The hardest and least favorite part of my job is DEFINITELY keeping secrets! It's such a challenge....especially when I'm sitting on such awesome images!!
THIS badass bombshell came to me a few months ago in hopes of creating an awesome anniversary present for her husband. We had the most amazing time during her shoot and got some of my all-time favorite images. And her husband "LOOOOVVVVVEEESSSSS" the images ;)
Right before we started this set of images, this client said "How do you pick who gets to be on your blog?" To which I responded "Ummm....ANYONE who I photograph can be on my blog if they want to be!!" So she said "Can I please be on your blog!?!?!" Hell yes you can, my dear. Hell yesssss.

PHEW! It feels good to get that off my chest. ;)
I love how she rocked out plaid, leather, lace, and ended with a super soft and feminine set! It was SUCH a versatile shoot and it was such a pleasure to photograph her!!!