Meet Elyse | Austin Boss Chicks Portrait Project | Austin Boudoir Studio

Remember back in the day when I used to photograph weddings? It seems like a lifetime ago, buttttt it really wasn't.  Elyse used to be a venue coordinator for a popular local wedding venue and finally decided to take her life into her own hands. I always LOVE when amazing women leave their positions working for someone else to be their own boss. 

This wonder woman has an awesome sense of humor, a really amazing sense of style, and knows how to take care of clients like a boss. I'm super excited for her new venture into bossdom with her event design and furniture rental company. 

Meet Elyse:

Q: Your name: 

A: Elyse Shumsky-Alcorn

Q: What do you do? What’s your business? 

A: I am Owner and Creative Director (marketer, social media expert, furniture mover, cleaning lady, etc.) of Bellwether Design. We are a modern furniture Rental Company and also specialize in Event Design for weddings, corporate parties, and intimate gatherings.

Q: Business website: 

A: Our site should be finished in just a few weeks (warning: make sure to gain endless patience before having a website built)

Q: Business Facebook page: 


Q: Why is being in charge of your own success so important to you?

A: I was tired of someone else having the ultimate authority over my decision-making, business acumen, and career path. Through all the actions and risks that come along with starting a business, I was able to trust myself and feel a newfound sense of freedom. Owning a business allows me to have the lifestyle and flexibility I want.

Q: Have you ever experienced gender discrimination? How has that affected you?

A: I’ve actually had the opposite. I’ve worked for a few female bosses that created obstacles rather than an environment of empowerment. Their actions could have been driven by a fear of being replaced by someone younger, new ideas or simply change. In any case, it ended up becoming an internal competition rather than a collaborative workplace. I now try my best to create an empathetic, cohort-based environment where I learn as much as I teach.

Q: What advice would you give to those women looking to take charge of their own success?

A: Take risks – your choices, your actions, and your sense of self will create the foundation of your success. Do whatever it takes to turn off the inner chatterbox, the little critic that is telling you “no” or “ what if”. Self-development is so important, whether that means contacting a professional, reading self help books or joining “Meetup” groups. Do whatever motivates you to fight through the fear and replace it with confidence. This should help you focus on opportunities not obstacles. If things don’t go as planned (expectations are a bitch!) remember there is always something to learn from any experience.

Q: Where do you want to be in 5 years? 

A: On a beach with my family while someone runs my business. I’d actually love to own my own event venue in the next few years. In my mind I’ve designed it down  to the window furnishings!


In case you missed in, in the month of August I will be featuring portraits and stories of local Austin boss chicks!! I've got a whole slew to share with you (so I hope I stay up on my blogging game for the rest of the month because I'm a little backlogged! Eek!)

Thank you Elyse for participating! 

Tantalizing and Tattooed | Miss V | Austin Boudoir Studio

If I wasn't so damn indecisive and impulsive, I would be covered with the coolest of cool tattoos. See, my problem is that I change my mind really frequently. If I had gotten all of the tattoos that I thought were a great idea at one time, I would have a ring of multicolored dancing elephants around my ankle, Aerosmith Lyrics across my shoulders, and the Lucky Charms leprechaun on my back holding a sign that said "Magically Delicious" (I mean....REALLY, 18-year-old-self?! REALLY!?). 

I freaking love tattoos so much and am not-so-secretly brainstorming about a sleeve that I will likely not get because as soon as I make the appointment I'll think of a better idea, and this will go on and on until I die sleeveless. 

But I digress. THIS badass bombshell is absolutely covered in tattoos and I was SO excited because for some very sad reason, I don't get to photograph heavily inked women a whole lot. She just barely snagged one of my time slots at a boudoir marathon I did in my hometown, and I'm freaking elated that she did. 

Miss V was just amazing. And her playlist.....I'm actually going to share it with you at the end here. Because if you want to feel like a sexy, empowered boudoir vixen, just strut around in lingerie to this playlist. 

I'll shut up about tattoos and music now, view on, my viewers. View. On. 

"When I first found Kara’s work, (back then it was still Click Chick Photography!) I was enthralled by the energy and romance that pervaded her photos. I scrolled through endless galleries of engagements, families, weddings, and then, one day, I discovered her BOUDOIR galleries."

"I was floored. These women were BREATHTAKING. They all exuded such confidence, such seductive and powerful femininity. I clicked through picture after picture, just imagining what it must be like to be that brave, that strong. I decided then, years ago, that someday, I wanted to BE one of those women." 

"I have never enjoyed having my picture taken, because, frankly, I hate the way I look in most photos. I never knew much about doing my hair and makeup (shoutout to all of my girls who have helped me with that over the years!), and I just never felt as comfortable and confident in my own skin as I wanted." 

"Flash forward several years, and I have found my powerful, inner (and outer) woman. I can look back over the years and see how each decision I have made has shaped my personality and my generally “rose-tinted” outlook that I have on life. Every setback, every negative life event, every heartbreaking loss in my life gave me a choice: I could either dissolve into a sobbing mess (which, believe me, sometimes I still do!) and make excuses as to why I should feel sorry for myself, OR, I could put on my big girl panties, roll up my sleeves, and take back my own happiness. Every day I wake up with the full intention of kicking ass and taking names, and I refuse to let anyone tell me that I can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t; because I am a woman, and that makes me powerful."

"Okay, taking a step off of my soapbox for a minute… Flash forward to the moment I walked into my shoot with Kara: it was like reuniting with a long lost friend. She was so energetic and bubbly that my enthusiasm was immediately boosted to another level. The shoot was a blur, and after a few snaps, I could feel myself start to relax and really get into what I was doing." 

I wanted the powerful, sexy, feminine woman that I felt like on the inside, to be shown on the outside and in my photos.

Favorite alert! Favorite alert!

When I received the link to my online gallery, I was speechless. This couldn’t be ME. No way. And yet, there I was, sultry, self-assured, and shining.

"I’m obsessed with my pictures, and I can’t thank Kara enough for helping me capture my inner feelings on film. 

EVERY woman reading this right now NEEDS to have a shoot like this. It’s life-changing. It’s empowering…and fun… and just so many amazing things! Don’t worry about a thing, just let Kara work her magic and your inner goddess will come out in her photos!"

"This is what I wish for all women: Take risks, always strive for growth, and don’t EVER let anyone dim your shine. Be your own strength, your own best friend, and your own biggest fan."

"My current favorite mantra" :
“The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.” –Mohadesa Najumi


"Thanks for everything, Kara! You’ll be hearing from me again in the future ;) "


Miss V

Lola Lola Lola | Austin Boudoir Studio

There are certain people in this world whose energy and enthusiasm precedes them into a room. They are glowing from the inside out. Being around them makes you happy. This is Miss Lola for me. I've shot her several times now, and she was even featured in my new boudoir promo video

We had a "play" shoot this month with no real planning or direction at first. We ended up going for a really natural, laid back but simply beautiful look. And I love these images. 

This image right here. I freaking love it!  Donuts have a special place in my gut...errr...heart and they are something I don't really get to indulge in all that often. This particular Monday morning I was really feeling the need for some freaking in addition to my usual shoot spread of veggies and hummus, I incorporated some pastries. And Lola enjoyed them too. 

Thank you miss Lola, as always, for a fun and effortless shoot!

Meet Livvy | Austin Boss Chicks Portrait Project | Austin Boudoir Photographer

I first met Livvy shortly after I moved to Austin. She was the model for our Austin Fashion Week Mash-Up team for which I was the photographer. This girl exuded such natural beauty and so much character through a simple gaze. 

Fast forward several years and she is now a 20 year old badass musician with more direction in her "young" age than many people achieve in their whole lives. 

I told her about how I started my first business at the age of 18 and of all the obstacles I've faced being a "young", female business owner.  Bottom line, neither age NOR gender have anything to do with whether or not a person will be successful. I know plenty of 60 year old males who haven't accomplished a thing. ;)


Meet Livvy.

Q: What do you do? What’s your business?

A: I’m a musician and I study Music Business at UT. A few months ago I started a new group, The Wipe-Out Gang in which I sing and play guitar. I write all our songs in my very small room north of campus. Then I bring it to practice and play it to the guys who then write their parts to it. I also record and master along side my drummer and boyfriend in our hodge-podge home studio.

Q: Where can people find your work?



Livvy Bennett | Austin TX Musician.

Livvy Bennett | Austin TX Musician.

Austin Boss Chicks Portrait Project

Austin Boss Chicks Portrait Project

Q: Why is being in charge of your own success so important to you?

A: I really enjoy the aspect of freedom that comes with making music. Its such limitless field and theres so many facets I’ve yet to explore. There’s nobody standing over me managing what I do, at least at this point in my life, which is something I really like. Any positive feedback is extremely rewarding because what we produce is entirely from our own hands. With all this great freedom comes spider-man like responsibilities which can be pretty intimidating but its really worth it.


Q: Have you ever experienced gender discrimination? How has that affected you?

A: A couple times after we’ve played people have said I’m “a great chick guitarist,” which is interesting because nobody’s ever told our bassist, “you’re such a talented dude bassist”, that just sounds hilarious.


Q: What advice would you give to those women looking to take charge of their own success?

A: I really do think its important for us to completely commit ourselves to what makes us happy because all of us are going to die one day and we only have this short time to immerse ourselves in those things, right?! I found out when I was really young that for me, playing music with and for the people I love is what makes me happiest.

Q: Where do you want to be in 5 years?

A: I’d love for more people to listen to and enjoy my music. Learning about music business at UT will undoubtedly benefit me, so hopefully I’ll be in a studio or office somewhere working with music in that way as well. I’m 20 years old so hell if I know, but I couldn’t be happier with the way things are today.

Come see The Wipe-Out Gang play August 12 at Trailer Space Records!


I LOVE portrait projects and I do them often. One of my favorite things about being an Austin boudoir photographer is that I get to meet SO many women from different walks of life. Something I find in common with all of them is that they are total badasses at what they do! Austin is FULL of independent women and it makes my heart sing. I've dedicated the entire month of August to capturing as many Austin Boss Chicks as possible and sharing their stories (and their portrait) with y'all. I want to create a sense of community amidst badass local ladies and introduce them and their line of work to as many people as possible. 

If you are an Austin female business owner and want to be a part of this project, fill out the contact form below! I've had an OVERWHELMING response already but am trying to get some variety (apparently I have 30,000 photographer contacts.) in industries! I'd love to hear from you ladies!

The Kara Marie Boudoir Experience | Austin Boudoir Studio

I was long overdue for an official promo video and had been casually chatting back and forth about it with long time "Insta friends" Eugene + Heather Brown who are filmmakers in Nashville. When they said they were going to be in Texas in June, I knew I had to make something happen to get them to Austin and help me show the world exactly what it is that I do at my little Austin Boudoir studio. 

I came to them with all kinds of really typical promo video ideas but let them know that I trusted their creative vision completely. I knew it was important for everyone to see that my message is all about embracing womanhood through beautiful and powerful imagery, not about meaningless scantily clad snapshots. 

They enthusiastically pitched me their ideas (which I loved), and I suggested possibly throwing in a bit of the photo reveal process, which, to me, is just as important (if not more so) as the photo shoot itself. The final result is going to be hard to beat when it's time for a new video. I couldn't be more thrilled. 

Check it out!

A freaking gigantic thank you to my lovely client Krystal for allowing us to film her photo reveal (and for pushing it back a few days to accommodate our filming schedule)! Your enthusiasm and your awesomeness was the icing on the cake that was this mini film. 

Thank you to the absolutely STUNNING and SWEET Miss Lola who absolutely rocked the behind-the-scenes photo shoot filming and brought such awesome energy to the set. 

Thank you to my awesome hair and makeup artist, Kendall of Mayhem Beauty who is always behind the scenes yet her work is SO important to the finished product. 

Thank you to my family for being such good sports when the cameras invaded our house before dawn. 

Thank you to my studio manager, Kinsey, for keeping the crew all fed, happy, and helping to ensure things ran seamlessly. 

And obviously, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Eugene + Heather for creating this work of promo video art for me and helping to share the message. I couldn't have dreamt up a better film (truly. Not possible.).

We've grown up | Kara Marie Boudoir | Austin Boudoir Photographer

Over 8 years ago, I was sitting at my desk at my last "real" job. I had just learned how to use my first "real" camera and take "real" photos (or so I thought). I was shamelessly daydreaming while on the clock about my photography business that I decided I wanted to start approximately 3 days prior. You know...because I had to really take my time to make sure that was what I wanted to do. 

I brainstormed and scribbled down about 50 different potential business names on company post-its. The last thing that my pen scribbled that day was "Click Chick". YES. That was it! I ran the name past my husband, who approved, and then marched down to the County Clerk's office to file my DBA the very next day. Shortly after I left that "real" job and never looked back. 

You see, I do just about everything impulsively. 

I created my new website, a Facebook page, ordered business cards, and filled my calendar with photo shoots. I didn't wait until I was ready to be in business, I was for business. 

The "Click Chick" name matched my brand at that time. Fun, quirky, and dare I say...amateur. 

Over the years I've grown to feel more and more conflicted about carrying that name for my business. It started to drift further and further away from the image that I felt my brand otherwise emitted.  It felt immature, insecure, and novice. I thought about changing it countless times, but was concerned that it was too far into the game to do so. 

Then I finally realized, given my *hopeful* business lifespan, 8 years is just a blip on the radar. This was one of the first decisions that I WASN'T impulsive about. But now, we're ready.

This brand has grown SO tremendously since it was born and I am so completely proud of it. We are ready to grow up and have a "big girl" name. 



Going forward, we will now be "Kara Marie Boudoir". Phew!!! You have NO idea how freaked out I've been about this change, mostly just thinking about all of the paperwork, every account I'd have to change, all the website pages I'd have to update, not to mention all of the branded marketing materials.  ALAS, it's done!

Thank you all SO much for your support along the way, for reading my blogs, for booking your shoots with me and for sending me your referrals. It is because of ALL OF YOU that this brand and business has grown into all it is.   

Please stay tuned for the reveal of the most awesome promo video I could ever possibly dream up! 


Winner Winner, (insert food of choice) dinner | Austin Boudoir studio

Following me on Instagram has it's perks, y'all!  A while back, I did a mega huge giveaway with a slew of prizes from local Austin businesses. That giveaway included a boudoir experience with me.....the WORKS, actually! Miss "M" here was given over $2,500 worth of goods and services and her shoot couldn't have gone more spectacular! 

She was a ball of positivity and enthusiasm and it was an absolute honor to get to photograph her!

I had the most amazing experience with Kara...she made me feel so beautiful, so sexy, and so confident, things that I have struggled with. It was so much FUN!

I felt so honored to have gotten to experience this and see how special it is and think all woman should do it to celebrate their bodies.

Kara made the experience unforgettable, she was so accepting, non judgmental, open and encouraging. I couldn’t believe that she gifted this experience to me! And with that which just goes to show how genuine she is, she didn’t treat me any different than a paying client.

It is an experience I will never forget (and always remember with my sexy photos!) and hope to do soon and often!

THANK YOU KARA! Thank you for your generosity and thank you for making me feel so special and so confident in my own beautiful body! You have a true talent and gift and I am so happy you are using it to touch and impact people’s lives.
— Miss "M"

Isn't she just amazing? I'm so super in love with these photos and this lovely lady. 

Thank YOU, Miss "M"!

PSSSSSTTTT: And if you're not following me on Instagram, go do it now! You never know when there's going to be another giveaway....but more importantly, I'm way cooler on Instagram than I am on any other social media platform (and in real life). ;)

Hair and makeup by Kendall of Mayhem Beauty.


The Fiercest of Fierce | Austin Boudoir Studio

More often than not, I feel as though the women who walk through the doors of my studio are my client soulmates. They "get" the purpose of this boudoir shoot. They GET why I do this, and they want to be a part of it.  This woman fit that description. She wanted to feel empowered, she needed to add a kick-ass chapter to her life. She wanted to be fierce and amazing. 

As she sat in the makeup chair and requested super heavy rockstar eye makeup while I worked through her statement lingerie, I was LOVING that she had a strong vision of what she wanted to see herself as. It was obvious to me that she was envisioning wall art that would remind her of how amazing she was, envisioning a coffee table book to show off to everyone who set foot in her house, a set of images that would say "Hey everyone! Come and see how good I look!" *Anchorman Reference*

Mission freaking accomplished.

Thank you Kara for such an amazing, empowering, kick ass experience! You did exactly what I was hoping for. Feeling empowered as a woman is sometimes difficult in this non-stop world. You helped bring back the strong, sexy, empowered woman that I had somehow, sort of, forgotten was there.

We all have a fire inside us. Sometimes life can suppress the flames and it seems like it has gone out. But NOOOO, as long as there is breath in us it is there. Sometimes the fire just needs a little stoking. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! You rock!

*Commence slow clap*

I am so proud of Miss B for bringing her A game (and those AMAZING outfits! HELLLLOOOO!) and trusting me to create some badassness for her. I have no doubt she will look back on these images any time she needs her fire "rekindled" and for the rest of her life! 

Daily Dose of Female Empowerment | Austin Boudoir Studio

It's no secret that I'm a "quote girl". This one made me do a slow clap. Pair it with this absolutely badass image of a badass woman and I think I've just made harmonious image/quote magic.

Spoil me with loyalty. I can finance myself.


You don't have to be your own boss, necessarily. Well, you sort of do...just not in the literal sense. What I'm saying is....DON'T RELY ON ANYONE ELSE to get what you want. GO GET IT. 

The anonymous Miss "A" | Austin Boudoir Studio

A friend of a recent client, Miss "A" used her friend's amazing experience (and a peek at her images) as her gentle nudge into booking her boudoir session with me. She had never really heard that boudoir was a "thing", but it intrigued her and she knew it would make a killer anniversary gift for her husband. 

She came to me rather nervous and not knowing if she had what it took to be a sex pot in front of the camera. If you follow my blog at all, you know that I preach that EVERYONE has what it takes. It's up to the photographer to bring it out of them. 

I can’t think of anything that I would change! As my first experience with a boudoir shoot I can say everything was perfect.

The whole experience was so relaxed. From the make-up and hair time to the end of the shoot. Kara and her team are so easy to be around with and they truly make you feel as if you are one of their friends just hanging out at the studio.
— Miss "A"

If you're reading this, you probably DO know that boudoir is a "thing"...but what I hope you know by viewing my work specifically, is that it's meant to be a celebration of YOU. It ABSOLUTELY makes the best gift (like...ever.), but don't forget how much of a boost this gives. 

"It's not about seducing men. It's about embracing womanhood."

Are you ready to celebrate yourself? I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's long overdue. Let's chat, dahhling!