from that visit was so overwhelming that I'm not sure I can describe it.  Every follow up appointment, every surgery he leaves me with a smile in my heart because of his positive upbeat attitude. I truly feel as if I'm his only patient."

I'm really grateful to be able to share some really beautiful photographic art of Lora at the event and I genuinely hope to see LOTS of you there! It will be really fabulous!

You can read more about the event and RSVP >>HERE<< 

I've Been Sneaky | Visual Content Creation + Creative Commercial Photography

I have a confession to make. I've been sneaky. 

Over the years I've had countless proposals from my business-owning friends to "pretty please with a cherry on top overhaul my branding!?! PLEEEAASSEEE?!".  I've been oh-so-silently creating visual content for them for years. 

It all came about as organically as that....helping brands I already love by throwing a pretty styled picture or two their way.

And then the demand grew. 


I was having so much fun with it!  When asked what my hobbies are, I always hesitate to say "Instagram". I freaking LOVE Instagram. I love the idea of being able to scroll through nothing but pretty images. 

So many brands rely  heavily on social media to sell their products and services, yet so few of them actually have the content to engage their audience.


Soon, several way-bigger-than-me brands were contacting me asking permission to use my visual content on their social media platforms.  

Enter visual content creation services

In order to keep up with my #1 passion-  beauty + boudoir photography for awesome women, I can only accept a very limited number of monthly product stylings, and those that I do accept will be a great fit for my photographic style and aesthetic.

If you own a business anywhere in the world and you have a hard time coming up with regular content to post on your social media accounts/blog/website, we may be able to arrange something to keep the photos-a-flowing ;) Check out the visual content creation page  <<<HERE>>> for more information and to reach out to have me photograph your goodies. 

Everything was Inspiring | Austin Studio Boudoir

Miss R's shoot happened to fall on an "off-day" for me. I was frantic and frazzled. For the first time ever, my makeup artist and I had a massive miscommunication which resulted in her hopping on a plane at the moment that I had her scheduled to do Miss R's face.  Well....shit. 

Panic ensued as I frantically began to call my other makeup artists to see who may have last second availability... a Saturday afternoon at that!  By some miracle, my other brilliant artist happened to be finishing up with wedding makeup for an entire bridal party (SEVEN FACES.) and was cool enough to STILL swing by and help a sista out. Miss R was just sitting there, smiling. 

I apologized profusely for the mixup and suggested that we start with some anonymous shots that didn't require her face to be at any level of "done-upped-ness" while we waited for Lauren to arrive.  Miss R assured me that she wouldn't have even known there was a mix-up if I hadn't told her, and just kept smiling.

And I totally got lost in the shoot. Her positive attitude was absolutely infectious and we just had the best time. Lauren came to the rescue with some seriously badass makeup skills at the ideal moment, and the shoot came and went with smooth perfection. 

then, she began to breathe, and live, and every moment took her to a place where goodbyes were hard to come by. she was in love, but not in love with someone or something, she was in love with her life. and for the first time, in a long time, everything was inspiring.
— r.m. drake

I love being around life-breathers.  She was one of 'em. 

Thank you Miss R for being so kind, so positive, and so much damn fun! 

And thank you to Lauren of Lola Beauty for coming to my rescue and giving Miss R the most ooh-la-la eye makeup eva!

The Day Before Chemo | Austin Boudoir Studio

This post just leaves me speechless, so I'm glad it's not verbal. Like many other women with the same diagnosis, Miss W reached out to me wanting to document her body before so many changes took place due to her recent breast cancer diagnosis. While I have been close to many people affected by cancer, I cannot even begin to wrap my head around going through it myself. Yet the women that I have had the pleasure of working with in any stage of their breast cancer journey have been nothing short of awe-inspiring and courageous as hell. 

We scheduled her shoot the day before her first chemo treatment, and hours before having 23 inches of hair cut off to ease the transition. I can't even imagine the emotional state that she was in. Just can't imagine. Yet we conquered the shoot, and created an absolutely breathtaking account of this woman as she was THAT day.  


I will let her carry on from here, where my words would fail:


"This experience meant so much to me! At just 30 years old, I had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and really wanted to capture my body in its natural state so I could always remember it. Driving over to the studio the morning of the shoot was a little bittersweet because I knew it was the last time I would have the opportunity to capture my body as it was then. That afternoon I was scheduled to chop off all my hair and the following day I would be starting chemo with a mastectomy to follow."

But as soon as I arrived any sadness I felt immediately disappeared because Kara and her team made me feel so welcome and excited.
Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem.

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem.


"The studio space was beautiful and seeing all Kara's previous work posted on the walls made me really glad I was getting to do this with her. While I was getting my hair and make-up done and feeling super glamorous, Kara selected her favorites from the outfits I brought which took so much pressure off me and ensured everything would photograph really well. Once we started shooting, Kara demonstrated every pose like a rockstar and guided me to do it right too. I am not someone who knows how to make sexy faces, but Kara pulled them out of me somehow! By the end of our shoot, I couldn't believe it had already been an hour and I wanted to keep going because I was having so much fun! I left feeling like a model and was certain that she had created some beautiful images. "

"Over the next two weeks, I counted down the days until the photo reveal! I was so excited and it gave me something to look forward to in the midst of feeling crummy from chemo. Once the day finally arrived, I was in stunned silence throughout the entire slideshow. I couldn't believe how beautiful the images were. Every pose she had put me in was incredibly flattering and hid any areas I felt self-conscious about."

I am so thrilled to have had this experience before undergoing all these huge body changes and I know I will cherish these pictures for a lifetime. And I also can’t wait to do it all over again in a year to celebrate my journey and get comfortable with my new body!”
— Miss W

More than CUTE | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Miss "H" said she was used to being the "cute" one. She's petite and lean. She didn't think she had curves.  You can tell me after looking through this set of images if she looks CUTE or if she looks like a smokin' hot grown woman. 

We bonded over amber oil and artsy images. Miss H was incredible to work with. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and, although married, she was doing this for herself. 

I'm so in love with the photos that we created together. 

Miss "H" said:

"That was ridiculously fun! I felt completely comfortable the whole time, and actually left feeling more confident than when I came in! And I *may* have tried to recreate at least one photo at home because I was so anxious to see it"

"I have curves that I never knew existed! I'm petite, so I've always been the 'cute' one, but the shoot really made me feel like a super model."

My husband’s comment- ‘choosing just one of these [photos] is like choosing a favorite bag of a million dollars!’

Cuteness be gone! Miss "H" 100% WOMAN!!! xoxo

Artistic Nudes: The ultimate in badassery | Austin Boudoir Studio

There's this little genre of boudoir photography that I happen to adore...kind of a "sub-niche" if you will. It's not everyone's bag, and it doesn't need to be the entire duration of your photo shoot experience, but most women that I talk to are drawn to this type of imagery.

A R T I S T I C  N U D E S , y'all. artistic nudes. 

So many times my clients will have images like this saved on their required "homework" mood boards but then when I say out loud on the day of their session "Ok, so you want to do some artistic nudes, then?" they're eyes swell to a terrified state and they emphatically shake their head no. NUDE?!  

Yes. Nude. Those pictures that you saved that you said you loved? Those women are nude, silly. And to be honest, my style of artistic nudes are often more modest than the rest of my typical boudoir images. They cover just enough and reveal just enough to make the image ultra powerful.

There's tons of ways to shoot nude boudoir obviously you want to make sure that you and your photographer (hopefully that's ME since you're on this blog right now) are on the same page about what you want these images to look like. 

The  Kara Marie nude boudoir style is definitely on the artistic and classy side as you can see in these self portraits of yours truly. I play up highlights and shadows with the help of strategic lighting, REALLY strategic angles and posing, and with my secret weapon for incredible skin for these images. More simply put: We hide your naughty bits one way or another, even if they feel exposed during the session. 

Throughout the shoot we make sure that nothing is "hanging out" that you don't want to be hanging out. And we do NOT shoot nude crotch at our way, no how. So you can rest assured that your lady bits will stay covered and you will walk away from your photo reveal will some really incredible wall-worthy artistic nudes

This type of imagery is amazing for ANY woman of any shape or size. The light and shadows are incredibly flattering (believe me. This is the ONLY way I will EVER agree to be photographed completely nude. Everrrrr.), and the finished product is insanely striking.

So there, I did my duty as a boudoir photographer and showed you that shooting a few nudes at your boudoir shoot really doesn't have to be terrifying. At least not with me!!!! It's my job to make you comfortable. It's my job to make you forget your body insecurities. It's my job to make you look your ABSOLUTE BEST. And I'm good at my job. ;)

Don't be afraid to incorporate artistic nudes into your Kara Marie Boudoir experience! You'll be happy you did.  xoxo

A Photographic Love Story | Austin Maternity Boudoir

Hands down the best part of being a photographer is the relationships that I develop with my clients....and the one thing that I truly miss about shooting weddings is being a small part of a couple's journey over the years. Many times, I would photograph a couple's engagement photos, followed by their wedding photos, followed by their maternity photos, followed by their family photos. Sometimes in a completely different order too. The biggest compliment I can receive is being chosen again and again. 

Now, I know that I'm no longer shooting weddings, families, and children. But guess what I still shoot? Maternity beauty and boudoir. AND I WAS SOOOOOO OVER-THE-MOON GIDDY when Laura contacted me and asked me to shoot her maternity boudoir photos




Years ago, Jackie contacted me via e-mail and let me know she was coming into town from Houston with her girlfriend Laura, and wanted me to play paparazzi and capture her surprise proposa

I arrived to Castle Park and played tourist. At one point Laura pointed me out and I thought for sure I was busted, but later found out she was just telling Jackie how much she wanted a camera like mine. Phew! Needless to say, the proposal was outstanding, I had a BLAST photographing them, and it was truly special to be involved in this part of their relationship. 

This shoot was even featured on a popular inspiration blog for "Lesbians, Queers, and Everyone Else" called "On a Bicycle Built for Two.". Go check out the post HERE.

In 2013, I photographed Jackie's proposal to Laura at Castle Park.

In 2013, I photographed Jackie's proposal to Laura at Castle Park.


Eventually I got the call about the wedding! Jackie and Laura wanted me to capture their Austin wedding at VUKA. It was seriously amazing. I loved it to bits. Umm...HELLO....they served HOMESLICE PIZZA at their reception. Seriously badass. They are a stunning couple with killer personalities, and the camera...well.....MY CAMERA (back off other camera people, they're MINE) loves them!

In 2014, I photographed Jackie + Laura's Wedding at VUKA

In 2014, I photographed Jackie + Laura's Wedding at VUKA



And then...AND THEN I got *THE* email. "HEY KARA! SO to add to our little love story that you've captured every step of...We're PREGNANT!!"


Pregnancy beauty + boudoir is seriously just so stunning.  I wish it's something I would have done when pregnant with my boys. It's so easy to feel "BLAH" when you're pregnant...but these beauty sessions really help you to remember the miraculous parts of it all. Our bodies are just incredible to be able to grow little humans.  Eventually I got the email that Jackie would be joining us for a few shots which was even better!  Check out a small handful of a really stunning collection of maternity boudoir:


SERIOUSLY. Can we just talk for a second about what a freaking GODDESS Laura is!?!?! She is as a woman, alone....but as a pregnant woman!? Holy fox!  She makes pregnancy look DAMN GOOD! 

During a maternity shoot, I'm always sure to photograph my client sans belly...just a gorgeous beauty portrait. Because they don't *ALWAYS* want to think of themselves pregnant. Women aren't JUST a vessel for a baby! So while I take care to photograph the MOM in them, I always am sure to take care of the WOMAN in them, too. Which is what this photo below is meant to portray. RRAWRRR!!

It's genuinely one of the biggest honors to be a part of people's story like this. I hope to someday shoot Jackie + Laura's mommy + me beauty session after they have their little girl!  They are such beautiful people, inside and out, and I'm blessed to have crossed paths with them a few years ago. 

Thank you Jackie, Laura, + Baby R for coming back to see me and my lens once again!! <3


That Self Esteem Boost though.... | Austin Boudoir Studio

We share an affinity for unique jewelry, big messy hair, and acrylic wall art. Miss "J" was something of a client soulmate and I am so delighted to have had the opportunity to meet her and work with her on embracing her femininity through a boudoir experience. 

"FUN! So empowering. It was so nice to feel beautiful and sexy and most importantly have fun. What a self esteem boost."

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

"The timing of everything was some sort of divine plan! It couldn't have happened more perfectly to help empower me and remind me how much I value my health and beauty."

"I have no words to thank you for making me feel fierce and powerful and special. You are truly talented at what you do. All women deserve to feel the way I got to feel after seeing my pictures for the first time. Love you lady!"

Another prime example of a woman who jumped at the opportunity to do something for herself, to treat herself, and to remind herself of how badass she is. And she got a giant acrylic wall piece of that badass hair flip image to remind herself every single day she walks past it hanging on her wall. AMAZING.