Moody Muse | Austin Boudoir Photographer

This shoot holds a special place in my heart and I'm really excited to finally share it with you! 

Miss A, here is a photographer who lives across the country and she flew in to Austin for a little weekend away with her hubs, and to have her own boudoir experience with me!  She said she liked dark and moody, which was PERFECT because it just so happened to be a gloomy day in Austin (totally rare!).

We channelled that energy into our shoot and had a fabulous time. 

I know that when people come to a boudoir blog, their inclination is to scroll past all the text to get to the pictures. I'm a visual person, I get it.  BUT, each woman's story is SO important. The WHY is SO important. You need to know that these aren't just "I woke up like this" women who have nothing better to do than to look pretty and do photo shoots. These are women who bust their asses at life. They have their own insecurities just like you. They wear many hats and don't take enough time for themselves. 

So please take a moment to read Miss A's powerful words!!

"Buxom Shanghai.
That's my color.

I learned this incredibly helpful tidbit as I sat perched atop a barstool at Kara's photography studio in Austin, Texas just five minutes before baring it all for my very own boudoir photo shoot.

I needed Kara's eyes. I have incredibly jacked up self image and can be so very hard on myself. I don't practice what I preach to my own photography clients nearly enough. Don't be like me. It's silly.

Kara's make up artist, Kendall, had no hesitations while doing my make up and I had already vowed to trust her and Kara completely. So when she chose Buxom Shanghai for my lips... She knew what she was doing.

For Kara, she uses her passion for portraits, her strong intuition and completely on point male-like perspective to allow women to shine like the crazy diamonds they are."


"It might seem like playing dress up. It might look completely vain.
But these women make space for change and growth and acceptance. And it's downright kickass.

People like us might seem out of touch. Like we don't have real jobs because what we do is so incredibly fun. But make no mistake- the purpose is important, the work can be tedious and the results are undeniable. Passionate people always find a way to inspire others. It's why we exist.

For me, doing a boudoir session is a simple visual reminder to put down the self-doubt and stop playing small. The world doesn't benefit from my petty insecurities.

So, for those dreaming of a boudoir photoshoot ... Put down the boxing gloves and quit beating yourself up about the 10 lbs or the stretch marks or the "but I'm not....." fill in the blanks.

Ask yourself this - what's the worst thing that can happen? And what is the best? If a boost of lasting confidence sounds good to you - then book it right now.

Do not get me wrong - my husband is head over heels for these images; he adores them and me and that's wonderful. But as my Kara's blog headline says - "It's not about seducing men - it's about embracing womanhood" and that, my sisters is something worth celebrating."

THANK YOU, Miss A for trusting me with your boudoir experience, for allowing me to share your photos, and more importantly, for allowing me to share your words. 

If you're ready to celebrate yourself, let's chat, darling! 

Valentine's Vixen Mini Shoots | Austin Valentine's Boudoir

It's THAT time of year again....ALREADY!  Last year's Valentine's mini session marathon was SUCH a huge success and I've gotten tons of requests to do it again this year! SO I've blocked out TWO WHOLE DAYS exclusively for my Valentine's Vixen Shoots!  

You'll come in to the studio, get your makeup done by the fabulous Kendall of Mayhem Beauty, sip some champagne, indulge in a little chocolate (yes--you can totally wait until AFTER your shoot!), and then have an action-packed 30 minute mini session with me to get your special someone an awesome Valentine's gift!

The package includes 5 of our signature 4x6 fine-art prints of your choice, and you will be able to order more products if you'd like after you see your finished images!

I have a VERY limited number of these mini shoot time slots available, so if you want one, snag your time slot right away!  

Cheers, dahhling! 


The Anti-Resolution New Year's Post | Austin Boudoir Studio

The New Year's posts are flooding your newsfeed today, aren't they? If I read one more unattainable resolution fluffed with optimism and rainbows I'm going to puke up all the pizza, whisky, BBQ, chocolate, and tacos that I've consumed over the last 3 weeks.

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I didn’t become a better person.
— Some meme.

I'm all about self-improvement...but I do think it's something that should be happening all year rather than just the first two weeks of January. So to spare you from my long boring list of things I'd like to improve about myself and my business (it's a LONNNGGG list, y'all!), I will tell you that, as always, I am working on making things bigger and better this year. Ironically, this will be done by simplifying and doing LESS. 

2014 was VERY good to me. I am one blessed chick. I busted my hump and reaped the benefits. New business model, new studio, a re-discovered passion for what I do, and a lot of new relationships personally and professionally that have brightened my year. 

But I can say with 100% certainty that 2015 is going to kick 2014's ass. 

Photos copyright Go West Photography 2014.

Photos copyright Go West Photography 2014.

Go get 'em....all year long.


Kara Marie




Redheaded Vixen | Austin Boudoir Studio

Being that the Little Mermaid is in my top 5 favorite movies of all time, this shoot and this woman blew me away!! When she came in to the studio several months back to chat about her shoot, I was instantly PSYCHED about this session listening to her tell me about all of the wardrobe she bought for the shoot, about how she meant this as a kick-ass wedding present for her husband to be, and about how excited she was.  

She had wicked-long mermaid hair...and on top of that, she truly looked like Ariel once Kendall was done enhancing her natural beauty with her makeup skills. We had SO much fun! Needless to say, I was pretty stoked that she wasn't able to hold out until the wedding day to surprise her fiance--that meant I could share the images even sooner!! 


Here is what Miss "K" had to say about her experience:: 

"I truly have to say this is an experience like no other. I had no clue I had it in me to even book a boudoir photo shoot, much less actually follow thru and then realize I had THAT kind of sex appeal.

This was originally for my fiancé, but truth be told, it was for me as well. I just turned 30, I have lost 60 pounds, plus having 2 kids.... I wanted to prove to myself I could do this!

From the very beginning Kara made me comfortable working with her. During the shoot I had never felt more excitement, butterflies and just a sense of huge confidence! Kara definitely knows how to make you put the "ass" in sass... Or maybe that's just because I told her my man was a booty guy and she knew exactly what to do to get all the right angles.

The first time I went and viewed my proofs.. I literally had tears in my eyes... The day I actually picked up my book and canvas I squealed and jumped! Why had I never seen myself like this? It wasn't just the gorgeous makeup, the awesome hair or the barely there lingerie... It was the complete package and how I truly came out of my shell. I felt beautiful... Even with the imperfections I think I possess.. I saw past that and I saw a sexy woman!

I can't thank you enough, Kara and your ability to make women feel amazing... And neither can my fiancé.. I couldn't even wait for the wedding - he got them early! Now I need to step up my wedding gift game, because I am not sure what could beat this!! XO"

Not only did Miss K ROCK OUT her insane boudoir session, but her enthusiasm through the whole process made me all-the-more excited to create these images for her. When she came in for her boudoir photo reveal a couple weeks after her shoot, she was shaking and nervous....but she squealed with disbelief as I flipped through the images. And THEN when she came in to pick up her GIANT album (seriously guys, we made her the most amazing album ever!) , her 2 canvas prints, and her large metallic fine art print, she SCREAMED when she walked in the door!  CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE VIDEO of that!! ;) 


Thank you to this red-headed vixen for choosing me for her boudoir experience, AND for letting me share these stunners with you! MISTER "K" certainly is a lucky man!!


Ready to rock out your own boudoir experience?? Let's chat, dahhling!

Pretty Mamma Beauty Shoot | Austin Beauty Photographer

I shall preface this post by saying that this woman makes pregnancy look all adorable and stuff. Try not to harbor any bad feelings towards her for this. It's not her fault she's so damn cute, even at 7 months pregnant!! ;) 

But seriously though...look!!!   I LOVED this maternity session, Miss KK was such a pleasure to photograph! 


Every time I go in to HEAT Bootcamp for my training sessions, this girl is there, lunging away- bump and all! I wish I possessed HALF of her energy...and I'm not even pregnant! 

Thank you to Miss Keri for allowing me to share her gorgeous photos will all of you lovelies!

A Bridal Beauty | Austin Beauty Photographer

I've been sitting on these images for one month too long, y'all!  In preparation for her wedding (that was this weekend), Miriam got all dolled up in her wedding day attire for a bridal shoot with me at the Driskill Hotel.  

THAT DRESS coupled with THAT GIRL and THAT VENUE made for an exquisite set of photos!! 


Am I right!?

Congratulations to Miriam and Matt on their newlyweddedness!!! xoxo


Mommy Daughter Pajama Party | Austin Beauty Photographer

This season has been flooded with Mommy/Daughter beauty shoot bookings which makes me so so so happy. The only thing that could possibly make me happier is if someone did a pajama party mommy daughter shoot.  Thanks to Yanci, I am the HAPPIEST.   This gorgeous mother/daughter duo is no stranger to my camera...I've lost count of the number of times they've booked me (which ALSO makes me so so so happy! Love my loyal ladies!!!)...but this may have been the most fun session we've had!

Yanci knew that I've been crushing hard on black and whites lately, and she requested that we do a full shoot without a stitch of color. Be still my heart. 

And Rush.  OHHHHHH my darling, Rush. This girl was built to be in front of a you'll see... ;) 

Are they not the cutest of cute!?   I wish I possessed one tenth of the girly nature that little Rush does! I'm telling you, y'all...I didn't have to coerce her to do anything. She knew exactly what to do with that makeup!  She knew what she was and was not allowed to use, she knew to cap everything before putting it back in the bag, she knew to blot her lips after lipgloss.  She's TWO, y'all.  I want one. 


Black and White and White and Black | Austin Boudoir

Anyone who follows me on social media...particularly Instagram...knows that I've become really obsessed with studying and producing black and white photographs. One of my repeat clients knew that and told me that she wanted a black and white boudoir shoot....which was massively exciting!!  She did this boudoir shoot all for herself, though obviously we're all benefitting for her decision to do so! Check it out!

Isn't that hair-flip!? We did lots and lots of takes of that...and trust me people, it's not an easy shot to pull off. But with our perseverance, mission accomplished!! 

A BIG thank you to this bombshell for not only trusting me to do my thang, but also for letting me share her images with you!!! She's the whole package!  And later this week, you'll see some shots from her shoot with her daughter (yes- that body gave birth to a child. Crazy right!?) immediately following this one. Holy. amazing.

You know you've been thinking about doing it.  It's time.  Let's chat about your boudoir experience!

Miss "B" | Austin Boudoir Studio

Do you remember the movie "Sleepless in Seattle"? Do you remember a freaking adorable, young, bubbly Meg Ryan in that movie?   Ok, so this client reminded me SO much of young Meg Ryan....SO MUCH.  Which actually kind of made me love her even more if that was possible. Check out this stunning set of images that this beauty gifted to her lucky husband earlier this month!

Stunning, yes???  Yes.

This is what this doll had to say: "Everything was just awesome. The studio was amazing and I felt totally comfortable the whole shoot! I have to give all the credit to Kara. She gave direction really well and had a great sense of humor which put me at ease. I would absolutely recommend this experience to anyone!"

Your turn!! 

If you're ready to step in front of my lens, (I PROMISE, you'll do great!), let's chat!