The Glowing Miss K | Austin Studio Boudoir

WHEWWWW!!! This has been a CRAZY year! 2015 is wrapping up with a total bang. I'm so grateful that every year has been better than the last in this awesome little business. This "busy" season has been the busiest of them all. So when I got an email from this woman needing to get in RIGHT AWAY because her little baby bump was starting to develop, a little panic set in as I looked at my schedule. 

ALAS- we made it happen, and she was stunning. I love her natural, glowing boho look. And holy crap--does anyone else see the resemblance to Elizabeth Shue (circa "Adventures in Babysitting" days)!?! It was uncanny.

Miss "K" said: 

"I was a little hesitant to go through with this experience, but as a newlywed, I really wanted to do this for my husband. Quickly after I said "I DO," we got news that we were expecting so I ended up convincing myself to go through with this NOW. 

I wasn't feeling all that well the week of my shoot but as soon as I got to Kara's studio I felt better!! I was so comfortable and relaxed."

It was such a natural progression going from oversized cozy sweater to nothing but the sheets. So for those who are freaking out about boudoir wardrobe...this is a fantastic example of how to do it simple and still get amazing images! 

The photo reveal was my favorite!!! It is so crazy looking at these pictures and believing that it was me!! I can’t wait to do it again... post baby :)
— Miss K

We're currently planning her maternity beauty session, and I.Can't.WAAIIIIT. 

Rainy Afternoon Delight | NSFW | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Being downright hot and sexy is especially empowering. I am so thrilled to see this mass movement of embracing female sexuality spread through the population. 

Women are realizing that not only is it OK to be sexy and to love sex....but they are starting to shout it from the rooftops. 

More and more clients are coming in wanting to push their boundaries a little bit to create something that reminds them they are sexual beings.

Take a woman who wants to be photographed embracing her sexuality and her nudity and combine that with a stormy day and I'm pretty much in heaven (and also guaranteed to get some of my favorite images ever).

There's just something about the rain, isn't there? 

We are all born sexual creatures, thank God. But it’s a pity that so many people despise and crush this natural gift.
— Marilyn Monroe
The most profound relationship we will ever have is with ourselves.
— Shirley Maclaine

Go forth, goddesses, and embrace your sexuality. 

Learning not to give so many f**ks

I bought this shirt from Buy Me Brunch for my husband....because he truly gives zero fucks about most things. The shirt was too small for him. So I cut it up for myself.



What's comical about ME wearing the shirt is that it's SO not me. Nope. Not one bit. I give all the fucks.

I wore a jacket over the shirt to drop my kids off at school. Then I cried in the car because my son's preschool teacher quit and I had all the feels for her and the situation. Then I worried about something I said to someone that I meant in  one way and thought maybe it was misconstrued.....and that was some fleeting comment I made a week ago. Then I realized how tired I was because I didn't sleep last night thinking about this one person who has been making my life pretty full of fucks who I should just ignore...but it still bothers me relentlessly. 

My husband is a brilliant man, insanely hard working, juggles more tasks with ease than my to-do list could ever handle, and with ALL the things he carries on his shoulders, he is unbelievably stress-free.  I's just uncanny. 

I've met a few people like this and I'm always so baffled.  How can they do it all and still, in their mind, be sitting on a beach sipping umbrella drinks?

I don't freaking know. Did you think you were going to get some sort of answers out of this post? Sorry. Nope. 

Just a declaration that I'm TRYYYIINNNG to give less fucks. I can't give zero fucks because that just wouldn't be me. But caring less about things that I can't change would be super awesome. You should try it, too. 

The end. 


Motherhood hasn't stripped you of your womanhood | Austin Boudoir Studio

When you have a baby, you pretty much want to wear the largest poncho that Costco has to offer and a bag over your head. Learning to love yourself after you've birthed a human is no easy feat.  Some of us hold on to 40lbs for what seems like a lifetime. Some of us bounce right back and have to deal with all the other moms hating us even though we still have mom insecurities, too.  Some of us develop crazy hormonal mental problems and can't see anything but our flaws.

The miracle happens when you have see yourself looking incredible for the first time after having a baby. You NEED to know that you've still got it....and that motherhood hasn't stripped you of your womanhood.

Because it hasn't. 

You're still a woman. You're still even. 

Miss "M" here had a shoot and got to experience this first hand. Yes, she's a slim girl...but that certainly doesn't mean that she doesn't have any "mombod" insecurities. All women have matter their shape or size. 

She rocked the hell out of her photo shoot and got to see that, damnit, she still had it!

"I did this shoot as a present for my soon to be hubby to give to him moments before the wedding! It's taking all the power inside of me not to tell him!!

I LOVE the pictures so much and am so happy I did this for him and for myself

"After having my son, I never thought I'd say 'DAMMMNNN I look GOOD!'. It definitely took the stress away from wedding planning and had some much-needed fun."

So. I repeat. Motherhood does NOT strip you of your womanhood. You are woman, hear you roar and stuff. ;) 


She didn't think she could love a photo of herself | Austin Boudoir Studio

I can't even tell you how many women approach me with the ol' "I am NOT photogenic" line. Which basically means they always hate photos of themselves. I always say "That's because you've never had your photo taken by me before!".  It may seem like a bold (and super cocky) statement to make, but what I mean is, you wouldn't believe the power of a good pose, great light, and a professional eye.  NOT TO MENTION the evil evil powers of a bad pose, horrible lighting, and an amateur eye. 

I've spent many years learning exactly how to pose women, how to light women, how to make women feel comfortable, and how to let a woman's inner light shine though in a photo. I'm happy to say that I'm STILL learning and always will be. 

THIS little gem of a woman. My goodness.  She completed her pre-shoot homework, which led me to believe that she wanted to keep this SUPER conservative and really just wanted a pretty picture or two of herself. 

She said her favorite feature was her hair, that she never likes photos of herself, and on our sexy scale 1-10, she wanted her photos to be at a level 3. A LEVEL THREE SEXY. I don't even know how to do that. Hahah. I teased her just a bit about that and we rocked the hell out of our photo session.

Meet Miss C. 

Makeup by Kendall Koehler of Mayhem Beauty

Makeup by Kendall Koehler of Mayhem Beauty

Here is what she had to say about her Kara Marie Boudoir experience

"I couldn't have asked for a better experience. From the moment I walked in the door I felt so comfortable. I've had a lot of big changes in my life and I felt like I was losing myself but after this experience I have never felt so empowered and good about myself. I still giggle when I think back to my shoot."

I never thought I would actually like pictures of myself but I am in LOVE with my photos!
— Miss C

Thank you, beautiful, for letting me prove to you  that you ARE, in fact, photogenic......and sexy. Like level 11 sexy. I'm overjoyed that I was able to provide her with a full collection of images she loved of herself...not just one as she'd hoped for. 

Let this be encouragement for other women who maybe don't ever like photos of themselves. For the women who deem themselves "not photogenic". For the women who don't think they can be more than a level 3 sexy. 



Print your Boudoir Photos | Austin Boudoir Photos

Generally upon seeing their photos....rather, seeing THE photo, at their photo reveal, my clients say something along the lines of "Is it weird that I want to put that on my WALL!?"


Do you know how many women don't like a single photo of themselves? They see all the flaws, the insecurities, the uncertainty in their eyes.

So when you come to a photo experience with me and you are directed and posed from head to toe, perfectly lit, and made to feel completely comfortable, you are most likely going to be SHOCKED to find that you love these photos. These photos of YOURSELF. 

We've been trained to nitpick and find fault in everything. It's the worst. 

The years that I've spent on my self portrait project led up to this moment.  The moment that I finally selected THE image to hang on my own wall.....of myself.

After taking this shot on a wobbly tripod and a crazy time crunch, I looked at the back of the camera and I was absolutely SHOCKED. Was that ME?! Wait...REALLY!? That's me? No photoshop, no wardrobe....just me? I felt the way my clients feel when they see THEIR money shot.

I ran back to my hotel room and texted the shot to my husband. He responded with something along the lines of "Big AF on the wall!". I knew he was right.

I have plenty of pretty photos of myself. Once you know your way around the camera ( hem...Photoshop), it's not a challenge to create a pretty picture.  I've got sexy ones, too. Ones that the whole point was to have sex appeal, for my husband, and to prove to myself that I still had it. 

This photo, though. THIS PHOTO was the one that made me feel STRONG, empowered, badass, and beautiful all at once. THIS photo made me FEEL something. It showed ME. The me that I want to be every day. 

When I unboxed this giant acrylic piece this morning, I gasped, shook my head, and then cried. 

Seeing a photo in print is just SO much more powerful than any screen can offer. 

This was exactly what I needed. And now every time I walk past this image of me in my bedroom (or in my living room if my husband gets his way), I'm going to feel strong, empowered, badass, and beautiful all over again.

SO, know THAT money shot that I just took of you. The one from your shoot that took your breath away?? That shouldn't be stuffed in a drawer or kept on your phone. Let us make it BIG ART so you can give yourself a daily self high five for being so damn amazing every time you walk past it. 


Boudoir : Bet you can't have just one | Austin Boudoir Shoot

When I first began discussing the possibility of going full-time, all-the-time boudoir photography with my close friends and husband, they all had the same questions: "Is there really enough of a market for that to do it full time?!" and, more commonly commented "But, I mean, that's just a once in a lifetime type of won't get repeat clients, right?".  


Almost EVERY SINGLE one of my clients comes back for more. If they haven't come back yet, they say they can't wait to!

This is not a once in a lifetime type of experience. 

It's a "any damn time you need a boost" type of experience. 

Miss "F" proclaimed the same after her Austin Boudoir shoot.


Miss "F" said...

"It was AH~MAZING!!!! I felt completely comfortable from start to finish - it was like I was hanging out with a friend even though it was our first time meeting.

I couldn't have asked for a better experience & I'm beyond happy that it was with with Kara Marie Boudoir!" 

I’m already thinking about when I want to do it again!
— Miss "F"

Just about every woman says the same as soon as she sees her images, and often times, even at the end of her shoot, BEFORE she even sees her images. 

YES, the photos will be badass. But it's so much more than that. It's about walking out of that studio with a sexy strut and your head held high knowing that you are absolutely incredible. Knowing that you just got a little piece of your old self back. Knowing that you STILL GOT IT.  

And I don't know about you ladies, but I could use that boost more than once in my lifetime ;)

Thank you so much to Miss "F" for trusting me with her boudoir experience. 

I absolutely cannot wait to have her back for round 2 (and 3 and 4, I'm sure!)


Come just as you are. Now. Right now. | Austin Boudoir Studio

I woke up this morning to a cool breeze and fall temperatures. The air smelled like FALL for the first time this year in Austin. So I was inspired to post this fall-feeling boudoir shoot.

Life is short. From here to that old car that you know so well there is a stretch of twenty, twenty-five paces. It is a very short walk. Make those twenty-five steps. Now. Right now. Come just as you are. And we shall live happily ever after.
— ~Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

There are so many things in this life that we put off until the "perfect" time.  We wait to get married until we're "financially stable". We wait to have kids until we're done traveling. We wait to do a boudoir shoot until we've lost 10 pounds. 

The sad truth is, our idea of "perfect timing" is skewed tremendously. Because...the perfect time to do something you're passionate about is now. Right now. 

I look back at the list of things that I've been meaning to do...and it's a crazy long list. And those things on the list?  There's absolutely no reason why I couldn't have accomplished them already. 

That quote from Lolita really resonated with me, and I assume it will resonate with most of you. It did with Miss "E" here, whose favorite book is Lolita...and she happened to bring a copy to her boudoir shoot. She is a published journalist, blogger, and a writing magician. It was so awesome incorporating her love of books into this shoot a little bit. 

Miss "E" said...

"Despite being extremely camera-shy, my photo shoot ended up more like a spa treatment. Kara and her team are so down-to-earth and hospitable, and they made it felt like that whole hour was all about me and me only.

When I saw the results at my photo reveal, I teared up looking at the woman in the photos; after all the adversity I have been through in my 20's, I assumed that woman was dead. "

The experience resurrected that woman. Or perhaps brought her back to the surface.
— Miss E

So this is me encouraging you to come as you are. Do it now. Right now. Book your shoot, schedule that vacation, learn to salsa dance, jump out of that plane (but with a parachute, please!), and do whatever you can to make the absolute most of your life RIGHT.NOW.

Thank you, Miss "E" for sharing your incredible images and experience with us!



How to Grow a Woman | An opinion piece.

There have been a myriad of opinion blogs posted lately that have sparked so many emotions for me.

First was the likely fictional tale of a boudoir photographer who received a heartfelt email from one her client's husbands arguing that by photoshopping his wife as she requested, she has unintentionally wiped out her life story. *Eye roll*.  I would comment on that only so many other photographers have done so far more eloquently than I would (read my friend, Lynn's here.). 

Then, the overprotective dad that took a "prom pose" photo with his daughter's date, stating that he would do to the date whatever the date tried to do to his daughter. It was silly, and, I believe, innocent fun. As a bit of a feminist, I was still not at all offended by this photo or news story. 

Others were, and lots of opinion pieces began to circulate, including THIS one on HuffPost that was *actually* quite a brilliant read.

Written by Kasey Ferris and titled "Please don't threaten my son for dating your daughter", she articulately makes an example of the viral post (although she, too, admits that it was all in good fun and doesn't really judge the father for the post). However, it opens up a great discussion topic about the way we are teaching our children.

Do you remember being a hormonally-charged teenager? I do. I *REALLY* do.  Actually, it just so happens that I am currently oh-so-happily married to the "bad boy" that I was sneaking around to have "relations" with at the age of 16 and throughout my teenage years. My father made so many stereotypical "overprotective dad" comments, threats even, to my boyfriend. 

Our first date.

Our first date.

16 years ago (almost to the date), my father shook the hand of the boy who was picking me up for the first time while eyeing him up and down. My mother spent the evening, I'm sure, pacing around the house thinking of all the worst possible scenarios.  It was later that night that this boy and I shared *THE* most amazing kiss in the history of all kisses on the dance floor of his homecoming dance. We still talk about this kiss. In fact, we just did a couple of weeks ago over dinner with our 2 kids who were happily playing iPad games at the dinner table (Ok, so I'm not a parenting guru. Full disclaimer.)

Now that I am a parent, of course I can understand that feeling of wanting to shield your children from all harm. But here's the thing...we can't.  But there is a smarter route to take. There is an avenue that doesn't involve polishing your shot gun when your daughter is heading out the door with her new beau and trying to wish away all harm. Sounds backwards, doesn't it? Though, that's how so many do it. That's how so many were shown through demonstration to do it.

In order to create a culture of strong and competent women who can save themselves, we must first stop teaching girls that they need to be saved.
— Kasey Ferris

As parents, we have the opportunity to TEACH our children.  To demonstrate to them how they should respect others, how they should respect themselves. 

We need to give our daughters the tools to be strong, courageous, intelligent, incredible people. Teaching them that boys are horny little shits who will only knock them up and run away is absolutely ludicrous but sadly incredibly common. 

As Ferris states in her article (which, like I said...BRILLIANT, y'all!): 

"Above all, realize and come to terms with the fact that teenage sexuality is not a "boy thing". Teenage sexuality is a teenage thing. Young men and young women alike are going to be curious, interested, and looking to learn more about sex. Your daughter is just as curious as my son, I can virtually guarantee it."


Can I let you in on a little secret? Your teenage daughter is probably just as horny as her teenage partner. I was just as interested in sex at the age of 16 as my then-boyfriend-now-husband.  And do you know what HE was!? COMPLETELY respectful of me. 100%. I never once felt an ounce of pressure NOR an ounce of regret with my decisions to be with him sexually or otherwise. I want to raise my boys to be THAT respectful of women. 

Did I feel that way about other relationships I had with men...err...boys? HELL. NO.  Did my overprotective parents save me from making bad decisions? HELLLLLL no. In fact, I would argue that several times I was pushed into purposely making bad decisions out of spite.  Is that right? Uh, no. But that's how it was for me. And it's probably how it is for other children of hovering parents.  

I truly am not trying to make my parents feel bad with this post, as I genuinely believe they were doing what they knew to be right. What we need to change is what we feel is the RIGHT way to educate our children about their self worth, their decision making, and yes...even sex. 

I am so proud to say, that despite my unhealthy relationships with teenage males other than my husband, I currently have a very healthy relationship with sex. I feel comfortable teaching my boys that SEX is not BAD. Sex is beautiful when shared with the right person.  I am confident that my boys will treat their future partners with every bit the respect and sensitivity that their father did with me. 

16 years later. Still madly in love with him.

16 years later. Still madly in love with him.

As Kasey Ferris puts it, "Why don't we, as parents, mutually do our best to raise responsible and capable children, instead? Why don't we guide our children to better choices, and help them learn how to recover when (not if) they screw up? Why don't we remember that this is all part of the process and focus on the examples we're setting for them and the messages they're receiving at home? Then maybe we could all take a collective deep breath and be more confident in the kids we've raised."

Boom. I don't have a mic, but if I did, I would drop it to that statement. 

So, to the crazy over protective parents out there, I hear you. I do. It is tough to bathe, feed, and wipe the bums of our growing children and let them fly on their own. 

Women, be strong. Be strong for your daughters, and for your sons. Be strong for YOURSELVES. Also...BE VULNERABLE. Don't be AFRAID to be vulnerable with them. Share your feelings. Be HONEST.  Don't shield them from pain. Fill them in on your mistakes and why they were, in fact, mistakes. But also fill them in on how those mistakes taught you the right path. 

Women, LOVE YOURSELVES. Respect yourselves. Seriously. Whatever you need to do to empower yourself, do it. Own it.