If you haven't followed along long enough yet, I'll reiterate that my boudoir philosophy is: "THIS IS FOR *YOU*, not anyone else.". My mission is to help women embrace their womanhood, recognize their power, remember themselves as a woman first rather than mom or wife, to re-claim their sexuality as their own. Because, you see, a woman's sexuality is not meant to exist for the sole purpose of their partner's enjoyment.
“It’s not about seducing men. It’s about embracing womanhood.”
Looking back at my life through this point, I can't say that I'm shocked that came to do what I do for a living. Like so many other women, I was the victim of sexual abuse as a teenager.While I cannot personally wrap my head around the level of violation felt when the abuser is a family member, I am yearning to help as many girls as possible get to the same physical and mental place as I have been lucky to arrive at. It took me over 18 years to be able to say that out loud on a public platform, 18 years to be able to say that I've grown and am healed and am finally at peace.
I've felt such a strong calling to help abused girls, to be a voice for them, and to support them financially as much as I can. When Steven Tyler launched Janie's Fund [A big voice for abused girls], that added to his HERO status in my mind and I wanted to be a part of the support team.
That said, I am proud to announce that I am officially a fundraiser for Steven Tyler's JANIE'S FUND, and on top of personal contributions, will be donating a portion of all boudoir photography profits to this charity, from now through my birthday [August 16th].
After my abuse, I eventually progressed to renewing myself and attribute much of that to therapy through music, photography, and creative arts....tools that Janie's Fund uses to help these abused girls. For those reasons, I chose this organization to be a part of.
It's always been important to me that my work was important. Not that *I* was important...but that I was doing work that MATTERED. I know that the services I offer to my clients are invaluable as they aid in self-confidence and self-love...but now marrying that cause with this one makes it all the more important.