Miss "Z" Boudoir | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir is about more than just sexy images. It's about self-confidence, it's about feeling empowered and on top of the world, it's about accepting yourself EXACTLY as you are and realizing--hey...I'm HOT! A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Miss "Z" stating she was interested in a boudoir session though was particularly nervous as she's a self-proclaimed "curvy girl" and "not your typical 20-year-old-model-thin-girl". Upon meeting her, I saw nothing but a beautiful bod, killer eyes, and some AMAZING curves. Like....amazing jealousy-envoking curves. We had SO much fun during her session and got some absolutely incredible images!

I adore this first set that she took in a comfy over-sized sweater that her boyfriend got for her...


One of the top 3 reasons why I don't shoot boudoir in a studio is that I LOVE the variety of location and light I get by providing my clients with in-home sessions. In Miss "Z"'s guest bedroom, there was a soft orange glow that looked incredible in the final product...

...not to mention clients always feel so much more comfortable on their own turf!


Wowza!! Incredible, right?!

UPDATE:::  A note from Miss Z herself after seeing this blog post:: "My advice to anyone who wants to do a shoot with you but would like to lose 10 or 20 pounds first...just do it!  If you lose weight, you can do another one!  Or you might just end up loving your body the way it is!  You really are a genius with posing, lighting, retouching, and just making your subject feel totally comfortable.  If I could change something about how much of my body I showed, I would wear LESS, not MORE..."   YEAH! Now THAT's what I like to hear!!! xo

Mega-thanks again to the talented Lauren Davis of Hint of Shimmer for providing Miss "Z"'s glam makeup!

There's still time to get your boudoir session in for Christmas and Valentine's Day, ladies!! For more information on glamour and boudoir sessions, visit the Click Chick Images website. For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Give the gift of Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wowww | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

For the man who has everything (or even if he doesn't....)

I'm so super excited to announce these new packages JUST for Christmas & Valentine's Day....ESPECIALLY "theWORKS" which includes the sexiest of sexy new product--the Click Chick PEEP SHOW sexy viewing device.


Remember these things from childhood??? Well this version is not for the kiddos!!!   What an awesome (and slightly naughty-feeling) way to show off your sexy images to your love interest!!

Don't forget about the classic bedside book. It's got a hard cover, all of your favorite fully retouched boudoir images, a pearl lustre finish, and is the perfect nightstand companion!

I am SO excited for this busy round of boudoir and glamour sessions that are coming up for the holidays! It's my favorite time of year!!!  If you have any questions at all about boudoir, don't hesitate to e-mail me! I'm happy to answer and show you how this will be not only the best gift you've ever given, but also the best gift you could give YOURSELF!

For more examples of boudoir, browse through the blog, or take a peek at the web gallery on the Click Chick Images website! 

I can't wait to share this experience with you!


Kara Marie

Miss "C" | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

All to often, my boudoir clients undergo a pretty drastic transformation for their photo shoots with me.  They get all new and glamorous outfits, take their hair to another level of sexy, and have their makeup perfected by my oh-so-professional-and-talented makeup artists. Yesterday, I photographed Miss "C".  And, according to her, she couldn't BELIEVE how she looked. I even caught her giving herself a little "How YOU doin'?" in the mirror. This is the way that I strive to make all of my clients feel in their photos. 10 times out of 10...it's a success. AND, holy moly---no, this is NOT Brittany Snow....but could she win a look-a-like contest or WHAT!?!?!  It was surreal.


SO BEAUTIFUL! I know her husband is going to FLIP when he receives these images for Christmas!  It always sounds so creepy when I say this, and I mean it in the least creepy way possible...but I TOTALLY wish I could see each and every significant other's reaction when they receive a gift of boudoir images of their lady.

Thank you to Angela from Hint of Shimmer for perfecting Miss "C"'s beauty transformation!

For more information on Austin TX Boudoir Photography, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com


Miss "Y" | Austin TX Boudoir







If you are on the east coast and hunkered down in your house right now in fear of hurricane Sandy (AND if you still have power), here's a little somethin' somethin' that might brighten your stormy day!  No, this woman is not a professional model...in fact, she's a brand new mommy...and I had a killer boudoir session with her recently!  Lovely lovely!



Then, of course the shoot took a turn towards TEXAN and I loved it...


Such a beauty--and a truly sweet woman!

For more information on glamour and boudoir photography in Austin TX, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com


Steamy Couples Boudoir | Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

When I asked what I should post on the blog today, the first suggestion came from Miss "C" here who said she wanted to see some boudoir! Since she piped up, much like being a grade school teacher, I decided to "pick" on her and post some images from HER couples boudoir session!  Though, it's really not "picking" when the images are this amazing!


Couples boudoir is not typically something that I do....but it was for an extra special repeat client, so I HAD to say yes...like HAD to....she REEEEALLLLY twisted my arm ;)

For more information on Austin TX boudoir photography, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com


Miss "F" | Bridal Boudoir | Austin Boudoir Photographer

I am so.so.so behind on blogging boudoir images! Austin has proven to be ALL ABOUT BOUDOIR since I've relocated to this awesome city. I've got about a dozen boudoir blogs on the books for the coming weeks...so be sure to stay tuned! Miss "F" here proved to be a super stunning subject! She wanted to do a boudoir session for her soon-to-be-husband on their wedding day!  I'm pretty sure it's the best gift he will ever receive. Look at this bombshell!!

Ay yay yay!  And to make it even MORE amazing--Miss "F" just recently had a baby. Out of her body. Killer!

For more information on boudoir and glamour photography in Austin TX, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com

Miss "A"| Austin TX Boudoir Photographer

I recently had a boudoir session with Miss "A"...a mother of an ADORABLE one year old little boy (once you take a gaze at this photos, you will not BELIEVE she had a baby at all...let alone a YEAR ago!) and a super sweet, incredibly gorgeous woman!  Here are some of her images...

Talk about a hot mamma!!

If there's one point I just cannot stress enough, it's HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS FOR YOURSELF IF YOU ARE A MOTHER!!!  Seriously!  You don't have to go full-on BOUDOIR....GLAMOUR is JUST as fulfilling!  Get dressed up, have your hair and makeup done by my team, have an hour long photo shoot with me, and get some absolutely incredible images of yourself that you can always cherish.  It's a priceless experience and a MAJOR confidence boost!

For more information on glamour and boudoir photography in Austin TX, visit the Click Chick Images website.  For availability or to book, email Chick@ClickChickImages.com