The elegant Miss "S" | Austin Boudoir Studio

Ooooh--eeeeeee! I just freaking adore this set of images!!  Upon showing them to her boyfriend, he said that Miss "S" looked "SO ELEGANT" and I thought that was the perfect word to describe them. 


Extreme jealousy has taken over me because of this woman's insanely long and thick and beautiful hair, and her GORGEOUS skin!  And those OUTFITS?! Uhhh...killer!!! 

All of the rockin' pieces Miss "S" is wearing in this shoot are from UNDERWEAR of Austin, with the exception of that SKIRT (cue the angel choir...) from Sunroom. 

THANK YOU to Miss "S" for allowing me to share her stunning images with you!


The photographer who couldn't see... | Austin Boudoir Studio

Welp. I'm back on the work train. HALLLEELLLUUJJAHHH (or however that's spelled)!  I had a pretty unfortunate and clumsy and stupid and...and...just...ugggghhhh  "incident" with a heavy-duty backdrop stand a little over a week ago. CLUNK. Right on my head from 10 feet up.  I sat on the floor with my legs sprawled out in front of me like a broken doll, with stars...LITERALLY STARS...whirling around my range of vision. 10 minutes I sat there wondering if I should call someone.  Can I stand up? Can I wiggle my fingers? What's 2 + 2? Surely if I'm running through all these brain tests in my brain it can't be serious. I'll just wait a few minutes and get up. 

For about a week now I've suffered from a massive headache, cloudy thoughts, short-term memory loss....and all those other concussion symptoms that I can totally handle. What I COULDN'T handle was the loss of my perfect vision. My OH-SO-PERFECT-I-CAN-SEE-THE-TINIEST-DETAILS-ON-A-SIGN-5-MILES-AWAY vision. For the first 3 days I was seeing DOUBLE. What the shit?!  The panic, of course, set in as I pondered "What if?" "What if my eyesight never restores and it can't be corrected?" "What if I can NEVER TELL if I'm shooting in focus?" "What if this is the end of my photography career?!?!?!?". Yep, I was being all dramatic. Whether or not I was being OVERLY-DRAMATIC is yet to be determined. 

While I'm still left with a nagging headache, massive mood swings (sorry, husband!) and only slightly blurred's improved drastically and I can now function as normal(ish).

I try to remind myself often about the things I take for granted. Running water, shelter, an amazing little family......but honestly, until this incident, I really never considered the fact that my EYES are such a blessing. Being able to see is a beautiful thing and is why I can do what I do. I hope to always have my eyesight...even if, someday, I have to correct it with glasses or contacts....I couldn't bare to be unable to create any longer.

Thank y'all so much for bearing with me on the scarce blog posts and lack of online presence for a while. I'm BACK.  So let's freakin' shoot, eh?


Kara Marie 

This is 30... | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Well holy crap. Here I am. 30 years old today. 30. I distinctly remember an episode of Friends where Rachel cried at the dinner table when Chandler gave her a funny card about being old. From the age 20 and on I have dreaded the big 3-0. But now I find myself oddly excited for what this decade brings. I have never really made a very big deal of my birthday...this year, though, I'm doing it up big and celebrating!

Copyright Go West Photography

Copyright Go West Photography

So, does 30 make me "legit" yet? Have I finally been on this planet long enough to be taken seriously by anyone older than me??  I hope so. Because all the comments about being "just a baby" or "too young to know what hard work is" got really old. Eventually I just kept my age quiet to avoid hearing all of the inevitable comments. 

Here's to living life to the fullest, to making inappropriate jokes, to laughing at things that sound dirty but aren't, to wearing purple nail polish, to being told by my 6 year old that I'm being annoying, to whining about having to eat healthy. Here's to spontaneous dance parties with my kids, a closet that is overflowing with shoes, and acting like a teenager with my husband.  Here's to continuing to bust my ass at work...but only because I want to and not because some corporate big shot is telling me to.  Here's to slugging champagne from the bottle while sitting in a bathtub with balloons wearing nothing but heels and a tutu.

Copyright Go West Photography

Copyright Go West Photography

Copyright Go West Photography

Copyright Go West Photography

CHEERS TO 30! Now who's coming dancing with me tonight?! ;)


I have to give a huge freakin' shoutout to MICAEL of Go West Photography! I came to her for a concept of a bright, colorful, fun boudoir shoot filled with balloons and bubbly and she hit the nail on the head!  She suggested the location which worked out perfectly and she was a flash-master (thank goodness!) in a small and dark room.  Also the amazing Kendall of Mayhem Beauty who rocked out my hair and makeup. We had SUCH a fun shoot and I'm so glad that I celebrated my birthday with a boudoir shoot for ME (although I will tell you that my husband has already set the background for his computer and phone to the bathtub I guess he kind of benefitted too!)!

(If you feel like watching an animated ice cream cone twerking...I highly recommend you check out my music video choice of the moment below ;) )

Austin Boudoir Studio | Click Chick Boudoir

Well holy crap. 

I'm not sure if this image should sell hair product, sheepskin rugs, or amazing lingerie...but I'm envisioning it on a giant billboard that would be sure to cause some accidents by distracted drivers!  I had a great shoot today with the lovely Miss "S" and had the chance to break in our new studio rug. BAM! 


So, who's next!?  I'm ready for you!

Big news! | Austin Boudoir Studio

3 months ago I created my 3 year vision board. It's something I do on the regular for my business to decide where I want to be, and make it happen. I knew that with the growth of business, and the increasing difficulty of separating my home and work life with my office being in the loft of my house, I needed to make some changes. On that board was finding the perfect commercial natural light studio and office space.

Today, I picked up the key to the NEW and first official studio space for Click Chick Boudoir! Eee!



This space happens to be in one of the coolest buildings in Austin, Starlight Lofts on South 1st...78704 BABY!


Recent clients have already had the pleasure of shooting in one of these units- as I was renting one hourly from another studio. And now I have one to call my very own! 

Stained concrete floors, so much natural light I have to wear my sunglasses inside, amazing location, and a super cool bunch of neighbors. 



I'll be working very hard to get this baby ready for my August clients! To be completely honest, needs nothing! I would be ecstatic to shoot in the completely bare studio! But, of course, I am going to deck it out in true Click Chick style! 

I am so excited for what this new adventure brings and so proud of my sexy little company for doing it's thang!  


Who wants to be one of the firsts to shoot in our new studio?!! Hit me up, dahhling! 




Legs for miles | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Just a quick tease into one of this week's boudoir shoots. Oh man. I can't even express to you how amazing all of them are! Eek!  This woman told me that her legs were her favorite we kind of worked it ;)


It was right around the time that this image was taken that my client said "HOW DO YOU PICK WHO GOES ON YOUR BLOG!?!"  I said, I blog every one of my clients who asks me to!  Her response: "Can you please put me on your BLOG!?!?!!!"  So you can bet this beauty will be getting quite a feature after she has her photo viewing! Ooh la la! 

P.S. Do you see that shiny new logo in the lower left hand corner of that image!?  When I re-launched as exclusively boudoir, I wanted to throw my new website up as fast as humanly possible. I found a cute text and a' posting I a-went.  My darling friend Callie who is a stellar graphic designer said in the kindest of ways... "I noticed your typeface...."  It was eating away at her, I could tell.  I couldn't think of ANYONE better to create the official watermark for Click Chick Boudoir.  BAM!