VA-VA-VIXEN | Austin Studio Boudoir

Certain people skip into your life and you know right away that they are super special. That was Miss "P". She was SO kind, sweet, energetic, and had a crazy positive attitude that was contagious. 

Between her, her awesome friend Miss "T" that we blogged last Thursday, and all the fun energy in the place, we got a really awesome finished product and Miss "P" was a super happy customer. 

Miss "P" said: 

"I did the shoot because you only live once and I want my once to be Ah-mazing!  I think every women deserves to feel beautiful no matter what shape, size or age they are!"

Hair and makeup by Kendall Koehler of Mayhem Beauty

Hair and makeup by Kendall Koehler of Mayhem Beauty

"During the session, I felt like I was shooting with my girlfriend so fun and relaxed! You are a ROCKSTAR Kara - This is definitely your calling."

"After the shoot, I felt so empowered and cannot wait to start planning my next one."

Seeing my photos, I felt sexy, Confident and Fucking Fabulous . The images were stunning!!!
— Miss P

Stunning, indeed! And how about that on-the-floor image!? Rrawrrrr!

Thank you for choosing to celebrate your badassery with me, Miss "P"...until next time!!  Rock on, girlfriend!


Boudoir for a Boost! | Austin Studio Boudoir

Miss "B" stepped into my studio with an awesomely positive energy, a killer wardrobe, and a purpose. Like many women who come to me for a boudoir shoot, she wanted a boost. She'd experienced a rough time when her father passed away, and is finally starting to feel back to her old self.

As the final phase of "recovery", she decided on a boudoir shoot to boost her morale and to feel sexy again. 

AND there's no way she could not feel sexy after this shoot and these photos! VA VA VOOM!

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

I love starting out with something cozy....annnnd then moving into something a little less cozy! 

Here's Miss "B"'s story:

"About a month after I moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting and writing endeavors, my dad died and I experienced a bad case of adult acne. The two combined made me me feel depressed and where I didn't want to leave my house on some days. (Not to mention, I hid from cameras.) After a couple years of medications and skin consultations, I finally feel like me and have my skin under control."

I decided to book a shoot for the last phase to feel more comfortable in my own skin, to improve confidence, to feel glamorous and sexy...the list could go on and on. This was a great experience! Not only did Kara make me feel comfortable throughout the shoot, she also kept me laughing!
— Miss B

I cannot tell you how much I love these two black and white images for a side-by-side acrylic wall art set! GAH! Be still my heart!


"This experience definitely boosted my overall confidence and added a little 'va-va-voom' to my step!" - Miss B


Annnnnd a hair flip for the finish! 

So many thanks to Miss "B" for trusting me with this experience! I commend her for doing something for herself so she could have the warm and fuzzies about who she is right now (which is an absolutely incredible woman!). 


A woman who does not require validation... | Austin Boudoir Studio

In this line of work, I meet women. Lots and LOTS of women. They are all SO different in walks of life and personalities. Miss "T" here really stood out to me, personality-wise. She was vibrant, confident, more animated than pretty much anyone I've ever met, and amazingly confident.

Pair those things with a wardrobe to match her personality and some "healthy" champagne that she brought (YESSSS! It does exist! Bless.), as well as her bestie, Miss "P" (whose blog post is coming soon!), and you have one super fun photo shoot!

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

"It was a beautiful space, I loved the variety of my picture choices and I had a fantastic experience." -Miss "T"

The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.
— Mohadesa Najumi

Thank you thank you, Miss T for rocking it out with me! I wish I had an ounce of your energy and badassness!


Effortlessly Elegant | Miss F | Austin Boudoir Studio

How's everyone feeling after the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend? Refreshed and replenished or completely burned out? 

I took a few days off, and I have to admit....I AM SO READY TO BE BACK AT WORK!!! Especially knowing that THIS gem is today's blog feature!

Miss "F" was so effortlessly elegant. Her boudoir wardrobe knocked it out of the park. Her eyes were mesmerizing. And we had such a great time creating this amazing gift for her and her love!

Hair and Makeup by Kendall Koehler of Mayhem Beauty

Hair and Makeup by Kendall Koehler of Mayhem Beauty

Here's what Miss "F" had to say about her boudoir experience:

"Kara, you showed me in a way I rarely, or maybe never, see myself. When I came to my shoot, I was feeling really bedraggled, tired, and stressed about life. But this shoot made me feel so wonderfully good about myself!"

I walked out with one heck of a sexy attitude and a ‘bring it on world— I can take whatever you throw at me and not just handle it, but have FUN with it’ mentality!
— Miss F

"I feel more beautiful and vivacious than ever. And the pics are too die for!"

And I have to agree--the pics ARE to die for!

And then....AND THEN....we changed into this ridiculously amazing outfit. The magenta bra paired with this STUNNING ethically sourced rabbit fur coat and tousled hair. AHHHH! Love love love!

Can I get a resounding "DAYYUUMMM", here!?  I love the confidence not only exuded in these images by this outstanding woman, but the confidence she herself says she acquired just by doing the shoot! It's no exaggeration when I preach that boudoir is a major confidence boost!

THANK YOU to Miss "F" for sharing her badass images with us, as well as her rave review! I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: I absolutely ADORE our Kara Marie Boudoir clients!

Just do it already! | Austin Boudoir Studio

If you have been a long time follower slash boudoir yearner but haven't taken the plunge yet, you are not alone. 

SO many of my clients don't actually become my clients until they've followed me and my work for a few years, and then they read a particular blog or see a particular image that speaks to them and they finally have the nerve to send an email.

After that, it's all easy as pie. Mmmm. Pie. There's a pumpkin one in my fridge riiiiight now. Waiting for me. Calling me. I imagine the pie has a very seductive voice. "Karraaaaaaa! EAT ME! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO." Whoah. Sorry. Note to self: No hungry blogging. 

But really, I do make everything SO completely easy for my clients. From prepping/shopping for your session to making your final selections, I really do direct you on every little thing. So sending that email is the hardest part. Promise. 

Miss H, here, was one of those "long time followers" who finally bit the bullet! I'm so glad she did! We had SUCH a fun time at her shoot, and even more at her photo reveal when she brought her girlfriend in for a surprise date. I MIIIIGHT have pretended that I was an ordained minister and that I was about to marry them on the spot before finally revealing that they were there to see Miss H's boudoir photos. Might have. 

Makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

Makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

"I have always wanted to do one and missed out last year!  I made it a priority this year, does Christmas shopping get any easier?"

"Seeing the photos?  We set it up as a surprise date for my girlfriend - Kara of course was awesome as always - probably one of our best dates EVER!  Can you beat hot pictures and Lana on vinyl?  I don't think so!" -Miss H

Do it! You don’t have to have someone to do it for, except YOURSELF! Do it for you!
— Miss H

"Kara will walk you through it all, step by step.  You just show up, ready to be beautiful! #NoExcuses #BeYouTiful #YoureWelcome"

It's true. 

Thank you so much to Miss H for rocking out her session and for being one of my favorite new Snapchat buddies. And thank you to Miss H's girlfriend for not passing out when I tricked her about what we were about to do. ;) 


The Glowing Miss K | Austin Studio Boudoir

WHEWWWW!!! This has been a CRAZY year! 2015 is wrapping up with a total bang. I'm so grateful that every year has been better than the last in this awesome little business. This "busy" season has been the busiest of them all. So when I got an email from this woman needing to get in RIGHT AWAY because her little baby bump was starting to develop, a little panic set in as I looked at my schedule. 

ALAS- we made it happen, and she was stunning. I love her natural, glowing boho look. And holy crap--does anyone else see the resemblance to Elizabeth Shue (circa "Adventures in Babysitting" days)!?! It was uncanny.

Miss "K" said: 

"I was a little hesitant to go through with this experience, but as a newlywed, I really wanted to do this for my husband. Quickly after I said "I DO," we got news that we were expecting so I ended up convincing myself to go through with this NOW. 

I wasn't feeling all that well the week of my shoot but as soon as I got to Kara's studio I felt better!! I was so comfortable and relaxed."

It was such a natural progression going from oversized cozy sweater to nothing but the sheets. So for those who are freaking out about boudoir wardrobe...this is a fantastic example of how to do it simple and still get amazing images! 

The photo reveal was my favorite!!! It is so crazy looking at these pictures and believing that it was me!! I can’t wait to do it again... post baby :)
— Miss K

We're currently planning her maternity beauty session, and I.Can't.WAAIIIIT. 

Rainy Afternoon Delight | NSFW | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Being downright hot and sexy is especially empowering. I am so thrilled to see this mass movement of embracing female sexuality spread through the population. 

Women are realizing that not only is it OK to be sexy and to love sex....but they are starting to shout it from the rooftops. 

More and more clients are coming in wanting to push their boundaries a little bit to create something that reminds them they are sexual beings.

Take a woman who wants to be photographed embracing her sexuality and her nudity and combine that with a stormy day and I'm pretty much in heaven (and also guaranteed to get some of my favorite images ever).

There's just something about the rain, isn't there? 

We are all born sexual creatures, thank God. But it’s a pity that so many people despise and crush this natural gift.
— Marilyn Monroe
The most profound relationship we will ever have is with ourselves.
— Shirley Maclaine

Go forth, goddesses, and embrace your sexuality. 

Learning not to give so many f**ks

I bought this shirt from Buy Me Brunch for my husband....because he truly gives zero fucks about most things. The shirt was too small for him. So I cut it up for myself.



What's comical about ME wearing the shirt is that it's SO not me. Nope. Not one bit. I give all the fucks.

I wore a jacket over the shirt to drop my kids off at school. Then I cried in the car because my son's preschool teacher quit and I had all the feels for her and the situation. Then I worried about something I said to someone that I meant in  one way and thought maybe it was misconstrued.....and that was some fleeting comment I made a week ago. Then I realized how tired I was because I didn't sleep last night thinking about this one person who has been making my life pretty full of fucks who I should just ignore...but it still bothers me relentlessly. 

My husband is a brilliant man, insanely hard working, juggles more tasks with ease than my to-do list could ever handle, and with ALL the things he carries on his shoulders, he is unbelievably stress-free.  I's just uncanny. 

I've met a few people like this and I'm always so baffled.  How can they do it all and still, in their mind, be sitting on a beach sipping umbrella drinks?

I don't freaking know. Did you think you were going to get some sort of answers out of this post? Sorry. Nope. 

Just a declaration that I'm TRYYYIINNNG to give less fucks. I can't give zero fucks because that just wouldn't be me. But caring less about things that I can't change would be super awesome. You should try it, too. 

The end. 


Motherhood hasn't stripped you of your womanhood | Austin Boudoir Studio

When you have a baby, you pretty much want to wear the largest poncho that Costco has to offer and a bag over your head. Learning to love yourself after you've birthed a human is no easy feat.  Some of us hold on to 40lbs for what seems like a lifetime. Some of us bounce right back and have to deal with all the other moms hating us even though we still have mom insecurities, too.  Some of us develop crazy hormonal mental problems and can't see anything but our flaws.

The miracle happens when you have see yourself looking incredible for the first time after having a baby. You NEED to know that you've still got it....and that motherhood hasn't stripped you of your womanhood.

Because it hasn't. 

You're still a woman. You're still even. 

Miss "M" here had a shoot and got to experience this first hand. Yes, she's a slim girl...but that certainly doesn't mean that she doesn't have any "mombod" insecurities. All women have matter their shape or size. 

She rocked the hell out of her photo shoot and got to see that, damnit, she still had it!

"I did this shoot as a present for my soon to be hubby to give to him moments before the wedding! It's taking all the power inside of me not to tell him!!

I LOVE the pictures so much and am so happy I did this for him and for myself

"After having my son, I never thought I'd say 'DAMMMNNN I look GOOD!'. It definitely took the stress away from wedding planning and had some much-needed fun."

So. I repeat. Motherhood does NOT strip you of your womanhood. You are woman, hear you roar and stuff. ;)