I know that so many of you will identify with Miss "G"s story here. So often we hear about plus-sized women who are having a hard time feeling comfortable in their own skin, especially given outside opinion. The less-told story is that of the thin girl who ALSO feels inadequate. She gets told to "eat a donut". She is judged by her size and shape. She is told that her insecurities are ridiculous, that she should be grateful to have such a tiny frame. Much like the curly-haired woman longs for straight locks, and the woman with poker-straight hair does everything in her power for some texture and body, we always feel the grass is greener. The moral of the story is, OWN IT. Celebrate yourself. Miss "G" did....and the results were supa sexay.
Her story:
"Every day I fight and have a struggle with myself on how I look. I hear comments day in and day out on how I am too skinny, that I need to eat a hamburger (or insert any other food people find funny at the moment), how I must be anorexic or bulimic. I even receive comments asking how my husband could marry someone who looks like a prepubescent boy.
I am turning 30 years old this year and have never been able to weigh more than 100 pounds and I cry every time I go to buy clothes because I cannot fill out a simple tank top, let alone a bra to make me feel like a woman.
This shoot was not my first experience with Kara, and if you know me, you know I am a frequent flyer. But this shoot was different and extremely personal to me. I wanted to shut up those negative voices I hear every day, I wanted to be able to look at myself and feel beautiful, I wanted to feel like a woman, I wanted to finally feel like a wife that my husband deserves. I started shopping MANY months before my shoot, not because I wanted to be overly prepared, but because I needed to find outfits that could fit my tiny figure.
Everything that I would find online on websites had to be shipped back because I could not fill them out, even in their smallest sizes. I know many women right now are yelling at their computers “I wish I had that problem!” or “Lucky girl” but once again, I was crying because I wasn’t a woman. I was ashamed of who I am, ashamed of what I looked like, ashamed of what I didn’t have.
When arriving to the shoot to get my makeup done, I was actually the biggest ball of nerves I have ever been to see her! Here I am shooting with this amazing Chick who photographs all these gorgeous, fabulous, sexy women multiple times a day and then posts their inspiring stories! And then there was me……
I received an early text message from Kara a few days later of a few teasers! Instantly, I was in shock with my mouth opened as wide as a cartoon character! I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing, I was actually crying! I was beautiful!! I was on cloud 9 for these few simple images I couldn’t stop staring at!
Thank you Kara for showing me that I could be and that I AM beautiful! Thank you for showing me that there is a side to me that I never thought was possible! Thank you for showing me the woman my husband has told me he has seen for all these years, yet I was unable to. Thank you from the bottom on my heart!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the awesome club that is the phenomenal women you shoot every day and show them how wonderful, spectacular and special they are! THANK YOU will never come close enough to the gratitude I have for you! THANK YOU!"
PHEW. Are YOU misty-eyed?! I am.
Miss "G" has shot with me a record number of times. In fact, at our last shoot she wanted to make sure there was no one else who had shot with me as much as she had. I'm pretty sure if I told her that there was, she would have demanded another shoot on the spot. She is the dictionary definition of "loyal customer" and I'm honored to have her as such. This shoot definitely topped all of our past ones.
She told me she wanted to be a little more bold/daring/sexy/adventurous this time around. I'm PRETTTY sure we nailed it! Don't you think!?

THANK YOU, Miss "G" for sharing your story and photos with us! May you only eat a hamburger if you're craving one, and never ever feel insecure again about that rockin' bod of yours!!
Ready for your turn? Let's chat about your boudoir shoot, dahhling!