Anyone who follows me on social media...particularly Instagram...knows that I've become really obsessed with studying and producing black and white photographs. One of my repeat clients knew that and told me that she wanted a black and white boudoir shoot....which was massively exciting!! She did this boudoir shoot all for herself, though obviously we're all benefitting for her decision to do so! Check it out!

Isn't that hair-flip!? We did lots and lots of takes of that...and trust me people, it's not an easy shot to pull off. But with our perseverance, mission accomplished!!
A BIG thank you to this bombshell for not only trusting me to do my thang, but also for letting me share her images with you!!! She's the whole package! And later this week, you'll see some shots from her shoot with her daughter (yes- that body gave birth to a child. Crazy right!?) immediately following this one. Holy. amazing.