When a client comes to me wanting black and white, moody, artsy, anonymous-type shots, my heart nearly explodes. That's my jam!!! While I always try to capture some of these types of shots in every client's shoot, even if they don't ask for them, a whole shoot like this rocks my socks.
That's what happened here with Miss "S". She barely wanted any of her face at all (which was a crying shame because it was a BEAUTIFUL one), and instead wanted to focus on details and bodyscapes and anonymity, oh my! MISSION.FREAKING.ACCOMPLISHED.
I think I want to make a wallpaper out of these.... would that creep you out, Miss "S"?!

In love with these shots...in LOVE with them. I want to buy these photos chocolates and jewelry.
“I absolutely LOVE the photographs. They are stunning and artsy and hot! You captured exactly what I wanted and more. Plus, you made me look amazing!! I’m thrilled and my husband is going to be ecstatic! Win-win for everyone. Again thank you so much!
Thank you, lady, for trusting me to do my thing...and for you doing yours OH SO WELL! Bravo!
Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty.