It stands to reason that a good chunk of the boudoir shoots I do are for women who are about to be married. What better gift to give your forever-partner a reminder of just how lucky they are? ;)
Miss "B", here, put a tremendous amount of thought and planning into her boudoir shoot. We had to be sneaky...I'm talking 007 stealth type sneaky! You see, her man was SLEEPING after a long shift in the downstairs bedroom while we shot upstairs. There may or may not have been a towel stuffed under his bedroom door to muffle any accidental noise we might make...
But it was worth it. Check out Mr. B's reaction to opening his bedside book (and learning that she did the shoot while he was sleeping downstairs!!):

...and because Mr. "B" was a marine...THIS had to be done...
I would like to state, for the record, that Miss "B"s hair is 100% alllll real, ALLL HERS. (My fellow thin-haired ladies out there are jealous right along with me right now...) Isn't that AMAZING!? I mean, if you're THIS beautiful as it is, it's just not fair to have such perfect locks as well. But I digress.
I ADORE this set of bridal boudoir images. ADORE it. Just. Ahhh. Love love love.

This amazing woman's photos are yet another example of how classy boudoir photos can be, y'all. You DON'T have to take it all off to be sexy (but you totally can, if you want! haha)

BRAVO, BRAVVVOOOO *standing ovation*. I love this set of images and this gorgeous woman...who is NOT a model....but SHOULD be, shouldn't she!?!
Mr. B is a lucky man.