You don't have to show any skin at all... | Austin Beauty Photographer

You really don't have to show any skin at all to get in front of my lens, you know! If I had a nickel for every woman who said "I would LOVE you to photograph me, but I would never be able to strip down!"....I'd least $100 richer.  And I would have probably spent that on shoes, too.  

While I PROMISE a boudoir shoot is nowhere NEAR as scary as you think it will be (especially with me!),  BEAUTY photography is the more modest side of my business.  It's just as hopping as the boudoir side. 

This is Miss "B"!   She opted for a business casual look in a classic white shirt. It's Facebook-friendly and will be the best business "headshot" of all of her colleagues. 

Her laugh was so infectious....and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that she laughed the WHOLE hour (Miss M--back me up, here!) which obviously makes for some amazing personality shots!

Fall is juuusst about full but if you'd like a shoot of your very own, let's chat!

Catching Up | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Well, shit.  

I haven't posted in quite some time...and for a few reasons. First and foremost, because until TODAY, I didn't have an actual consistent internet connection at my studio. 3 cable companies later, and Donald from Time Warner (my last choice for a reason), pulled through for me and successfully installed internet! Wahooo!  



Don't worry, I haven't been living without internet for 2 weeks....only at the studio. But part of the benefit of getting the studio was to give me the ability to leave work at work and be present at home. SO, I've been doing just that and hopefully sometime soon I'll get into the groove of being both a full-time business owner AND a full-time mom simultaneously. I'll keep you posted on that. ha.


ALSO- I've been busy, y'all. Like REALLY flipping busy. In the past two weeks I've photographed 17 boudoir sessions and 1 wedding, designed and ordered 12 bedside albums, and have had 6 client photo reveals.   On the 2 days that I didn't have a shoot booked in those two weeks, I was editing my booo-tay off.  And also drinking a lot of wine. 


So that's the update. I know, I were on the edge of your seats!!

The GOOD NEWS is, I'm starting to come up for air just a TINY bit. At least enough to blog some sessions soon!  So stay tuned you awesome people, you. 

~Kara Marie (over and out).

Cozy up for fall! | Austin Boudoir Studio

It's FALL, y'all!  I love fall! We may not get much of one in Texas but I can tell you that I've had my first Apple Ale, Pumpkin Spice Latte, AND sweater-wearing day of the it's officially here.

It's not just the yummy scents and gorgeous temperatures that make me love this season! It's the COZY boudoir shoots! YAY!  There's something about the cooler temperatures that make women cringe at the idea of putting on complicated lingerie...or maybe that's just me.  I'm more of a oversized shirt and slippers kind of girl, which is SO much fun to translate into a shoot.

I've compiled a few cozy favorites for your viewing pleasure, and of course to get your creative juices flowing for YOUR fall boudoir shoot wardrobe!


Bust out your flannel!!  It makes for a great photo op!

Bust out your flannel!!  It makes for a great photo op!




This is a recent "boudoir selfie" I took at my studio. You'll often find me with messy hair, a giant t-shirt, coffee in hand, pants. Don't worry, clients! I DO wear pants while I'm shooting! 

This is a recent "boudoir selfie" I took at my studio. You'll often find me with messy hair, a giant t-shirt, coffee in hand, pants. Don't worry, clients! I DO wear pants while I'm shooting! 



Whatever you're wearing,  nothing screams BRRR like getting yourself all bundled up in the sheets and comforter!  Boudoir wardrobe doesn't have to be complicated (or strappy!) to be sexy!

Whatever you're wearing,  nothing screams BRRR like getting yourself all bundled up in the sheets and comforter!  Boudoir wardrobe doesn't have to be complicated (or strappy!) to be sexy!

Ahh fall. Don't you feel cozier now? I do.  I'm actually currently in the process of putting together a brand new COZY FALL SET at the studio!!  Here's a peek at some of my purchases  that are going to make for lots of sexy, cozy shoots! <3

New cozy boudoir set in the works at Click Chick Boudoir!!

New cozy boudoir set in the works at Click Chick Boudoir!!

Now is the perfect time to shoot to have those holiday gifts, girls ;) Let's do this thang! Message me to chat more!

The Boudoir Experience | Austin Boudoir Studio

By now you've probably seen the photos from last week's killer promo shoot with Miss "O"...butttt, there's MORRREEE! I know, I know...I'm excited too ;)

Check out this fun little promo video we put together to show a little behind-the-scenes action from a Click Chick Boudoir experience! Enjoy! 

Want a boudoir experience of your own?? Let's chat, dahhling!

Miss "O" Part II | Austin Boudoir Studio

Ohhhh Miss "O", how your beauty shines!!  If you missed Part I of this insanely awesome shoot, be sure to check it out! 

NOW--on to the SASS! When we switched to bolder lingerie, smoky eyes, bigger hair, and plum lips, it was time to sexy-it-up a little bit!  This woman was like butter in front of my lens....fat free calorie free gluten free dairy free butter because...I mean...look at her! No butter touches that bod!

As stunning as she is, beauty is only skin deep....and it's NOT outer beauty that is radiating in these photos. That's her soul, y'all. In the one day that I spent with this woman, I can tell you that she is truly the most beautiful person on the inside, too.  She leads a pretty amazing, hard-working life and is lead by her heart wherever she goes.  

OK- back to the photos. Enjoy!

I'll pause while you check those out again. Go ahead....don't be shy. 

Isn't she just remarkable?  And can we please talk about that BODY SUIT! Ooooh la la. That Blush body suit came from my favorite little Austin lingerie boutique,  UNDERWEAR.  That place is full of sexy little treasures.  

The sultry hair and makeup was done by one of Click Chick Boudoir's choice hair/makeup artists Kendall from Mayhem Beauty. BAM. Perfection.

And another HUGE thank you to Miss "O" for sharing her glow with us.  She is also the star of a little promo video for Click Chick Boudoir that will be rolling out tomorrow! Stay tuned! xo

Are you ready for me to photograph you, yet? You deserve it, girl! Get at me!

Miss O and her hypnotizing gaze | Austin Boudoir Studio


Seriously.  Y'all.  I had one of the most fun photo shoots of my career last week...which is a pretty bold statement to make, because all of my shoots are the "funnest".

Miss "O" rocked my socks off, completely NAILED her photo-slash-video shoot, and the photos we got are so freaking incredible. This is going to have a to be a two part (or maybe even three part) blog post. TODAY, you get the beauty in white...tomorrow we'll sass it up a bit. ;)

Before. Still cute as a button.

Before. Still cute as a button.

After. Wowza.

After. Wowza.


Such a classic beauty, this one! She was so natural and effortless in front of my lens.  I cannot WAIT to share Part II with you tomorrow! It's insanely insane in awesomeness. Be prepared. 

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Kendall of Mayhem Beauty for rocking out Miss "O"s hair and makeup for this shoot, and for UNDERWEAR for the beautiful wardrobe. Va Va Voom.

Want to be in front of my lens? Let's chat dahhling!

Sexy at any size | Austin Beauty Photographer

I initially "met" Mandy on Instagram. Her selfies actually blew me out of the water. Her features are absolutely incredible and I knew that I had to get my lens on her sooner rather than later. Her complexion is absolutely stunning, her eyes are mesmerizing, her EYEBROWS leave me oozing with jealousy (seriously--they're perfection!), her hair is always fun and funky, her style makes me want to be her friend, her tattoos are SO fun and colorful, and her curves are rockin'! Flash forward about 2 1/2 years.....through her Instagram feed, I found out that she was working very hard to lose 100 pounds and her efforts were proving to be really successful. Her drive, positivity, and results were such an inspiration to me. So I did something I NEVER do (like....never ever.): I told her WHEN she hit her goal to get in touch with me and I would treat her to a celebratory beauty shoot. She was SO excited about this, and I was even more so!  ALAS- we finally had out celebratory beauty shoot. And.DAMN. It was awesome!  SEEEE?: 



Here is what this beauty had to say:

There is no wrong way to be a woman. Regardless of your size, you are allowed to feel sexy!
— Mandy

"These are words that after struggling with my appearance for years, have helped me accept my curves and more importantly, love them. To me, true beauty is confidence and we all should feel nothing less than that about ourselves. Body positivity is essential to me and I dream to be a role model for all woman. Love yourselves, ladies. You are all goddesses!"

"I want to thank the lovely Kara Trombetta for the opportunity to work with her. It was an amazing experience and I enjoyed every minute. I appreciate the comfort and confidence I was able to hold with her. Kara's direction was fantastic and she is an amazingly talented photographer!"

SO, yeah--she's pretty much awesome, eh??! Love her AND these photos we created together! It was a pleasure documenting such an important time for Mandy--in all her curvy sexy gorgeousness!

Are you ready to celebrate YOUR sexy!? Let's chat, dahhling!

One badass bombshell! | Austin Boudoir Studio

The hardest and least favorite part of my job is DEFINITELY keeping secrets! It's such a challenge....especially when I'm sitting on such awesome images!!


THIS badass bombshell came to me a few months ago in hopes of creating an awesome anniversary present for her husband.  We had the most amazing time during her shoot and got some of my all-time favorite images.  And her husband "LOOOOVVVVVEEESSSSS" the images ;) 


Right before we started this set of images, this client said "How do you pick who gets to be on your blog?" To which I responded "Ummm....ANYONE who I photograph can be on my blog if they want to be!!" So she said "Can I please be on your blog!?!?!"  Hell yes you can, my dear. Hell yesssss.

PHEW! It feels good to get that off my chest. ;)

I love how she rocked out plaid, leather, lace, and ended with a super soft and feminine set! It was SUCH a versatile shoot and it was such a pleasure to photograph her!!! 

Ready for your turn? Let's chat, dahhling!

Miss Monday on Monday | Austin Boudoir Studio

Just thought that Monday would be a fitting day to share a few images from Miss Monday's mini beauty shoot!  

If you are looking to get a beauty or boudoir shoot in before Christmas, NOW is the time! My schedule is rapidly filling up--don't miss your chance to feel as beautiful as you should!

Let's get you in front of my lens, shall we?

A Classic Beauty... | Austin Boudoir Photographer

I have photographed miss "J" before, in a much different capacity, and was absolutely DELIGHTED when we started talking about getting her in front of my lens for a boudoir shoot.  She and her husband had a milestone anniversary last week, and she knew that she really wanted to knock his socks off for this one.  Mission accomplished. 

I wanted to express how grateful I am to be shown that all the parts of myself that I see as imperfections are really not imperfections at all, but instead make me beautiful.
— Miss J

Insanely beautiful, isn't she!?  Her boudoir experience was so much fun and I was literally DYING trying to keep this secret for so long!   We were texting back and forth on the evening that she gave her husband the incredibly amazing album and he said the pictures are exactly the way that he sees her all the time. AHHH!  Be still my heart. 

Makeup done by the talented Lauren of Lola Beauty!

Ready to be blown away with images of your true beauty? Ready to blow someone else away? Let's talk beauty and boudoir, dahhling!