Oh my gosh. OH.my.FREAKING.gosh. Excuse my language.
I am so excited to blog this amazing session from this weekend. Insanely awesome venue, check. Killer makeup artist, check. Hairstyling magician, check. Lingerie stylist, check. Voluptuous vintage goddess to photograph, CHECK.
I knew that I wanted this shoot to have a vintage-esque concept, especially given the location. But I didn't want it to be over-the-top pin up and theme-y. That's just not my style. I think we hit the nail on the head with this shoot that is jusssst the right amount of awesome!
Elizabeth absolutely could not have been any more perfect for this. How amazing does she look!? She had the most incredible facial expressions, knew how to work her awesome curves (I.am.so.jealous.of.her.tush.), and let's just say it....she makes blondes (eh hem) wish they were redheads.

The first (out-of-focus-because-I-wasn't-ready-for-it-but-it-had-to-be-documented) shot of the day...my makeup artist, Lauren, TOTALLY busted Elizabeth for chewing gum...and made her spit it out into her hand. Thanks, mom.
Here's some behind-the-scenes-iPhone action that my glam squad captured. I particularly favor the boob-grab shot. I don't know if I was actually directing her, or if I was just busted grabbing my boobs...because I do that from time to time.

There were so many images that I had to break it up into two separate posts--you'll see part II later on this week....but here's a little something to hold you over! WOWZA.
Thank you SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much to everyone's collaborative effort!
HAIR STYLIST-- Nina of Urban Betty
MAKEUP ARTIST-- Lauren of Hint of Shimmer
LOCATION-- Roadhouse Relics
MODEL-- Elizabeth M
MORE TO COME this week!