Boudoir as a LIFE CHANGER | Austin Boudoir Studio

I'm about to share a doozy of a blog post with you. Miss "L" here, was yet another reminder of why I chose Boudoir Photography as my career path. Her shoot was easy, breezy, and effortless (more effortless for me than for her...she had to do a lot of back arching!). She was an absolute GODDESS in front of the lens. Even looked quite a bit like Scarlett Johansson.

She could be a model...

...but she's not.  She's the mom of the most precious little girl, a business owner, and has really impeccable taste in shoes and lingerie (as you'll soon see.)

What's more than that, though, is that she was SO much fun to be with and her words about her experience brought me to tears. Again. Yeah yeah, I cry a lot lately. But man, it really resonated. I know I preach how important this is to women, but I'm always surprised by how different their backgrounds/stories, yet how similar their response to their images was and how it's changed them. 

I'm going to stop blabbering because this client's words says more than enough...oh...and then there's the photos! 

"Three years ago, I was sitting on my couch watching my almost one year old walk around and make a mess of everything. I was thinking about how easy this little human changed my life and my body. Then, I got a text from my best friend that said, “we should do boudoir shoots!” I laughed. Yeah, definitely not going to do that.

I was not back to my pre pregnancy weight and wasn't about to run around in almost nothing taking pictures. I told my husband about it and he said that I should because I deserve to feel sexy and confident. The problem was, I did not feel sexy or confident and wasn't sure pictures would help that.

Fast forward 3 years, I stumbled upon Click Chick’s website. I was immediately lost in the images. These women were gorgeous and elegant and classy. I could never be those things, right? The next week, a friend of mine posted some of her images to Facebook and I instantly noticed they were taken by Kara. SHUT UP.

As fast as my little fingers could work, I began emailing with Kara! Did she just call me "Dahhling"? Yes. Well all right, this may not be so bad. I decided that night I had to book my session, claiming it was going to be an anniversary gift for my husband. If not now, when? That's what I kept telling myself.

I booked my shoot several months in advance so I would have time to pick the perfect wardrobe and work up the nerve to be in front of a camera. The day finally arrived. I was nervous, anxious, and a little worried about whether I would be able to do this or not. Would the pictures turn out okay? Would she like me?

As I walked up the stairs, I seriously thought about turning around and leaving. That would have been the biggest mistake of my life. I opened the studio door and there was the cutest, sweetest little blonde with the biggest smile coming right at me. As soon as she put her arms around me for a welcome hug, I immediately started to relax. I cannot even explain how relaxed and comfortable I felt from the beginning, even before hair and makeup.

I sat down for hair and makeup and had the best conversation with the most amazing makeup artist I have ever known. After that, it was time to start. Kara told me exactly what she wanted me to do. She made the shoot extremely easy, (well, maybe not easy because some of those poses HURT! haha) comfortable, relaxed. She also has a way of making you feel like you’re a supermodel. Not even kidding.  I walked out of my shoot feeling like I just won Miss Universe.

When I got home, my husband said, “ you look different!” I said it was the makeup. He said, “nope. That's not it.” That night I got a sneak peak. I died. I thought to myself, that's not me. It can’t be. Oh, but it was! 

I (not so) patiently waited for my reveal. I arrived 30 minutes early. As I sat in my car, I kind of started to hyperventilate. I was approximately 154258% more nervous to see my pictures than I was to actually take them. Such a strange feeling. I opened that studio door one more time and there was that adorable little blonde firecracker again. I like her.

So we sat down, she woke up her computer and BOOM, there I was. My heart started racing, I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to have every single image printed. I wanted wall paper made out of these images. I did it. This was me. As Kara scrolled through, I lost my words. I couldn't speak. I was speechless. (obviously, that never happens).

These pictures showed me that I was more than just a wife and mother. They showed me that I am a woman with so much more to offer. What started out as a gift for my husband, ended up changing my life. Confidence is the number one word out of my mouth when anyone asks about my images. Confidence.  

“ You've always had the power my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.”-Glenda, the good witch.  THANK YOU IMMENSELY, Kara for being my good witch. I cannot wait to do it all over again!!!!!!

I am so grateful that Miss "L" found her way into my studio... and even more grateful that this experience was exactly what it was supposed to be for her, and then some! 

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty, Blue bra and panty set is Heidi Klum Intimates from UNDERWEAR Austin, Black garter belt set is Agent Provocateur.

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty, Blue bra and panty set is Heidi Klum Intimates from UNDERWEAR Austin, Black garter belt set is Agent Provocateur.

I've said it a million times before and I will say it over and over again: This is NOT about sexy photos. It's about showing yourself that you are AMAZING. You can be confident, powerful, gorgeous, feminine, and a badass all at once.

Let me show you.


Giving Murphy's Law the Middle Finger | Austin Boudoir Studio

Guys. The month of March was reeeeeeeeeee-diculous. I had every hand-grenade in the history of hand-grenades thrown at me. I'm not much of a complainer, certainly not on social media. And YESSSS things can always be worse. DEFINITELY. 

My April has started off with a bang (not the hand-grenade type. More of the pretty firework variety) with really great luck, incredible clients, business growth, personal victories, and yes, pretty weather! SO now that things seem to be on the up-swing, I can officially look back at my March and laugh about it....and, of course, share it all with you!

A few weeks ago, we had a plumbing issue at our house and water began to flood several rooms on our first floor. I realized we didn't have any mops! Holy shit! Who doesn't have a MOP!?? Ohhhh, yeah. I almost forgot...I'm the least domestic person in the world and have to pay someone to come clean my house because I suck at it and have no time.  So yeah, no mop for me.  

As my husband was sopping up water with TOWELS (and failing miserably at it), I said "I'm going to Target to get mops and buckets and to see if our neighbors have a wet vac or something!". I flew out of the garage in a panic only to be met by my husband's car. And it wasn't like a "woops, I didn't cut the wheel enough so I scratched the side of your car" kind of was a "SHIT, I totally forgot your car was even parked there and I was in a panic and I slammed into it full force and now you can't even get into your driver's side door" kind of accident.  

So awesome. A flooded house and two wrecked cars.  Who hit's their own car!? This girl. The same girl that doesn't have a mop, apparently. 

Over the next week was a trickle of mini-disasters with the car insurance, the sewer issue that apparently needs to be fixed by the CITY (I'm sure *that* will happen in our lifetime), and major technology fails that left me feeling pretty defeated. 

BUT THEN APRIL CAME and I said "Murphy's Law can kiss my ass". And it was like the universe heard me and delivered me the most amazing first day of April. It was Click Chick Boudoir's BIRTHDAY (and how can you have a bad day on your birthday!? How!?), I had 3 amazing shoots, 2 amazing photo reveals with amazing clients, even a few amazing gifts sent to my studio from clients that made me feel OH SO SPECIAL. A girl likes to feel special, you know!

So my bad luck streak is officially over, I've decided.  Not going to let it get me down.  THIS APRIL IS OFFICIALLY THE BUSIEST MONTH IN THE HISTORY OF CLICK CHICK BOUDOIR.  That's crazy to me, but SO awesome and inspiring.

It means that more women are seeing the value in seeing the value in themselves.  

Whoah. Deep. 

I am so in love with the way the boudoir industry has blossomed, how my list of over-the-moon-happy clients continues to grow, and how my ladies are feeling on TOP OF THE WORLD when the leave my studio.

I must admit when I first got into shooting boudoir that I didn't believe that I was bettering the world with my work!  I'm embarrassed to say that years ago it WAS just about a sexy photo.  The more I heard from my clients about their experience and what it meant for them, the more I started to see how powerful this type of imagery is. And now, I NEVER look at my images and think it's just a pretty picture. I think of each woman's story. I think of how these images have changed her. I think of how they have changed ME. 

This is powerful shit, y'all. 

(Also, I say shit a case you haven't noticed. #favoriteword)

SO ANYWAYS, this is my public decree that I am giving Murphy's Law the middle finger and making my own "luck".  Even when things are going a little shitty, I shall remember that I am pretty freaking "lucky". 


Well-behaved women | Austin Boudoir Studio


"Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


Stand up, speak out, fight for everything you believe is right. Make your stance known. Do not let any man OR woman tell you what you should or should not be doing. You do you. Make mistakes and learn from them. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about them. Be compassionate and love with all of your might.

I'm coming out swinging today.

Curves | Austin Boudoir Studio

I have a love affair with beautiful light and beautiful curves. Marrying the two together makes my heart sing (not just any song...but like...Whitney Houston or something). 

Curve: The loveliest destination between two points.
— Mae West

OLIVIA | Austin Boudoir Studio

I can't really take credit for much of this shoot at all.  This is the second time that I've photographed Olivia, and...honestly....I didn't really have to *do* anything. This girl poses with such grace and ease. No "bad" photos can be taken of her. I mean...really...not even a blink. The GIRL DOESN'T BLINK! 

We got together for a girl's shoot day a few weeks ago and produced some really gorgeous imagery!  Enjoy!

Photographer: Kara Marie of Click Chick Boudoir

Lace Bodysuit: FORTNIGHT  from UNDERWEAR in Austin

Lace Robe: ARI DEIN from UNDERWEAR in Austin

Model: Olivia Jordan

Necklace: Kendra Scott

Hair and makeup: Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

It's about CONFIDENCE. | Austin Boudoir Studio

She was so enthusiastic about her upcoming shoot, yet so, SO nervous. I could feel her anxiety through email.  I got a really spot-on feel for her personality and style through the words that she wrote in her first few messages. Before even laying eyes on her, I knew exactly the approach we would take for this session. 

On the day of the shoot, Miss "W" came in with her tea and her all black everything.  A girl after my own heart. It's no secret that black is my favorite color. I see a red door and I want to paint it black (second favorite song reference!). I'm also a mega bodysuit fan. And a fan of tea and hashtags. And a fan of people who own their style.  We were going to get along swimmingly and I knew that when she said "I'm kind of visualizing all of these being in black and white."

I'm going to keep my own commentary to a minimum because her words are SO important. Read them. Seriously.

Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, + mirror what you admire.

"Seriously. I don't think you EVEN know how much this whole experience means to me. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

"A little over a year ago, I started my own business. It's been an amazing whirlwind experience of #getitgirl ... venturing into the uncomfortable world of self doubt on numerous occasions. Confidence is a little thing that I had always been lacking. There was always someone just a little bit better. There was always someone a littler more creative. 'I've never done this before' ... 'how the hell am I going to get this done?!' ... 'Why did I even say yes?!' ... 'I can't do this.'

So for the past year I've been really focusing on working harder than anyone else I know, pushing myself further creatively than I ever have before, + experiencing every opportunity to the fullest capacity that my little brain [+ heart] could hold.

I'm a true believer in 'fake it 'til you make it'... + 'make it work.'  I say yes, + then figure it out afterwards.  Mirror what you admire, right?

But. Let me tell you, girl. I DREADED saying yes to my photoshoot. Dreaded. Ugh.

However I knew that it would completely blow my husband away.  Something that he would NEVER imagine I would do. So I HAD to do it."


"So, tonight I gave him a car & driver magazine, with one of the images tucked inside.... at the dinner table. I told him that his birthday present was inside.

It was SO fun to completely catch him off guard while he was just nonchalantly flipping through the pages. He was totally confused, + didn't even realize that it was me he was looking at. His reaction was PRICELESS. The first words out of his mouth?? "Wow babe, I'm really proud of you."

Not "this is hot!" or "you're so sexy"... but ...  "I'm proud of you."

Of course, i started crying.

But it was EXACTLY the whole point of this entire thing.   CONFIDENCE."


"Not to just have some photos to flip through when he feels like it. But to show him that I'm not just some "mom" who is overworked, exhausted, and usually highly caffeinated.  To show him that I'm willing to push myself of out my comfort zone.  To show him that I DO feel sexy, that I can still rock it, and that I'm not afraid to do something not just for him...but for myself. #confidenceiseverything

We had this whole long conversation about my "journey" to do this... [like seriously!? when does a husband ever said "tell me about your journey...."] so it was so so great for us to talk through everything I felt + experienced through the whole thing. SUCH GREAT MEMORIES."

"I'm sure that you hear all the time how transforming your photoshoots are... but seriously.  It's so much MORE than just feeling sexy. It's the confidence of GET IT GIRL, of not backing out, of HOLY SHIT I DID THAT.

So THANK YOU, Kara. thank you TREMENDOUSLY. You have totally changed my life.

I canNOT wait to do it all over again, soon!"


I am so grateful to have been able to meet, photograph, and share this journey with this woman/mom/business owner. Yet another example of why I do what I do with such passion. 

Can you identify with her? I sure as shit can!  


LOLA | Austin Boudoir Studio

Welp. I tried to think of all the things I could say about this session and this amazing woman...but I kept coming up speechless.  Truth is, as soon as I set my eyes on this girl, I KNEW that I had to photograph her. That's probably why she's a professional model + actress.  Her look is absolutely mesmerizing. 

Ari Dean robe from Underwear of Austin.

Ari Dean robe from Underwear of Austin.

What's more than that, though (I know what you're thinking...can there be MORE!?), is her glowing personality!  It was truly a pleasure to have this stunner in front of my camera! 

And that was just one outfit, guys. Her first look of the shoot!  

I STILL haven't even been through every image in the session because I keep getting ahead of myself and start processing images that are catching my eye (which is, like, all of them! Eep!)

Yes, Lola is a legit pro. But I never stopped viewing her as a CLIENT. Not as a model. Apparently that paid off, because Lola texted me after I sent her a few sneak peeks saying that she doesn't have ANY photos like the sneak peeks, and that they were truly "HER" and not "her playing model". I cannot tell you how fast my heart exploded after hearing that! My ultimate goal it to make everyone feel beautiful AND like THEMSELVES...just a little sexier! ;)   THANK YOU THANK YOU to Lola for gracing my studio with her presence this weekend. Cheers to many more!

I certainly cannot take sole credit for this awesome shoot! We had an AMAZING team of fabulousness!

Model: Lola Laymon

Hair + Makeup: Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

Wardrobe: Ari Dein Robe from UNDERWEAR

Photography: ME! Duh. ;)  Click Chick Boudoir

The Darling Detail and the Darling behind it | Austin Beauty Photographer

Get ready for adorable chic overload! This darling is OOZING with put-togetherness. Seriously! Jessi Ashfin of The Darling Detail is an incredible fashion writer and style blogger located here in Austin. She's got a massive Instagram following for a reason...she's seriously darling. You can't scroll past one of her images without giving it the ol' double tap!

Floral arrangements by Margot Blair Floral. Subject and wardrobe styling: Jessi Ashfin of The Darling Detail.

Floral arrangements by Margot Blair Floral. Subject and wardrobe styling: Jessi Ashfin of The Darling Detail.

I was elated when Carly of Margot Blair Floral set up a shoot with me for Jessi and some incredible floral arrangements. Both of these ladies are insanely good at what they do and we had SUCH a fun shoot! 

Here's just a quick peek at what we came up with together...but PLEASE head on over to The Darling Detail for all of the awesomeness!


Major props goes to the amazing Carly of Margot Blair floral who whipped together these flower arrangements and orchestrated this shoot. Be sure to follow her on Instagram (@margotblair - you won't regret it!) and check out her Website.

And, of course to Jessi Ashfin of The Darling Detail for bringing her supermodel A-game to the session. Y'all...I actually felt guilty because I wasn't working harder! She made it such a breeze. Hit up her Instagram account ( @thedarlingdetail ) and her blog HERE.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go re-evaluate my wardrobe STAT!

You'd think she was a super model... | Austin Boudoir Studio

This girl was sent to me by another photographer whose boudoir images I shot last year. I was told that this girl was simply gorgeous and that we would create some amazing images together. Gorgeous was an understatement. As you will see....

...told ya. 

Miss B TOTALLY nailed her shoot. She brought some pretty fantastic lingerie (that I'm fairly certain was designed specifically for HER...because...put that get-up on me...and...eeeeek!) and a supermodel's composure. 

I had such a wonderful time shooting! Not only is Kara so sweet and fun, she made me feel extremely comfortable in front of the camera!!
— Miss B

For her final wardrobe selection, Miss B. brought some super cute socks and a Beavis and Butthead t-shirt!  She took her man's favorite goofball animated show and now has turned it into something adorable and sexy! I love the idea of changing it up a little from lingerie--even if it's just for one quick look at the end of the session!  It's personal and will really show your someone special that you put thought into their gift!! 

I effing love it. All of it!  

Thank you thank you to Miss B. for a crazy amazing session and allowing me to share her images from her Austin Boudoir shoot with y'all...and thank you thank you to the photographer who played client matchmaker! 

Shot on: Nikon D750, natural light, 50mm f/1.4 Sigma Art Lens + 85mm f/1.8 lens. 

Lingerie from Victoria's Secret. Hair styled by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty

Are you ready for your turn!? Let's chat, dahhling!

Miss L and her Badass Curves | Austin Boudoir Studio

I may have squealed loud enough for my neighbors to hear when I got word that Miss L was allowing me to share her words and photos with y'all. Her shoot was seriously incredible.  And...y'all....I would kill for her curves! Seriously. Hair, lips, boobs, waist, legs, booty...the whole damn package. 

She's been following my work on Instagram for a few years now, and it was so fun to bring her in, doll her up, and let her shine in front of my lens. I could have photographed her all day. 

Here's what Miss "L" had to say!:

"It's hard to be a woman sometimes. Heck, it's hard to be a human these days! I'm finally in a place of my life where I'm able to fully embrace my career, my womanhood, my romance, and more - woohoo!

It took a long time to realize life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful and I knew I wanted to capture this time with something special... something sassy... something sexy! I've followed Kara's work for a few years and just love her vision. Every image tells a little story and I knew I had to work with her someday. As soon as I gained the courage to sign up for a boudoir photo session, it was a fantastic experience through the entire process!

Kara captured my look and mood in every photo. She gives great direction and her compliments help you relax. I would definitely do it again and recommend her to EVERY girl I know. No matter your body type or age, she'll make you feel like a beautiful woman. Thanks, Kara - keep rockin' it!!!"

Is she not just a blonde goddess!? Ahh! Love these images. Ok, carry on.

Thank you to Miss L for sharing her gorgeousness with us! And also, as always, to my lovely makeup artist Kendall!